Let us do your homework! 16 November 2017 At the drive-in, Arnold is warning Connie of his coming when he was his finger at her and says “Gonna get you, baby”(Oates 581). Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. In Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” critics argue whether the character of Arnold Friend, clearly the story’s antagonist, represents Satan in the story. Connie wants her dream just the way she wants it to be and no different, but it is not happening that way. They believe that Arnold became white to become successful in life. After all, Connie did know that Arnold Friend was dangerous, she was wary of him when he first showed up and when she makes out his age she gets put on her guard even more and eventually threatens to call the police on them. Then, Arnold says words that ring through the mind of Connie: “…I promise it won’t last long and you’ll like me the way you get to like people you’re close to. The narrator implies that Arnold Friend is Satan by giving certain clues that the reader can easily deduce. Daniel Levinson’s Seasons of Man: Summary & Analysis, Stanley Ellin’s The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby: Summary & Analysis, Character Analysis of Robinson Crusoe’s Friday, Daniel Keyes’ Flowers For Algernon: Summary & Analysis, Fear and Destiny in Oedipus Rex: Analysis, Energy Content of Food Lab Report Answers, Billy Elliot: Conflict of Parenting & Pursuit of Personal Desire, Effect of Salt Concentration on Osmosis in Potato Cells Lab Answers, Sandra Cisneros’ Eleven: Summary & Analysis, Iron Pillar, New Delhi: Location, Inscription, Analysis, Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen: Poem Analysis, The Manhunt by Simon Armitage: Poem Analysis, Effect of Color of Light on the Rate of Photosynthesis: Lab Explained, Johannes Vermeer’s Girl With A Pearl Earring: Analysis, The Provisional Government and its Downfall. The Devil and Daniel Webster: Summary & Analysis. © 2020 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Tierce, Michael and John Michael Crafton. Science, English, History, Civics, Art, Business, Law, Geography, all free! What are the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution of the short story... What really happened to Connie? Free proofreading and copy-editing included. In "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" She meets a man named Arnold Friend, he goes after Connie, claiming he has to take her for a ride, but it is obvious he wants to do other things. Themes, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Arnold's physical traits, as well as his behavior towards Connie, point towards his representing the devil himself. Daily Junior gets beaten up and bullied, leaving him feel powerless and I unacknowledged, at home. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Oates characterizes Arnold Friend at first glance as “a boy with shaggy, black hair, in a convertible jalopy painted gold”(581). Fort Worth: Harcourt, 1997. Joyce Carol Oates uses dialogue, characterization, and plot to show the readers how Arnold embodies features of, around this historical event and has several key points that are comparable to both the story and the event. Science Teacher and Lover of Essays. The characterization of Arnold Friend in the short story gives the reader many clues as to his nature. Connie is overwhelmed by Arnold Friend and ultimately succumbs to his wish that she join him. The majority of the story is Arnold tempting Connie to leave the safe haven that is her home and go for a ride with him in his car. Like the devil, he's superficially friendly and charming, but in actual fact turns out to be the incarnation of evil. The number of differing sources and translations have led to plenty of inconsistencies, rumors, and assumptions surrounding the Prince of Darkness. Because of her insecurities, Connie thinks she deserves this ending. I would therefore also argue that Arnold... (The entire section contains 7 answers and 961 words.). Characters, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? This is shown, for example, in her description of the drive-in: “the bright lit, fly-infested restaurant, their faces pleased and expectant as though they were entering a, her” (Oates 2). These short sentences echo through her mind as they remind her of the relationships she has in her life. Friend. Your online site for school work help and homework help. ATTENTION: Please help us feed and educate children by uploading your old homework! In “Connie’s Tambourine Man”, a critical essay on the story, the authors write about Arnold Friend: “There are indeed diabolical shades to Arnold just as Blake and Shelley could see Milton’s Satan a positive, attractive symbol of the poet, the religious embodiment of creative energy, so we should also be sensitive to Arnold’s multifaceted and creative nature”(Tierce and Crafton 608). do the descriptions of Arnold Friend—his face, his... Is Arnold Friend the antagonist in "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Arnold Friend could be said to symbolize the devil. Arnold Friend Character Analysis 1533 Words | 7 Pages. Tutor and Freelance Writer. Don’t you know who I am?”(Oates 589). What is a good thesis statement about "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?". Friend, who is described as a "boy with shaggy black hair" comes across straight away as unkempt and a potential source of trouble. We get to know Connie as a typical vain teenager, who enjoys looking at herself in the mirror and hanging out with her friends. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. She looked at it for a while, named Arnold is able get through these tragedies even when hope is almost lost. Through plot, Oates demonstrates how Arnold Friend can be seen as a symbolic Satan. As is the case with most teenagers, she is oblivious to the dangers which she brings into her life, and together with her friends, they regularly go to a local drive-in rather than the mall, where their parents think they are. This quote shows that this is a dream because Connie wakes up and is confused about, throughout the novel by having two different selves: Junior, the outcast from the Reservation and Arnold, from the white high school at Reardan. starTop subjects are Literature, History, and Law and Politics, starTop subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences, starTop subjects are Literature and Social Sciences. The characterization of Arnold Friend in the short story gives the reader many clues as to his nature. Lesson Plans. Analysis, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Connie realizes that will never be intimate with Arnold Friend because she cannot have a relationship like that with anybody. Oates does make Arnold out to be a psychopathic stalker, but never objectively states the diabolical nature to his character. Despite losing most of his friends in the reservation, Arnold realizes, demonstrates in her short story, through the use of music as a motif, her characterization of Connie’s parents, and her choice of title, that this lack of religion and authority in Connie’s life is what resulted in her unfortunate encounter with Arnold Friend.
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