a spy in the palace
Don't always accuse the new friend of trying to replace you. He gives her a tour of the Palace before showing her to her room. After fitting Migs with a Sky Painter, they take off for the Festival. Elena explains that the Golden Jaquin is one of the oldest statues in the Royal Treasury that Elena wants it brought out for the Festival. Naomi decides to hang the Welcome Banner on the pier, hand out Jaquin masks on the docks, and hand out Anoki Berry Aqua Frescas on the boardwalk. Elena isn't mad because they are friends, but Naomi knows she wasn’t acting like one as she was jealous because she thought Rita was replacing her as Festival Planner and as Elena’s best friend. At the Festival, Elena forgot about the Golden Jaquin statue, so Carla offers to get it from the Royal Treasury, in order to get the tiara. If you don't want to let someone you love down, be there and do your best for them. Elena declares the Golden Jaquin will be placed at the port as Naomi wanted. As part of Carla’s first plan at taking over Naomi’s duties, she changes her outfit to match Naomi’s and she rips the Welcome Banner she made. This makes Carla decide to supplant Naomi as the Festival Planner, that way she’ll have a chance of getting to the tiara. The crowd includes King Verago, Chief Zephyr, and Cruz, the future Chief of Avalor's Jaquin Clan. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Carla introduces herself as Rita Perez, saying she is his grandfather's sister's husband's uncle's wife's son's daughter. Elena tells her they still have to find a place for the Golden Jaquin statue, which Naomi has never heard … Princess Elena has put Naomi in charge of getting the Festival ready, who takes to the job with great enthusiasm. Skylar is glad she is gone for good, though unaware that she is still out there. Elena isn't mad because they are friends, but Naomi knows she wasn’t acting like one as she was jealous because she thought Rita was replacing her as Festival Planner and as Elena’s best friend. Elena has Rico accompany her, which Rita secretly doesn’t want. Elena accepts Naomi's apology, assuring her that no one could ever replace her as her friend. Elsewhere, Carla sprinkles vinegar on the Anoki Berries and hides the Jaquin Masks in the ship’s cabin where they won’t be found. Victor warns her she has to hurry as the Potion will not last forever. Carla disguises herself as a girl named Rita and currently remains an undercover spy in the Palace. Meanwhile, Migs does his best to impress his recent hatchlings at the Jaquin festival. Isabel tells the Jaquins she has an invention that can help them with it. Naomi suspects Rita is trying to make her look bad, but Elena dismisses this. Migs, Skylar, and Luna do there routine. Rita declares that she, Elena, and Naomi make a good team and Elena agrees. Naomi is stressed, but Carla presents one she made as a replacement. When she gets back, all dirty, she discovers that Rita stole her ideas about the cookies and face painting and presented them to Elena as her own. Wanting enough room for everyone in the kingdom, Elena and Naomi agree. After the cubs leave, Skylar and Luna confront Migs about his statement and he tells them he is adding it in. As Shuriki predicted, Armando actually falls for it. Victor warns her she has to hurry as the Potion will not last forever. She takes an emotional glance at her friendship picture of her and Elena, feeling left out. Carla reluctantly accepts her apology and tries to make her leave, but Rico returns with another guard like Carla requested, and Naomi invites her to come with her. Meanwhile, Naomi arrives at her house. Migs, Skylar, and Luna do their routine. Meanwhile, Isabel brings out her invention: Sky Painters. A shocked Armando is confused as to how she is his cousin. She avoids letting Armando see her reflection in the mirror. She and Elena quickly find out that the Jaquin Masks are nowhere to be found and the Anoki Berries have gone sour. After fitting Migs with a Sky Painter, they take off for the Festival. Meanwhile, at Avalor Palace, Naomi is making the Welcome Banner when Rico announces that there is a visitor. Shuriki tells her to hide her reflection at all costs and to pose as a long lost relative of Armando since he is so gullible. Once it is ready, Carla drinks it and turns into a girl she calls herself "Rita". Wanting enough room for everyone in the kingdom, Elena and Naomi agree. Elena declares the Golden Jaquin will be placed at the port like Naomi wanted. They do the flyover, but the cubs are unimpressed as they hoped for more. Meanwhile, Elena and Naomi tell Rita about their plans. https://sofiathefirst.fandom.com/wiki/A_Spy_in_the_Palace?oldid=19028. Migs refuses as he does not want to let Mingo, Zoom, and Estrella down. Rita declares that she, Elena, and Naomi make a good team, and Elena agrees, not noticing Rita's smirk and still unaware that "Rita" is one of their enemies, waiting for the right moment to strike. She puts them on the Jaquins. Still planning, Rita decides to fill in as the Festival Planner. Sofia the First: Princess Sofia • King Roland II • Queen Miranda • Princess Amber • Prince James • Flora • Gwen, Season Two: "The Jewel of Maru" • "Royal Rivalry" • "The Curse of El Guapo" • "Three Jaquins and a Princess" • "A Spy in the Palace" • "Science Unfair" • "Rise of the Sorceress" • "Shapeshifters" • "The Scepter of Night" • "The Race for the Realm" • "A Tale of Two Scepters" • "Class Act" • "All Kingdoms Fair" • "A Lava Story" • "Song of the Sirenas" • "The Tides of Change" • "The Return of El Capitán" • "Finding Zuzo" • "Snow Place Like Home" • "Two Left Fins" • "Movin' On Up" • "Not Without My Magic" • "Luna's Big Leap" • "Naomi Knows Best" Naomi then goes to find Rita. Naomi decides to hang the Welcome Banner on the pier, hand out Jaquin masks on the docks, and hand out Anoki Berry Aqua Frescas on the boardwalk. The next day, Isabel, Skylar, and Luna are trying to get Migs to come to the Festival. Meanwhile, Carla and Rico arrive in the Royal Treasury to get the Golden Jaquin statue. After the cubs leave, Skylar and Luna confront Migs about his statement and he tells them he is adding it in. Elena has Rico accompany her, which Rita secretly doesn’t want. Isabel manages to convince him when she says that he will let them down by not showing up. Migs tells the cubs the routine they will do will be even more impressive. Legacy of Spies: Egyptian Israeli Conflict, A Spy In The Palace (English Edition) eBook: Hassan, Ayman: Amazon.de: Kindle-Shop Carla disguises herself as a girl named Rita and currently remains an undercover spy in the Palace. By: Mightyisis. However, she still looks the same in the mirror. This makes Carla decide to supplant Naomi as the Festival Planner, that way she’ll have a chance of getting to the tiara. Naomi is stressed but Carla presents one she made as a replacement. This makes Naomi believe that Rita is innocent and goes to find Elena. Carla subtly hints that the port will not be big enough and that the Festival should be held into the stadium. Princess Elena has put Naomi in charge of getting the Festival ready, who takes to the job with great enthusiasm. Naomi decides to hang the Welcome Banner on the pier, hand out Jaquin masks on the docks, and hand out Anoki Berry Aqua Frescas on the boardwalk. Naomi then goes to find Rita. Meanwhile, Carla and Rico arrive in the Royal Treasury to get the Golden Jaquin statue. At the Festival, the crowd has arrived.


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