Yesterday, the engineers uplinked the commands that instruct Curiosity to drill the "Groken" target. [87] This system can make some images with focus stacking processing. "Groken" is the furthest away, at the top of the slab. Curiosity comprised 23% of the mass of the 3,893 kg (8,583 lb) spacecraft at launch. [76][77][78][79] After the rover touched down it waited 2 seconds to confirm that it was on solid ground then fired several pyrotechnic fasteners activating cable cutters on the bridle to free itself from the spacecraft descent stage. As we’re now fully into the windy and dust storm season at Gale Crater, we’ve tasked Curiosity with a lot of environmental observations. Search for organic and inorganic signatures, one of the goals for "SAM" (sample analysis at Mars)", "Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument Suite", "NASA's Curiosity Rover Brushes Mars Rock Clean, a First", "SwRI Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) Homepage", "Laboratory for Space Gamma Spectroscopy - DAN", "MSL Science Corner: Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN)", "Curiosity 'hammers' a rock and completes first drilling tests", "Mars Science Laboratory Sample Acquisition, Sample Processing and Handling: Subsystem Design and Test Challenges", "MSL Participating Scientists Program - Proposal Information Package", "Internal debris may be causing problem with Mars rover's drill", "NASA Is Trying to Get Mars Rover Curiosity's Arm Unstuck", "Drill Issue Continues to Afflict Mars Rover Curiosity", "Curiosity's balky drill: The problem and solutions", "Mars Looks Quite Familiar, if Only on the Surface", "NASA's Mars Rover Crashed Into a DMCA Takedown", "Huge Crowds Watched NASA Rover Land on Mars from NYC's Times Square", "Mars Rover 'Mohawk Guy' a Space Age Internet Sensation | Curiosity Rover", "Mars landing proves memes now travel faster than the speed of light (gallery)", "inXitu co-founder wins NASA Invention of the Year Award for 2010", "Martian rover tech has an eye for priceless works of art", "NASA's Curiosity rover flying to Mars with Obama's, others' autographs on board", "Lonely Curiosity rover sings 'Happy Birthday' to itself on Mars", "NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover Marks First Martian Year", "NASA announces plans for new $1.5 billion Mars rover", "Life on Mars? DAN was provided by the Russian Federal Space Agency[134][135] and funded by Russia. [133] This image was taken by Front Hazard Avoidance Camera onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 2917. NASA will use Curiosity’s radiation data to design missions to be safer for human explorers. After stowing the arm, Mastcam will acquire a couple of mosaics that have otherwise been occluded by the position of the arm during the diagnostic activities of the last several sols. The ChemCam instrument suite was developed by the French CESR laboratory and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. "[162], On August 6, 2013, Curiosity audibly played "Happy Birthday to You" in honor of the one Earth year mark of its Martian landing, the first time for a song to be played on another planet. [146] On December 1, 2016, the motor inside the drill caused a malfunction that prevented the rover from moving its robotic arm and driving to another location. [74], Previous NASA Mars rovers became active only after the successful entry, descent and landing on the Martian surface. Curiosity landed in Gale Crater. [141], Since early 2015 the percussive mechanism in the drill that helps chisel into rock has had an intermittent electrical short. The rover's goals include an investigation of the Martian climate and geology; as… Calibration target of MAHLI (September 9, 2012; alternate 3-D version). Honeybee Robotics built the DRT. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU. A self-portrait of Curiosity on a Martian sand dune. The remaining three are associated with sample acquisition and sample preparation functions: a percussion drill; a brush; and mechanisms for scooping, sieving, and portioning samples of powdered rock and soil. Green dot is Curiosity's landing site; upper blue is Glenelg; lower blue is base of Mount Sharp. (See current status.) The remaining mass was discarded in the process of transport and landing. [88][137] MARDI has a pixel scale of 1.5 m (4.9 ft) at 2 km (1.2 mi) to 1.5 mm (0.059 in) at 2 m (6.6 ft) and has a 90° circular field of view. [140][142] The diameter of the hole in a rock