(146). However, she defends herself, asking how can she betray the departed. (137), Orestes at Delphiby The Trustees of the British Museum (Copyright). Orestes keeps his identity hidden from Electra, claiming to be messengers of Orestes. While his sacrifice allowed the Greek army to set sail for Troy, it led to a deep resentment in his wife, Clytemnestra.
The years have not quelled her intense hatred. No need to explain how vile our mother is, or how Aegisthus is draining our father’s wealth by extravagance and waste. Orestes goes to confront Aegisthus while Electra sends the aged servant to tell Clytemnestra that she had a son ten days ago, knowing this will bring Clytemnestra to her house. After some time it is clear that Electra is passionate about avenging the death of their father. Electra proposes to her sister that it is now up to them to kill their hated step-father Aegisthus, but Chrysothemis refuses to help, pointing out the impracticability of the plan.
As the play begins, many years after Agamemnon’s death, Orestes, now a grown man, arrives in Mycenae in secret with his friend Pylades of Phocis and an old attendant or tutor. This application enables you to attend, host and interact in eLecta Live virtual classes and web conferences. Giraudoux's play is a rewriting of the myth, taken from an epic passage in Homer's Odyssey. Belatedly realizing who she is, though, Orestes reveals his identity to his emotional sister, who almost betrays his identity in her excitement and joy that he is alive. For other uses, see, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Electra_(Euripides_play)&oldid=978101038, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, M. MacDonald and J. M. Walton, 2004 – verse, Arnott, W. G. 1993. When Orestes arrives at the palace, carrying the urn supposedly containing his own ashes, he does not recognize Electra at first, nor she him. When Aegisthus arrives, he, too, is killed. The chorus chides her, claiming that her wretched state is her own making. He continues: And now for us.
Ignoring her mother’s excuses, Electra says it was not justice that drew her to the bed of Aegisthus. They take him into the palace while the chorus leader speaks to Electra; she has her freedom. Wasson, Donald L. "Electra by Sophocles." In the end, both brother and sister are set free. She argues bitterly with her sister Chrysothemis over her accommodation with her father’s killers, and with her mother, whom she had never forgiven for the murder. Euripides in turn uses his recognition scene to allude to the one in Odyssey 19. This article is about the play by Jean Giradoux. Clytemnestra tells the slave to ignore Electra and asks how Orestes had died. It had previously been rendered in tragedies by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides in the 5th century BC. Second President of the court, he cares for his peace and opposes Aegisthus. "Spectacle and Parody in Euripides’ Electra. Unlike Electra, she chooses not to pose a threat; she does not have the strength necessary.
24 Oct 2020. The story is based on “The Nostoi”, a lost epic of ancient Greek literature and part of the “Epic Cycle”, roughly covering the period between Homer’s “Iliad” and his “Odyssey”. Sophoclesby Mark Cartwright (CC BY-NC-SA). 2000.
by The Trustees of the British Museum (Copyright). Similar to Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers, Electra focuses on the return of Electra's brother Orestes from exile and the plot to murder their mother. Sophocles’ tale is slightly different. Electra, (Greek: “Bright One”) in Greek legend, the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, who saved the life of her young brother Orestes by sending him away when their father was murdered. Undoubtedly, the trilogy Oresteia written by another great Greek tragedian Aeschylus influenced Sophocles in the retelling of the story of Electra and her life-long desire to kill her father’s murderers: her mother Clytemnestra and her mother’s lover Aegisthus. Addressing both, he says he is the bearer of sad news; Orestes is dead. It is based on the story of Electra and her brother Orestes, and the vengeance they take on their mother Clytemnestra and step-father Aegisthus for the murder of their father Agamemnon in the aftermath of the Trojan War. (186). First, we’ll pour libations on my father’s grave as the god instructed, and crown it with curling locks cut from my head, before we retrace our steps, bearing with us the urn of bronze. ), Electra laughs at the idea of using such tokens to recognize her brother because: there is no reason their hair should match; Orestes' footprint would in no way resemble her smaller footprint; and it would be illogical for a grown Orestes to still have a piece of clothing made for him when he was a small child. Electra then married Orestes’ friend Pylades. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Again she prays but this time to Zeus to avenge her father: Those who committed such wickedness never should live to enjoy their splendor. Meeting Electra, they say they are holding an urn with the ashes of Orestes.
With the return of Orestes and his friend Plyades, Electra is able to successfully avenge her father’s murder. Electra challenges her: How can you forget the father whose child you are and only think of your mother? The play begins with the introduction of Electra, the daughter of Clytemnestra and the late Agamemnon. The character of the beggar (at once god, beggar and director) helps restore the truth. Writing almost until the day he died, his final play Oedipus at Colonus was presented by his son Iophon in 401 BCE.
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