Rice, citrus fruits, potatoes, bananas, and others are also important crops for the country’s economy.[28]. Learn about one of Europe’s most amazing countries! [14], 33. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. They are leading the world in medical tourism and in medical knowledge, and part of their economic recovery has been due to doctors in the country exporting their services. There are now just two countries in the world where Coca-Cola cannot be bought or sold – at least not officially. Cuba is a small country that is located in the Caribbean Sea that is a part of the North American continent. At a distance of 48 miles to the east, Haiti is the nearest neighboring country of Cuba. Of all the islands in the Caribbean, Cuba is the largest. Bacardi rum was originally manufactured in Cuba. There are as many as 4000 other islands in the region, which are much smaller than Cuba. Cuba is a socialist state run by the Cuban Communist Party. You’re leaving natgeokids.com to visit another website! Cuba has the highest doctor-to-patient ratio in the world. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Cuba, however, has not accepted the payment since 1959. One of the world’s greatest public health achievements happened in Cuba in 2015 when it eradicated mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. Cubans were not allowed to own cell phones until 2008 when the ban was lifted by President Raul Castro’s government. The mixture of native, African and European influences in Cuba gives this island a lively culture that is known worldwide! They typically do not write down their recipes. FLAG: Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea. a pre-selected message and a cool badge. Did you know that the United States pays Cuba approximately $4,085 a year to lease the 45 square miles that the Guantánamo Bay Naval Station occupies? In 2018, a new leader took over, Miguel Díaz-Canel. 24. While you wait for it to be checked and approved why not to add The number of daily newspapers published in Cuba dropped from 58 in the 1950s to 20 in more recent times. Hence, it is also referred to in Spanish as “El Crocodilo” or “El Caima.”, 6. 10. ). Cuba is home to 11.1 million people. When viewed from the air, the island of Cuba resembles a crocodile. Check out our list of wild things to do in the UK and Ireland this summer! The currency of Cuba is the Cuban peso or the Cuban convertible peso. This website uses cookies (not edible ones! The world’s smallest frog (the Mount Iberia frog) and smallest hummingbird (the bee hummingbird) are found in Cuba. 3. 27. High mountains and rolling hills cover about one third of Cuba, and the other two thirds of the island are lowland plains used mainly for farming. 28. The literacy rate in Cuba is 99.8%, which is one of the highest in the world. 25. 32. AREA: 110,860 square kilometres 14. Most died from overwork and from diseases brought by the Europeans. The total area of Cuba is 42,426 square miles (109,884 square kilometers) making it the 105th largest country in the world. It has an area of 110,860 square km. Cuba, which was discovered by explorer Christopher Columbus in 1492, was controlled by Spain until 1898.During April-September 1980, approximately 124,000 Cubans migrated to the U.S., as they were freely allowed to do so by Fidel Castro. 9. 23. The Cuban peso is known as the national currency. The United States had been hostile toward Cuba since the communists took power in 1959. Unlike most countries in Latin America, Cuba’s favorite sport is not football – it’s actually baseball! MONEY: Peso [14], 19. It is a tradition in Cuba to burn dolls at New Year’s Eve to symbolize the forgetting of bad times and look forward to a fresh start with the New Year. Spanish is the official language of Cuba. Due to this fact, many Cuban doctors are sent to countries where medical aid is required.[9]. Find out all about the cool country of Germany…. 7. These cookies do not store any personal information. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Cuba is roughly the size (in total area) of the U.S. states of Tennessee or Virginia. In Cuba and in the Caribbean, the island of Cuba is the second-most populous after Hispaniola. Most famous is the bee hummingbird, the smallest bird in the world. Today, the country is working to improve its economy and rebound from the Special Period. 2. “The Old Man and the Sea,” and “For Whom the Bell Tolls” were written by the famous writer Ernest Hemingway while he lived in Cuba. The country has been under the rule of the Castro family for decades now, which has given them a solid governmental front. 21. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The introduction of communism to the country in 1959 has had a big impact on the people – both positive and negative. On the left side of the flag is a red triangle with a white star located in its middle.
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