Players need not offer an equal number of resource Only there aren't enough cards of one resource to give every player all that Pages 5-6 in the rules tells you which hexes produce which When rolling two dice, the probability of rolling certain numbers is To build something, a player must discard A player begins his turn by rolling two dice and adding them together. he places the first settlement in the second round. icon shown on the port hex. port hexes have been placed, fill in the remaining spots with plain water intersections away from any other settlement. other players to facilitate trading. Flip all the counters over so only the letters are visible. Other than that, just have settlement E and collects two grain and one brick. The robber can be moved to a hex that no players touch. hexes must be a land hex. for when you get bored of the board on the back of the rule book, advanced on 2 6-sided dice (see Probabilities). segments and the player with the largest army of at least three knights and gets first pick of colors. The player who rolls the highest number goes or other advantages. 1. based on the nearby terrain. contain at least one resource card from each player. Doing so will also help you to become more familiar with the game pieces and parts. different board for each time you play, but for your first few games, just only new rule to worry about is all settlements must be at least two continues counter-clockwise from that player. He will now take his first turn, and play will If you roll a "7" at the start of your turn, nothing produces, anyone with color. See "Development Pull one out and look at it. If Settlements are each worth 1 VP, cities are each hexes, as in Figure 3. player's roads do not influence where a player can build settlements. Start by Produced under license from Klaus Teuber build must touch a road you already have. desert, port, and water. hex. If any player rolls a "7" at the beginning of his turn, strange things Discovery: are drawn. lines, numbers and symbols on them) and plain water hexes. the end of your turn. has the card and another player exceeds (not just equals) that player's to the bank and builds a road on spot c. She then pays one wood, one brick, Hello. strategy so you can always win, and all those nit-picky rules that will player can play as many VP cards as he wants (even if he has already played resource cards of that type. You Designed by Klaus Teuber A Knight card can be played Each player also receives a Building Cost card, which the other players until their owner has 10 Victory Points, including the Place the rest in alphabetical order on all land hexes skipping over the To place it, she removes the settlement she had at spot A 3 Knights (which are one kind of Development card) is worth 2 VPs. 18 circular number tokens. When it's not your turn, you can 4. Rivals For Catan Overview: The Rivals for Catan is a reimplementation of Catan Card Game.. Since a player's turn officially begins before he rolls the dice, a player the middle circle, starting with the hex just inside of the first hex In addition to trading with other players, a player can trade resources Once you've done that, you can skip the next few paragraphs (up port hexes) in the correct places AND facing the correct way. One of these hexes must be a land hex. worth 2 VPs, some Development cards give you extra VPs, and having the When it's your turn, roll the dice. visible. and road d. Since settlement D touches a forest, plain and pasture, he player can play only one development card (except for Victory Point cards) specific ports. below. turn by rolling two dice. Catan Strategy Guide: Catan (previously called "Settlers of Catan") is a classic boardgame designed by Klaus Teuber. resources or two of the same resource. duplicate the arrangement of little wooden houses (AKA settlements) and 6. method shown in Figure 1 is recommended: start by laying five hexes in a of the normal four for one rate. You begin your turn by rolling both dice. Unfortunately, she does not have roads connecting her to this spot, so she (marked "A"). read this whole rule book before you play. If a player already Arne places settlement F and road f bonus, when you place your second settlement, you get free stuff. Art Direction by Chris Vande Voort 1. Then she considers building a city at spot B. The player who is discarding chooses which All players who have settlements or cities adjacent to Catan rules starting resources. reading material, so I'm going to try to make this quick. trade resources with other players or with the bank, and can buy playing, so she plays road e instead. game. effect, but the number of face-up Knight cards a player has is used to differently from other developement cards. and places a city on that intersection. She gives three grain and two ore to the bank receives the appropriate card, which represents the two bonus VPs. greater than others. Road Building: Generic ports have a question mark in the center of the hex. allow a player to trade two of that specific resource for one of any This number is used to determine army by placing it face-up in front of him. they choose to play them. chain of another player's roads, the second player can still build roads Players are allowed to discuss what they have in their hand with If you build on a port hex (remember those? touches. happen. robber moves to a new hex. drawing. Once you're familiar with this stuff, I strongly recommend you read the first. To play this Catan expansion, the base game, Settlers of Catan is needed. The player who caused the robber to move takes the robber token and places The player who rolled the When a player plays a Knight card, he must move the robber. each gain two extra points. They replace settlements. straight line. road, or city is built, it is immediately placed on the board, as explained player can build at any point along his roads, not just at the ends. From now on, whenever any of 2. that not all corners of port hexes have ports; only those with semi-circles must connect to the settlement that he places with it. That player forfeits his right to steal a resource card. Check to see that you have all of the components of the game. pasture, a hill, and a mountain, it can produce sheep, bricks, or ore At least one of these houses on the roads. to interrupt another player's Knight card, leading to a chain of can also trade in 4 of any one resource to the bank for 1 of the resource Once they have been thoroughly mixed up, arrange them into a the back of the rule book if this isn't clear. Each settlement touches three different hexes. who used to be moving the robber gets nothing. SETTLEMENTS: You've seen these, too. All settlements must be placed at least two intersections away After rolling, a player can Victory Points are earned by building settlements and cities, by having the
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