Ascended Magadh Throne: 289 B. C. (31 years), Note: Bindusara in total had 16 wives and 8 sons as per the Tibetian writer Tarantha. The Buddhist text Divyavadana describes Ashoka putting down a revolt due to activities of wicked ministers. The edict goes on to address the even greater degree of sorrow and regret resulting from Ashoka's understanding that the friends and families of deceased would suffer greatly, too. Buddhist legends state that Ashoka was bad tempered and of a wicked nature. The dynasty crumbled rapidly after him. He was popularly known as ‘Ajatashatru’, meaning a man with no enemies. Dharma saves Bindusara's life. The empire's capital was Pataliputra with povincial capitals at Taxila and Ujjain. Bindusara (298 B.C.-273 B.C. One day he shared his food with Durdhara, his pregnant wife. ), son of Chandra Gupta, was the second to sit on the throne of the Great Mauryan Dynasty. Bindusara, also called Bindusara Maurya, Greek Amitrochates, (born c. 320 bce —died 272/3 bce), second Mauryan emperor, who ascended the throne about 297 bce.Greek sources refer to him as Amitrochates, Greek for the Sanskrit amitraghata (“destroyer of foes”). Bindusara wanted his son Sushim to succeed him, but Ashoka was supported by his father's ministers, who thought Sushim was arrogant and disrespectful toward them. Watch the full episode, online only on Hotstar. In the upcoming episode of Chandra Nandini Swaping of Bride Between Dharma and Charumati , Bindusar will get married to Dharma instead of Charumati. Edict 13 on the Edicts of Ashoka Rock Inscriptions reflect the great remorse the king felt after observing the destruction of Kalinga. Parvatak death – How Chandragupta became the only emperor of India? Father: Chandragupta Maurya Mother: Dhuradhara Birth: 320 B.C. Ashoka reflected on the war in Kalinga, which reportedly had resulted in more than 100,000 deaths and 150,000 deportations." He was a disciple of Guru Pingalavatsa, a Brahmin of the Ajivika sect. But till then a drop of poison had touched its head. Ashoka regarded Buddhism as a doctrine that could serve as a cultural foundation for political unity. His fondness for his name's connection to the Saraca asoca tree, or the Ashoka tree is also referenced in the Ashokavadana. He conquered Kalinga, which none of his ancestors had done. Thus, the baby was given the name “Bindusara”. Check out the video for more details. His fondness for his name's connection to the Saraca asoca tree, or the Ashoka tree is also referenced in the Ashokavadana. The Ashokavadana states that Subhadrangi was the daughter of a Brahmin from the city of Champa. Ashoka is referred to as Samraat Chakravartin Ashoka the Emporer of Emporers Ahoka. Dynasty Maurya . He was known as a fearsome hunter and, according to one legend, killed a lion with just a wooden rod. He conquered sixteen states except the region of Kalinga and the Tamil kingdoms. ( Log Out / Will India be able to bring back Black Money? What have I done If this is a victory, what's a defeat then Is this a victory or a defeat Is this justice or injustice Is it gallantry or a rout Is it valor to kill innocent children and women Did I do it to widen the empire and for prosperity or to destroy the other's kingdom and splendor One has lost her husband, someone else a father, someone a child, someone an unborn infant.
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