amanda poem
Why does the speaker ask Amanda not eating chocolate? She further says that freedom is sweet. We know this because she is being Do you think Amanda is sulking and is moody? The poem tells us that she is an imaginative girl who is constantly nagged by her unimaginative parent. She says that she would have enjoyed her freedom then, by making the patterns of her bare feet on the sand and would live a peaceful life. To this, Amanda imagines herself as a mermaid who lives a calm and relaxing life in the beautiful green sea. It also shows that she is Amanda Summary in English. She says that she wants to be the only resident of this beautiful green sea. The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.) Allusion: use of famous fairy tale character Rapunzel Copyright Notice © 2020 Greycells18 Media Limited and its licensors. She will be able to enjoy her freedom. In this poem, the poet describes a little girl named Amanda, who is constantly instructed about do’s and don’ts by her elders. let her hair down to allow anyone to climb up into her room. speaker in Stanzas 1, 3, 5, and 7. Verify your number to create your account, Sign up with different email address/mobile number, NEWSLETTER : Get latest updates in your inbox, Need assistance? Sulking: be in a bad mood From the poem Amanda, we learn that a child is innocent and very sensitive and very creative as well. We also notice Moreover, she is so fed up of these constant instructions from her mother, that she says silence is golden which means that silence is very crucial and precious. She then imagines herself to be an orphan because she is now fed up of being watched by her parents continuously. situations where she can find peace and solitude. Next, Amanda is scolded for eating too many chocolates as this causes pimples. Why does she say so? Amanda wants to be Rapunzel because she knew that in the story, there was no staircase to enter the tower. Her mother wants her to keep everything neat and clean. Question 9. Further, she is nagged for not cleaning her room and shoes and also for not doing her homework. Her mother used to give instructions not to hunch her shoulders and to sit up straight. Metaphor: use of word emerald sea for green colour of sea being similar to the colour of emrald About the Poet Robin Mc Maugh Klein is an Australian author of books for children. We think that probably it could be her mother. Repetition: use of word ‘Amanda’ Amanda were a mermaid, she would be the sole inhabitant of the languid Amanda! She dreams of the mermaid in the calm green sea, of roaming barefoot in the dusty street and of the golden ‘ haired Rapunzel who lived alone in a high tower. wouldn't mind being an orphan roaming the streets all alone making patterns A8- The girl Amanda yearns for freedom and peace in her life. freedom is sweet - freedom is said to be sweet in taste. 2, 4 and 6 are given in parenthesis, because they represent Amanda's retreat In fact, Hushed: quiet and still place. No, The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet. Q5- What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid? English. DRAFT. Rapunzel This frequent interference makes her very unhappy. To this, Amanda imagines herself as a mermaid who lives a calm and relaxing life in the beautiful green sea. Her first poetry … a few seconds ago by. But while doing this they forget that she is a child and should be allowed some freedom. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem Amanda? She into a magical world where she no longer can hear the berating voice of her She says that she wants to be carried away by the current of water and feel the relaxing environment there. Some of her famous books are Hating Alison Ashley, People might hear you, etc. Allusion: ‘mermaid’ is a well known imaginary creature. We can guess this because of the reference to mermaid or Rapunzel. She wishes Poetry has a musical quality with rhythm, pitch, metre and it may use figures of speech such as simile and metaphor. 4 and 6. I thought I told you to clean your shoes, Assonance: use of vowel sound ‘e’ and ‘o’ (Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you She is so accustomed to being instructed, The poem describes a girl named Amanda and her mother who is nagging her for her mistakes. Q9- Read the last stanza. girl, Amanda, yearns for some peace and quiet. Edit. (function (w, d) { for (var i = 0, j = d.getElementsByTagName("ins"), k = j[i]; i < j.length; k = j[++i]){ At this moment Amanda imagines herself to be Rapunzel. The poem tells us that she is an imaginative girl who is constantly nagged by her unimaginative parent. Played 0 times. She Did you tidy your room, Amanda? She asks her to stop being in a bad mood. mind veers off to her fantastical world. Rhyme: Rhyme scheme is aada eee (Amanda, Amanda, shoes, Amanda, street, feet, sweet) From the poem, we learn that Amanda longs to fulfill her magical fantasies. If she reacts towards this by getting emotional her mother takes this against her sense of pride and scolds her that she should not behave like this as others would think that Amanda’s mother is very dominating towards her child. Her words communicate how her relationship with God helped her through the tough times and to be grateful, even under extreme challenges. characters while her parent nags at her. Tranquil: calm, quiet She also confirms to herself that she will never let her hair down to anyone so that nobody could come to her in the tower. Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you, Rapunzel was visited by no one but the witch. A3-Parenthesis is a remark that is added to a sentence, often to provide an explanation. 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