Welcome to Dhaka Dhaka is not a quiet, retiring place. Dhaka suffered heavy damage during the war of independence in 1971 but emerged as the capital of Bangladesh. Read More . Paris - Dhaka, Billet d'avion I want emails from Lonely Planet with travel and product information, promotions, advertisements, third-party offers, and surveys. Sur routard.com, préparez votre voyage au Bangladesh - Dhaka en découvrant les meilleures photos des membres routard. No part of this site may be reproduced without our written permission. Coronavirus COVID-19 : les conseils pour voyager, Vous consentez à transmettre vos données à. ROUTARD.COM n'est pas une agence de réservation ni un voyagiste. Population: 10 356 500 Habitants Condominium with 24 hours security, Department Stores, Speciality & Gift Shops, InterContinental (IHG) Hotels in Dhaka City, Hotels near Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Hotels near Bangladesh University of Textiles, Hotels near Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology, Hotels near American International University-Bangladesh, Hotels near University of Information Technology and Sciences. Lyon - Dhaka. Dhaka is also home to numerous government colleges, a nuclear-science training and research centre, the national library, a museum, and the national art gallery. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Il offre une jolie vue sur la rivière Buriganga. Together with its river port of Narayanganj, 10 miles (16 km) to the south, Dhaka now is one of the most densely industrialized regions in the country. It is dedicated to Dhakeswari, the protector of Dhaka and an incarnation of the goddess Durga. The area around Dhaka consists of a level plain bounded by the Meghna, Padma (Ganges [Ganga]), and Jamuna (Brahmaputra) rivers. Updates? In addition, the area includes the site of the ancient city of Vikramapura, former capital of the Pala rulers of Bengal (8th–12th century). area, 9,672,763; (2011) city, 7,033,075; metro. It passed under British control in 1765 and was constituted a municipality in 1864, but it continued to lose prominence until it was designated the capital of Eastern Bengal and Assam province (1905–12). Horloge mondiale — Heure locale à Dhâkâ, Bangladesh — heure exacte, décalage avec l'heure GMT, fuseau horaire, l'heure d’été 2020, heure avancée, horloge en ligne, heure officielle. Copyright © 2005 - 2020 24TimeZones.com. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Book your tickets online for the top things to do in Dhaka City, Bangladesh on Tripadvisor: See 7,572 traveler reviews and photos of Dhaka City tourist attractions. It is located just north of the Buriganga River, a channel of the Dhaleswari River, in the south-central part of the country. Temps du monde Dhaka Dacca ou Dhaka est la capitale, la plus grande ville et le centre politique, culturel et économique du Bangladesh.Située sur la rive gauche de la rivière Buriganga, Dacca est une mégapole et l'une des plus grandes villes du sous-continent indien, avec une population de plus de 17 millions d'habitants en 2017, ce qui en fait la 13e agglomération la plus peuplée du monde. It is located just north of the Buriganga River, a channel of the Dhaleswari River, in the south-central part of the country. Des professionnels du tourisme ayant conclu des accords avec ROUTARD.COM permettent l’accès à leurs offres et prestations directement via le site, sans frais pour les visiteurs. Dhaka is not a quiet, retiring place. Photo : Jonathan Munshi, National Geographic The plain is crossed by a network of streams and rivers, the chief being the Dhaleswari, Buriganga, and Sitalakhya. © 2020 Lonely Planet. La mégapole est hantée par des centaines de milliers de "rickshaws" (vélo taxis) peinturlurés au milieu d'une circulation intense. A strong export-oriented garment industry emerged in the late 20th century. National Assembly Building (Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban; completed 1982), Dhaka, Bangladesh, designed by Louis I. Kahn. Pop. Architectural Buildings, Government Buildings, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre. We've pre-picked the best hotels, hostels and bed and breakfasts to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. From people-watching at the ferry terminal to visiting the city’s most beautiful mosques, here’s our pick of the best free things to do in Dhaka. Notre engagement Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? La rue Shankharia-Bazar mérite le détour. The city, bursting with nearly 17 million people (most of whom often seem to be stuck in the same traffic jam as you), is a gloriously noisy and chaotic place, bubbling with energy. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions. Dans le Vieux Dacca, le Palais Rose, datant de 1872, est l'un des bâtiments les plus intéressants (il a été restauré après une tornade). Dhakeshwari Temple is the centre of the Hindu faith in Bangladesh. Dhaka : la ville, ses attractions et les meilleurs périodes pour partir. Situé au nord du golfe du Bengale, quasiment enclavé dans l’Inde, il a également une petite frontière commune avec la Birmanie. Ces offres peuvent, selon les cas et afin d’améliorer l’expérience d’utilisation des visiteurs, apparaitre dans l’environnement ROUTARD.COM tout en étant néanmoins publiées sous les seuls contrôles et responsabilités de nos partenaires, ROUTARD.COM ne pouvant matériellement agir sur ces publications d’offres et les informations qui les accompagnent. Durant les 30 dernières années, Dacca, la capitale du Bangladesh, a vu le chiffre de sa population exploser : il est passé de un à huit millions d'habitants. All rights reserved. