The Chagatai Khanate Was embroiled in the civil war between the brothers Kublai & Ariq Boke over who would be Great Khan of the Mongols. …Tigris-Euphrates valley and Iran; the Chagatai dominated the Syr Darya and Oxus basins, the Kābul mountains, and eventually the Punjab; and the Golden Horde was concentrated in the Volga basin. For at opretholde en formel forbindelse til Djenghis Khans hus, satte amirerne flere efterkommere af Chagatai på tronen, selv om disse khaner udelukkende havde navn og ikke havde nogen reel magt. The khanate was established by Chagatai (1183-1242 CE), the second son of Genghis Khan (r. 1206-1227 CE). Marco Polo Statueby Krzysztof Golik (CC BY-SA). Both adhered to a patrimonial distribution of inheritance. Moucy war der zweite Sohn von Chagatai, dem Schwiegersohn von Batu ( Batu Khan ). Da Ögedei døde, før han nåede at opfylde sin drøm om at erobre hele Kina, var der en uafbrudt overgang til hans søn Güyük Khan (1241) overvåget af Ögedeis kone Töregene Khatun, der havde overtaget regeringen i de fem år efter Ögedeis død. Chagatai (1226 – 1241), the second son of Genghis and his wife Börte, had participated in his father’s campaigns, and in 1227 he claimed his patrimonial territory designated as between the Caspian Sea and the Tarim Basin. Chagatais eigene Hauptstadt befand sich in Almaligh , im Tal des Oberen Ili , in der Nähe des heutigen Kulja und folglich im äußersten Osten seiner Herrschaft. "The Early History of the Moghul Nomads: The Legacy of the Chaghatai Khanate.". "Chagatai Khanate." Chagatai Khan was considered hot-headed and somewhat temperamental by his relatives, because of his attitude of non-acceptance of Jochi as Great Khan. Chagatai-khanatet blev opdelt i to dele i 1340-erne. One of the four khanates of the divided Mongol Empire, ruled by Chagatai Khan (son of Category:Genghis Khan), and his descendents and successors. [5], Turkistan, Transoxiana, and the adjacent regions were controlled directly by his descendants but not Kashghar, Yarkand, Khotan, Aksu, and the southern slopes of the Tian Shan mountains—or, in other words, to the province south of the line of the Tian Shan. Back in Central Asia, Ariq Boke, pushed out of the Mongol capital at Karakorum, mobilised against the Chagatai Khanate but was forced to withdraw for lack of supplies. Chagatai wird in einigen Geschichten für den Tod von Jochi und Dschingis Khan verantwortlich gemacht. In 1240 Baidar participated in the election of Güyük Khan in 1247. For this system to work though, the Mongols had to speak the idiom of the people they ruled. He commanded the Mongol army assigned to Poland with Kadan and, probably, Orda Khan. [1][page needed] But lasting disputes remained among the rival claimants and for long afterward, the disputes regarding the succession to the throne of the great Khan became inextricably mixed up with the affairs, especially in the eastern part, of Chagatai's Khanate. Over time, these Mongol pastoralists presiding over a sedentary Islamic culture slowly Turkified. 1240 nahm Baidar 1247 an der Wahl von Güyük Khan teil. Tseyen-Oidov; "From the Genghis Khan to Ligden Khan" 2002, Venskabs- og allianceaftalen mellem Mongoliet og Tibet,, Wikipedia artikler med VIAF autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med LCCN autoritetsdata-ID, Creative Commons Navngivelse/Del på samme vilkår 3.0. The destruction in Poland, Silesia and Moravia was all much of the same kind. By the mid-14th century CE, the Mongol elite had by now largely become part of the sedentary societies they had once sought to conquer and the last khan, Tughlugh Timur (r. 1347-1363 CE), could not prevent the disintegration of the khanate as a definable political entity. Other articles where Chagatai Khanate is discussed: India: Taxation and distribution of revenue resources: …their occupation of Afghanistan, the Chagatai Mongols began to penetrate well beyond the Punjab, necessitating a comprehensive defense program for the sultanate, including the capital, Delhi, which underwent a two-month siege in 1303. Er war höchstwahrscheinlich ein altmodischer Mongole, denn er stand an der Yassa und zeigte wenig Gefallen an der damals in seinen Herrschaften vergleichsweise neuen und aufstrebenden Religion des Islam . Chagatai wird in einigen Geschichten … The Ancient