बधिर न्यूज : बधिरों के लिए खास न्यूज शो, October 23, 2020. श्रीवास्तव को निगमित और संयंत्र दोनों स्तरों पर मानव संसाधन से जुड़े मसलों जैसे मानव संसाधन नीति, मानव संसाधन योजना, मानव संसाधन/सांगठनिक प्रयास, निष्पादन प्रबंधन, कार्मिक नियुक्ति और आईआर प्रबंधन का 33 सालों से भी अधिक का अनुभव है. Shri Srivastava, diagnosed Corona Negative, was running a fever of 101+ for the last few days. this link. उन्होंने कहा, "हमने अपनी अधिकतर नई परियोजनाओं को चालू कर दिया है और बाकी परियोजनाएं जल्द ही चालू होने वाली हैं.”, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. SAIL surging ahead with steely resolve, Company reaffirms commitment to Atmanirbhar Bharat: NTPC ranks first among Indian PSUs in Forbes World’s Best Employer 2020. (THE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM) घाटे में चल रही है SAIL, दशा सुधारने के लिए चेयरमैन ने मांगी कर्मचारियों से मदद, सेल के चेयरमैन ने कहा था कि हमें अपने लक्ष्यों को हासिल करने के लिए अपनी आंतरिक प्रक्रियाओं को संगठित करना होगा, प्रचालन को फिर से डिजाइन करना होगा, बाजार नीति में सुधार लाना होगा, वित्तीय व्यवस्था को बेहतर बनाना होगा तथा मानव संसाधन को लाभ में बदलना होगा. Shri Srivastava had also undergone angioplasty in the past, and was having co-morbidities like heart ailment, diabetes, etc. Prior to joining as Director (Personnel) of SAIL he held the position of Executive Director (P&A) at SAIL’s Durgapur Steel Plant, an official statement released on Wednesday said. अतुल श्रीवास्तव ने आईआईटी-कानपुर से मैकेनिकल इंजीनियर की पढ़ाई की है. Certified by Facebook: Due to fever of 101+Atul Srivastava, SAIL Director (Personnel) Died in Apollo. नई दिल्लीः स्टील अथॉरिटी ऑफ इण्डिया लिमिटेड (सेल) के नए निदेशक (कार्मिक) अतुल श्रीवास्तव ने 12 मार्च, 2018 को कार्यभार ग्रहण किया. On Thursday, SAIL said that Srivastava was admitted at Apollo Hospital, with … In his long-standing career spanning more than 35 years at SAIL he has made immense contribution in the field of Human Resources of the Company, while working at various SAIL Plants as well as at the Corporate Office. SAIL भिलाई स्टील प्लांट से नौकरी शुरू करने वाले अतुल श्रीवास्तव बने SAIL के नए निदेशक ... SAIL Steal Authority of india Atul Srivastava Bhilai steal plant Director Personnel. Accordingly, he was admitted in the evening on June 10th 2020. In a big setback to the state-owned ‘Maharatna’ steel major Steel Authority of India Limited (), the top company director, (Personnel) Atul Srivastava passed away late Wednesday at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi following a cardiac arrest. Please review and accept these changes below to continue using the website.You can see our privacy policy & our cookie policy. New Delhi, 11th June 2020:Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is extremely saddened and regretfully informs about the unfortunate demise of Atul Srivastava, Director (Personnel), at night on June 10, 2020 at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi due to cardiac arrest. मोदी जी के …, Union Minister of Education dedicates the…, SMT. Copyright © 2020 ETGovernment.com. In his long-standing career spanning more than 35 years at SAIL, he has made immense contribution in the field of Human Resources of the Company while working at various SAIL Plants as well as at the Corporate Office. Your email address will not be published. Shri Srivastava had also undergone angioplasty in the past and was having co-morbidities like heart ailment, diabetes, etc, IGL to facilitate conversion of diesel generators to natural gas, SJVN Project is very crucial for the industrial development of…, 100 MW UNIT#1 of 300 MW Chamera-II Power Station of NHPC restored…. 225000+ Industry Leaders read it everyday, How did you hear about us? SAIL has now come out with a number of dos and don’ts for its employees.
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