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). C'est un musée qui relate l'histoire du pays au travers des rajas, classes dirigeantes, et qui possède des peintures remarquables. Dhaka, also spelled Dacca, city and capital of Bangladesh. Among Dhaka’s more recent buildings of note are the Star Mosque (Tara Masjid), built in the Mughal architectural style in the early 19th century with later renovations; Curzon Hall at the University of Dhaka, erected at the beginning of the 20th century, combining Mughal and European influences; and the National Assembly Building (Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban), designed by architect Louis I. Kahn and completed in 1982. Pont piétonnier, Bangladesh. attractions; experiences; lodging; stories; guidebook; Welcome to Dhaka. Bangladesh This article was most recently revised and updated by, Dhaka - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Dhaka - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. The city, bursting with nearly 17 million people (most of whom often seem to be stuck in the same traffic jam as you), is a gloriously noisy and chaotic place, bubbling with energy. Dacca ou Dhaka est la capitale, la plus grande ville et le centre politique, culturel et économique du Bangladesh. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. It was the centre of a flourishing sea trade, attracting English, French, Armenian, Portuguese, and Dutch traders. During the early 20th century Dhaka served as a commercial centre and seat of learning. Les meilleures photo Dhaka des internautes. Following the end of British rule, when the region became a part of Pakistan, it was named the capital of East Bengal province (1947) and of East Pakistan (1956). Mentions légales Ouvert par padeloup, le 22/12/2014 à 13:26. more. Dhaka is Bangladesh’s most populous city and is one of the largest metropolises in South Asia. Although the city’s history can be traced to the 1st millennium ce, the city did not rise to prominence until the 17th century, when it served as the capital of the Muslim Mughal dynasty of Bengal province (1608–39 and 1660–1704). Qui sommes-nous ? Dhaka’s name is said to refer to the dhak tree, once common in the area, or to Dhakeshwari (“The Hidden Goddess”), whose shrine is located in the western part of the city. With the removal of the provincial capital to Murshidabad (1704) and the weakening of the muslin industry, Dhaka entered a period of decline. Among the city’s major industries are jute processing and the manufacture of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, textiles, leather goods, ceramics, and electronics products. The clerk, Jalal Hossain, works at … area, 14,543,124. Ouvert par Corinne-Marteau - Dernier message le 22/02/2019 à 07:56, Plus d'informations sur extension du visa touristique au Bangladesh I can unsubscribe any time using the unsubscribe link at the end of all emails. Dhaka is not a quiet, retiring place. A green emerald in South Asia’s trove of tourist treasures, Bangladesh amply rewards intrepid travellers who are plucky enough to dive into its whirlpool…, Veteran Lonely Planet writer Anirban Mahapatra has been living in Dhaka for the last three years, and spends much of his time pottering around the quaint…, For all its colourful streetscapes, palate-tingling Bengali cuisine, vivacious neighbourhoods and buzzing craft and music scenes, Dhaka’s urban pressures…. Ouvert par touffe, le 27/06/2015 à 21:29, Five star Restaurant à Dhaka Ouvert par Popof2112, le 28/02/2019 à 16:23, Nous partons en décembre au Bangladesh merci pour quelques infos Other 17th-century buildings include the Hindu Dhakeshwari temple and Tejgaon church, built by the Portuguese. Train Calcutta - Dhaka - Calcutta Or explore the collection of Best Places to stay in, The best free things to do in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Rivers, tigers and tea: experience the best of Bangladesh. Confidentialité Important crops are rice, jute, sugarcane, and oilseeds; there is also some cattle farming. From the concrete National Parliament House and ultramodern Bashundhara City, the largest shopping mall in South Asia, to the 17th Century Lalbagh Fort and the open markets along the city's side streets, these contrasts vividly shape the city. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Dhâkâ, 15:46:14, samedi 24, octobre 2020 Select points of interest to plot on map by type. On se promène dans une artère bordée de maisons anciennes qui abritent un nombre incalculable d'artisans, notamment ceux qui fabriquent les bracelets en coquillages. Top duplex floor beside the Dhanmondi Lake. Photo : Wikimedia , CC BY-SA 3.0 . Affichage 24h, Voir l’heure des villes dans les alentours de Dhâkâ: Chittagong, Almaty, Khulna, Omsk, Bichkek, Astana, Thimphou. Ouvert par annebonjour, le 11/09/2015 à 16:44, Guide Bangladesh A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. Marseille - Dhaka, Vol pas cher C'est l'une des villes les plus peuplées au monde. What is Dunhuang, a city in northwestern China, famous for? Quelle heure est-il à Dhaka? Dhâkâ, Bangladesh — heure locale, décalage avec l'heure GMT, heure d’été 2020, fuseau horaire Heure locale 18:20:30, jeudi 22, octobre 2020 +06 Affichage 12h Affichage 24h Create a Trip to save and organize all of your travel ideas, and see them on a map. Historic buildings of the Muslim period include Lal Bagh fort (1678) and its tomb of Bibi Pari (died 1684), wife of a governor of Bengal; the Bara Katra (great caravansary, a building historically used for sheltering caravans and other travelers; 1664); the Chhota Katra (small caravansary; 1663); and Husayni Dalan (a religious monument of the Shīʿite branch of Islam; 1642). Although modern in … Central Dhaka Ouvert par Unmondevue2pres, le 29/01/2019 à 13:16, Demande de visa indien depuis le Bangladesh Français bloqués à l'étranger : que faire pour rentrer ?
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