clifford the big red dog season 2 episode 22
Cleo and T-Bone are quite helpful, but then a wind gust causes a bunch of Mr. Bleakman's underwear to blow into a tree. With the help of Farmer Jones and Emily Elizabeth's Dad, the kids learn the value of hard work and patience required to make a garden grow./Emily Elizabeth and Clifford pretend to be Library Fairies as they help Mrs. Clayton gather book donations for the library. That's Snow Lie / A Friend In Need, S2:E1. Embarrassing Moments - Be Kind When Vaz rips his pants during a soccer game, everyone helps him feel better by telling their own tales of embarrassing moments. But Mrs. Bleakman objects that Clifford couldn't have caused the mess. The new libary catalog was made possible in part by a grant provided by the, through the Library Services and Technology Act and administered by the, OverDrive acquired the RBdigital platform. Little Big Pup - Believe in Yourself A very small new dog named Frankie moves to Birdwell Island and is envious of Clifford's size until he realizes that sometimes being small can be just right. He wakes up and finds that Cleo and T-Bone have come, but Billy and Betty are nowhere in sight. Wedding Bell Blues - Have Respect Ms. Carrington is getting married and the kids speculate about what kind of teacher "Mrs. Grumbly" will be. 7.1 (7) 0. He's a Wonderful Bleakman - Respect Mr. Bleakman gets a little grumpy when Clifford messes up his new potato garden, making Emily almost wish that he weren't her neighbor; but through flashbacks she is reminded of all the nice things he's done; and Emily learns that under his sometimes gruff exterior he is a nice ... Magic in the Air - Responsibility When the Peter Poundstone, Magician craze sweeps the island, Charely gets carried away with the magic and neglects an important assignment. The two race through Mr. Bleakman's yard, creating a huge mess of muddy pawprints, turning on a water sprinkler and various other trouble. But she soon learns that things work out much better when you treat your friends with respect. Things That Go Bump; Sherlock Bones, S2:E28. He figures he'll just have to watch them and make sure they stay put. Her and Clifford have fun eating dinner for breakfast, saying "hello" instead of "goodbye" and spreading backwards day cheer -- until they break a special model boat and have to retrace their steps to figure out how to put it back together...backwards? 5. But Mac shows a lack of respect for their friendship by taking advantage of his little friend's guilt. Nothing to Fur but Fur Itself / Jetta's Project, S2:E2. Cleo Gets a Cone / A Job Well Read, S2:E10. Cleo and T-Bone can't reach, so it's Clifford to save the day. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy Clifford Grows Up / Jetta's Sweater, S2:E6. Muddy Buds Hit the Suds; Lights, Camera, Clifford! 9. S2:E55. He blames him for the huge mess in the yard. The baby sea turtles on Birdwell Island have hatched! He soon realizes that their presence could be a problem, as they've chosen Mr. Bleakman's yard as their place to play. Clifford comes and is able to blow them away. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Anthony, Ms. Lee's son, can't see anything clearly and needs glasses! 10. But when she doesn't get a big gift in return, she learns to recognize the joy in giving. Jetta insists these things never happen to her, but even she ends up laughing at her own potential for embarrassing moments. Can the kids figure out what the baby sea turtles are following in time to safely direct them to their real home at sea?/Emily Elizabeth and Clifford are inspired by her parents' "Cozy Homes" magazine and decide to turn Clifford's doghouse into a warm and cozy paradise. tells the gang he's too busy to play with them today, Cleo feels slighted. But who's going to rescue the medal when it goes missing? They find Mr. Bleakman and start helping him to pack for a vacation he's going on. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Doghouse Rock - Believe in Yourself Mac wants to join the pop band T-Bone has put together, but has a hard time finding where his talents fit in. Fishing Lessons - Respect - Honesty Charley promises to teach Emily Elizabeth how to fish, then keeps putting it off until "tomorrow." She also points out the muddy pawprints - they're very small, way too small to be Clifford's. Can they do it before Hudson drives everyone on ... Pablo's butterfly has just hatched and he is so excited to play with her! Stinky Friends - Respect (for authority and rules) Clifford can't resist going into a field to play - even after Emily Elizabeth tells him he's not allowed. A Friend in Need - Be a good friend Jetta insists on taking on a big job so she can be the "hero", but soon learns that it's okay to graciously accept help when it is needed and offered by good friends. WE ARE OPEN! S2:E58. Magic in the Air / Everyone Loves Clifford, S2:E5. Things are getting a bit more complicated now, but T-Bone and Cleo are willing to help Clifford to get the mischievous kittens back out of Mr. Bleakman's yard. King Mac - Respect When T-Bone thinks he is responsible for getting Mac in trouble, he goes overboard to help Mac in any way he can. Back in his own yard, Clifford tells the kittens that Mr. Bleakman's yard is off-limits for playing and asks them to play in his yard. #22001"A Big Help"Clifford's a big dog and to a lot of people around the island, he's a big help. But Jetta soon learns that everyone's dreams are valuable and worthy. S.1, Ep.4. With the help of his good friends, Mac discovers he has a special talent for writing. Rate. Get a list of the best movie and TV titles recently added (and coming... S2:E57. Rate. A Big Help / The Trouble with Kittens, S2:E21. Clifford Grows Up - Be Kind The Howards do their best to make Clifford comfortable after he's grown too big for their city apartment. She begins to enjoy all the privileges she believes come with being a Princess - but soon learns that her friends are more important to her than any crown or title could ever be. He and his friends soon learn that rules are there for a reason and it's a good idea to follow them! Tie-Dye Clifford - Be Truthful When Clifford accidentally gives himself a bath with tie-dye dyes, he ends up looking like a T-shirt from the '60's! Cleo and T-Bone go in search of more ways to help out. Emily Elizabeth and Jetta help him to realize that once a promise is made, it should be honored and respected. Fan Mail - Believe in Yourself - Emily Elizabeth writes a fan letter to her favorite pop star and discovers - with the help of Mr. Bleakman - that sometimes wishes do come true. Afterwards, Mr. Bleakman apologizes to Clifford, saying that he's sorry he blamed him without knowing all the facts. Big Hearted T-Bone - Responsibility T-Bone generously offers to watch Cleo's niece KiKi so Cleo can get some rest. Stage Struck - Believe in Yourself Mary has always been afraid to perform in front of an audience. So they have to come up with their own plan. Charley learns that you can have fun but you have to be responsible to. Making Lemonade out of Lemons; The Watering Hole. Could it be Clifford?! Worse, they're in his flower garden and Mr. Bleakman doesn't like anyone in his flowers. 8. Synopsis:Jetta volunteers to watch her baby brother Cosmo, but finds him more energetic than she expected.


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