History Encyclopedia logo is a registered EU trademark. With the expertise of the experienced finance minister Masud Beg, the state was now well on its way to achieving some much-needed stability. Nevertheless, there were still rumblings of rebellion from the descendants of Baraq and, in 1273 CE, Abaqa even sacked Bukhara. [1][page needed], Little is known of the way in which Chagatai disposed of his kingdom at his death, and there appears to be no mention, anywhere, of his having followed the ancestral custom of his house in distributing it among his descendants. Books Seine mongolischen Stammesangehörigen und Anhänger - die Hauptstütze seiner Macht - liebten leidenschaftlich das Leben in den Steppen. Though they recognized that government remained an essential part of life, Inju encumbered urban-dwelling and farming peoples too. Er war 1226–1242 n. Chr. [19] Efter, at han døde i 1405, er hans efterfølgere, Timuriderne, også rapporteret at have haft deres egne skyggekhaner indtil midten af det 15. århundrede. The precarious control of his own state did not deter Qaidu from trying to expand in the east at the expense of. Second, the nomads were unaccustomed to a considerable amount of government interference in their daily routine. Then they continued via Brno, to join Batu's main army in Hungary. First, the maintenance of empire disrupted the nomadic way of life because they often had to join in exhaustive campaigns, lasting years at a time. In the 1290s, Chagatai Khan conquered eastern Afghanistan and from there, conquered northwestern India in 1303. Inju was a political concession designed to separate the two incompatible cultures, allowing both to maintain their own traditional laws yet remain subject to the authority of Chagatai and his descendants. The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by MindTouch® and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. Dann fuhren sie über Brünn weiter, um sich Batus Hauptarmee in Ungarn anzuschließen. [4] Chagatai var beliggende i dele af det nuværende Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tadsjikistan og Kirgisistan. Chagatai is in some stories held responsible for the death of Jochi and Genghis Khan. 24 Oct 2020. [1][page needed] He was, in all probability, an old-fashioned Mongol, for he stood by the Yassa and that he showed little favor to what was, at that time in his dominions, the comparatively new and rising religion of Islam. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. I næsten tyve år efter dette var Chagatai.khanatet lidt mere end afhængight af den mongolske regering, som indsatte og udnævnte khaner som det passede dem. There were, too, problems now at home as traditional Mongols, most of whom practised shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaisim) or Nestorian Christianity, saw the move towards Islam as a betrayal of their Mongol roots. The Uyghur steward Vajir was accused of poisoning Chagatai Khan to death in 1242 by his wife Yisulun. [ "article:topic", "license:ccbysa", "showtoc:no", "authorname:eberger", "Khwarezmian Empire", "Genghis Khan" ], 11.10: The Khanate of the Ilkhans (1265-1335). Baidar was the sixth son of Chagatai Khan. Having seen off one pretender, there remained another dangerous enemy for the Chagatais to deal with, Qaidu II (1235-1301 CE), who was a grandson of Ogedei Khan (r. 1229-1241 CE). Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Chagatai Khanate was a Turco-Mongol government that included the lands under the rule of Chagatai Khan, the second son of Genghis Khan. This was essentially the moment when the four khanates became fully independent states with Kublai concentrating on China where he established the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368 CE) which he would rule as Chinese emperor until 1294 CE. Baidar war der sechste Sohn von Chagatai Khan. Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dughlat beschrieben, Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. Although Inju was a practical solution to the difficulty of governing the two separate societies, it ultimately did not resolve the problem of uniting the sedentary Turkic population and the nomadic Mongols since it failed to accommodate the needs of either society.
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