blurred in a sentence
There have been reports of blurred vision, which is suggestive of a change in accommodation. Apart from the visual aura, other premonitory symptoms include photophobia and phonophobia, fatigue, neck stiffness. 39 Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system affecting nerve fibres that can cause upset balance, Other symptoms that may occur are wounds and cuts that won't heal, recurring infections and, The image obtained on SiS315 looks even more. The line down the highway blurred for a second and she realized she had nearly fallen asleep. The cheap window cleaner only produced a blurry streaky glass and had to be cleaned with a more powerful solution. Tears blurred her vision as she slapped at his hand. She shielded them, unable to see through her blurred vision as the warrior pulled her. Myopia ( nearsightedness ) is an abnormal elongation of the eye, causing distant objects to appear blurred. 16. 93. 39. This damage causes blurred vision, sudden blindness, or black spots, lines, or flashing light in the field of vision. It is clear that in these two countries the distinction between the US's civilian and military activities has been completely, and deliberately, The colors are usually dimmed down, sometimes runny at the edges, sometimes wrung out, both harsh and attenuated, with a, The sky was red, red tinged with oranges and gold and purples and a faint hint of yellow outlining the sun's edge as it, The term therefore does not permit the clear distinction between taxable and exempt transactions to be. The doors and windows were blurred with soot. Here is where the responsibilities of the medical insurance companies become blurred. Use a fresh ink cartridge to avoid dull or blurred text. 22. 197 At this time, girls will be caught in a slight drop of hypoxia, while showing a haggard eyes, 199 Moreover NAC can have unpleasant side effects including, 201 Better to introduce an analogy: imagine how a coarsely structured image becomes more legible when, 203 Today, the demarcation line between art and design become and more. Blurred definition is - characterized by dimness, indistinctness, or obscurity : lacking clarity or sharpness : blurry. They take the form of sections of image that appear blocky or blurred. Ask as well about more subtle signs like difficulty with memory, clumsiness, When an opium addict stops smoking opium, his vision becomes, Business will always have vested interests and the line between communication and propaganda can be too easily, In such an atmosphere, it is inevitable that dissent will be equated with disloyalty and that the line between the two will be, Many live in a colorful world of fantasy and the lines between truth and fiction are often, The actual midden matrix itself was a stratigraphical disappointment with its depositional history, To your average layman the difference between freestyle and extreme is nothing if not, In this study, it became apparent that the boundaries between home, community, and work, Polishing the clouds, the blue of my eyes shines through the, The boundary between the two degrees of disability obviously is, In the brave new world of convergence, the distinctions are becoming. People appeared as tiny black dots in the grainy. sometimes, the subject is real but so stylized, blurred, repeated or broken down into basic forms as to be unrecognizable. Many of the paintings, which are reproductions of the original painting, are blends of impressionistic forms and blurred lines representing the emotions of nature instead of replicating the exact images of nature. He blurted out this information after the very first ring. 46 "You don't want to do this," she blurted out. Eyes blurred with tears and bewildered, she couldn't make sense of anything around her anymore. Signs of an overdose could be dizziness, upset stomach, bad headaches, vomiting, cold sweats, drooling, confusion, Unconstrained by male segmentary politics, their differential affinity, She has exteriorised her affliction by simulating it in her self-portraits through, On the Syrian battlefield, the lines between the Brotherhood and Jabhat al-Nusra, an offshoot of al Qaeda, often are, In another shot at a waterfall, his face is. opacitysmall opacities in the lens can result in blurred vision or glare problems. Blurted sentence examples. They do not represent the opinions of By now the artifacts are starting to become somewhat blurred. Her surroundings blurred into light and shadows, and she felt the sickening sense of falling off the cliff again. At no time were the images blurred or fuzzy. She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision. Blurred vision and abnormal eye movement are two possible side effects of carbamazepine therapy. Other adverse physical effects include dry mouth, The lines between majoritarianism, nationalism, and fascism have been defiantly. But as soon as one artistic vision has dominance, the role of the large group as an improvising ensemble tends to become blurred. Enoch had explained the reason for this silence to me, and I thoughtlessly blurted it out. Over the last decade, the line between computer games and video games has blurred extensively. There also may be confusion, dizziness, and blurred vision. Newborns can only focus between 8-12 inches (20-30 cm), so much of their vision is blurred. Presbyopia is an age related condition that involves blurred near vision. The Canadian video game industry is so well integrated into the global market that the international boundaries are blurred. professional demarcations will become increasingly blurred with the emphasis on required skills. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Kris and Gabe were still beside him, and instead of demons, there was only Death. He blinked, uncertain what happened until he found himself standing in a dimly lit chamber. Fear made Rhyn's chest seize. Before the syncopal event, the patient may report weakness, light-headedness, yawning, nausea, diaphoresis, hyperventilation, Initial difficulties in identifying the unsigned painting were made worse by some bad restorative work, which, In many areas, the parish council and the official village assembly, An eye surgeon has been accused of serious professional misconduct after a client who had laser surgery to correct short-sightedness says he was left with, Yet all too often the line between Southern and Confederate can get, Quickly, the lines between their pretend feelings for each other and their real ones are, As fashion designers create the wardrobes for films as well as for domestic consumers and for trade promotions abroad, the lines are getting, Symptoms included nausea, vertigo, headaches and, We would like to have very black and very white, very good, very evil, very clean-cut distinctions and those distinctions can be, He has jettisoned hyperrealism in favor of a distinctly, We certainly wouldn't be trying to emulate people with.


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