after drilling is 1.6 cm (0.63 in) and up to 5 cm (2.0 in) deep. Broadly, “to grok” means to understand a topic deeply, intuitively, and empathetically, which has been the goal of the Curiosity rover mission since the beginning! MSL debris field - parachute landed 615 m from Curiosity (3-D: rover & parachute) (August 17, 2012; MRO). In the process of drilling, Curiosity broke the rock, which can sometimes happen when we are close to an edge, but still collected enough sample to perform detailed analyses. [118] The paragonetic tephra from a Hawaiian cinder cone has been mined to create Martian regolith simulant for researchers to use since 1998. Download image ›. Curiosity's first image after landing (August 6, 2012). Mastcam will image “Skelmorlie” in stereo. Teaching Space With NASA – Curiosity Mars Rover Science Update. As we wait, ChemCam is documenting the drill hole, and some additional bedrock targets here, along a fracture in the drilled bedrock (“Fladdabister” and “Glendaruel”) and on a neighboring bedrock slab (“Melby Fish Beds”). This image was taken by Chemistry & Camera onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 2900. The landing sites of all four Mars rovers on a map of Mars. Curiosity is mostly chilling out this weekend while we continue to investigate the latest drill hole, “Groken,” and the sample we collected in this nodule-rich corner of the rock (the nodules are the dark areas in the image). Not that we have any reason to believe that it was the rock… However, we did learn on "Vera Rubin Ridge" that some of the rocks can look benign and perfectly soft, but then won’t be drillable at all. If that signature is intriguing, the rover uses its long arm to swing over a microscope and an X-ray spectrometer to take a closer look. This sand target has been imaged several times to track the wind-induced changes, so today’s plan is the last time to document those changes before our own position changes. The chemistry of the Groken drill sample from APXS will be combined with the mineralogy determined by CheMin and the volatile contents determined by SAM to build a comprehensive picture of the origin and history of this part of "Gale Crater." Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech. So, the science team is sitting on pins and needles right now – and will be hitting "F5" to refresh their screens when time comes to expect the data. Sample will be delivered to CheMin to determine the mineralogical composition of this sample. Curiosity found that Mars has high, dangerous levels of radiation. So, after maneuvering into position, Curiosity is ready to begin its characterization of the block in front of us and to prepare for drilling in the near future. It is now being used by Getty scientists to analyze a large collection of museum antiques and the Roman ruins of Herculaneum, Italy. The RMI resolves 1 mm (0.039 in) objects at 10 m (33 ft) distance, and has a field of view covering 20 cm (7.9 in) at that distance. Wind erosion then scoured out the sediments, leaving an isolated 5.5-kilometer-high (3.4 mi) mountain, Aeolis Mons ("Mount Sharp"), at the center of the 154 km (96 mi) wide crater. This weekend, Curiosity’s main task will be to continue preparing to collect and analyze a drilled sample from “Groken.” We will image the CheMin inlet (pictured above from sol 2853) with MAHLI at night to make sure the inlet is clean and ready to accept samples. [95], The rover has two pairs of black and white navigation cameras mounted on the mast to support ground navigation. In our case, the science team is excited to move on farther up Mt. ChemCam is also taking more high resolution RMI images of the “Housedon Hill” area to help us test hypotheses and inform where we should go in the Mt. [122], On October 17, 2012, at "Rocknest", the first X-ray diffraction analysis of Martian soil was performed. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech. [10][11] The rover's goals include an investigation of the Martian climate and geology; assessment of whether the selected field site inside Gale has ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life, including investigation of the role of water; and planetary habitability studies in preparation for human exploration. If the specimen warrants further analysis, Curiosity can drill into the boulder and deliver a powdered sample to either the SAM or the CheMin analytical laboratories inside the rover.
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