exceptional in a sentence
And his unbending common-sense, and sobriety of criticism in matters which deeply interested the less academic Radicals who were enthusiasts for extreme courses, would have made the parliamentary situation difficult but for the exceptional popularity of the prime minister. antonyms. Iyeyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa dynasty of shoguns, directed that his body should be interred at NikkO, a place of exceptional beauty, consecrated eight hundred years previously. The ancient people who was successful,(Sentencedict.com ) not only had, 29. His having encountered her in such exceptional circumstances, and his mother having at one time mentioned her to him as a good match, had drawn his particular attention to her. biographical memoirs that portray her exceptional sense of history. The Bulgarian church enjoys an exceptional position, inasmuch as its spiritual chief, the exarch, who resides at Constantinople, controls the Bulgarian prelates in European Turkey as well as those in the kingdom of Bulgaria. These exceptional conditions give to Yucatan a moderately hot, dry, and comparatively healthful climate. Some people have exceptional abilities we do not understand—for example, savants. , It was understood why the actress received an Oscar for her exceptional portrayal of the historical figure. : It is obvious that we can no longer rely on our exceptionalism to keep us safe. Since Exist c. 74, 1878, which repealed the act of 1869, and affirmed as a principle the landing of foreign animals for slaughter only, though free importation or quarantine on the one hand and prohibition on the other were provided for in exceptional circumstances. The status of consuls commissioned by the Christian powers to reside in Mahommedan countries, China, Korea, Siam, and, until 1899, in Japan, and to exercise judicial functions in civil and criminal matters between their own countrymen and strangers, is exceptional to the common law, and is founded on special conventions or capitulations. The high schools enjoy an exceptional reputation. 125. Considerable advances in our knowledge of the various chromogenic bacteria have been made by the studies of Beyerinck, Lankester, Engelmann, Ewart and others, and have assumed exceptional importance owing to the discovery that Bacteriopurpurin - the red colouring matter contained in certain sulphur bacteria - absorbs certain rays of solar energy, and enables the organism to utilize the energy for its own life-purposes. 2. Another exceptional case, known as thi critical case, will be noticed later (~ 9). This plate illustrates the exceptional opportunity afforded the palaeontologist through the remarkably preserved remains of Ichthyosaurs in the quarries of Holzmaden near Stuttgart, Wurttemberg, excavated for many years by Herr Bernard Hauff. Collocations are words that are often used together and are brilliant at providing natural sounding language for your speech and writing. 4. Discarding those of Uranus, in which the orbits of the satellites are highly inclined to the ecliptic, and in which manifestly some exceptional influences have been at work, we find that the satellites revolve around the primaries also in the same direction (Exceptions are Saturn ix. The knightly ages will always enjoy the glory of having formulated a code of honour which aimed at rendering the upper classes worthy of their exceptional privileges; yet we must judge chivalry not only by its formal code but also by its practical fruits. His devotion to the classics was exceptional even in that time. exceptional example sentences. 187. Edinburgh has always possessed exceptional educational facilities. Angela finds the diversity of projects at Rushes very stimulating and enjoys producing groundbreaking graphics and exceptional effects. It is true that even by the most thorough-going allegorists the literal sense of Scripture was not openly and entirely disregarded; but the very fact that the study of Hebrew was never more than exceptional, and so early ceased to be cultivated at all, is eloquent of indifference to the original literal sense, and the very principle of the many meanings inherent in the sacred writings was hostile to sound interpretation; greater importance was attached to the " deeper " or " hidden " senses, i.e. Last 50 years fattened for the butcher, are renowned for the quantity and exceptional quality of their tender and delicately flavored meat. These are, however, exceptional cases in the families studied. We were angered that an exception was made for our Governor, allowing him to evade standing trial for his illegal behavior. Herodianus also wrote numerous grammatical treatises, of which only one has come down to us in a complete form (IIepi µovr t pous Wews, on peculiar style), articles on exceptional or anomalous words. The Italian agriculturist has come to look (and often in vain) for action on a large scale from the state, for irrigation, drainage of uncultivated low-lying land, which may be made fertile, river regulation, &c.; while to the small proprietor the state often appears only as a hard and inconsiderate tax-gatherer. Data from the survey have been used to study biogeography, biodiversity, seasonal and inter-annual variation, long-term trends, and exceptional events. exceptional, and he spoke 23 languages with ease. Moreover, in endeavouring to sketch the theology of early Judaism it has been easy to find in the heterogeneous and conflicting ideas a system which agreed with preconceived views, and to reject as late or exceptional whatever told against them. The drug has the typical actions of a volatile oil, but exerts some of them in an exceptional degree. The rapidity of the movement has not been exceptional in Arkansas, but the size of its average farm, less in 1850 than that of the other cotton states, was in 1900, 93.1 acres (108.8 for white farmers alone, 49 o for blacks alone), which was even less than that of the North Atlantic states (96.5 acres, the smallest sectional unit of the Union). CK 1 1396378 There's an exception to every rule. The woods have an exceptional diversity of rare epiphytic lichens. It may be noted, however, as a general condition that the native towns and villages of Tunisia, where they have not been spoiled by the shocking tastelessness of Mediterranean Europe, are exceedingly picturesque, and offer exceptional attractions to the painter. 3. Hence he publicly celebrated Mass, prohibited preaching against Catholicism, and showed exceptional favour to renegades from the Establishment. 268+8 sentence examples: 1. Christopher is a man of exceptional talent. This meeting has exceptional importance for the constitutional history of Bohemia. The quality of the recording is quite, 13. Exemption from service is granted in a few exceptional cases. Such a case, however, is quite exceptional. exceptional / examples. of the showers), who became king of Ireland in 763; his surname, of which several fanciful explanations have been suggested, probably commemorating merely weather of exceptional severity at his birth. September’s Words in the News explain all. It is thus difficult to form a judgment as to what has most claim to acceptance as the general law, and what may be regarded as local or exceptional. Nearly all the cable companies possess their own steamers, of sufficient dimensions and specially equipped for making ordinary repairs; but for exceptional cases, where a considerable quantity of new cable may have to be inserted, it may be necessary to charter the services of one of the larger vessels owned by a cable-manufacturing company, at a certain sum per day, which may well reach £200 to £300. An exceptional specimen or an uncommon variety may sometimes be seen in the above-mentioned abnormal places, but the best, the true, and common variety of the table is the produce of short, upland, wind-swept pastures. Its characteristics are exceptional tallness combined with slenderness and elegance of figure; a face somewhat long, without any special prominence of the cheekbones but having more or less oblique eyes; an aquiline nose; a slightly receding chin; largish upper teeth; a long neck; a narrow chest; a long trunk, and delicately shaped, small hands with long, slender fingers. View usage over: The Senegal indeed has what is styled an interior delta, but, with the exception of the marigot named, all the divergent branches rejoin the main stream before the sea is reached. What prosperity or stability remains in various Cape Cod communities is largely due to foreign immigrants-especially BritishAmericans and Portuguese from the Azores; although the population remains, to a degree exceptional in northern states, of native stock. In summer the thermometer occasionally registers as much as 100° in the shade, or even a degree or two more: this however is exceptional, and 80 0 -90° is a more normal maximum for the year. Examples of Exception in a sentence The only exception that will be made for students who come late to classes is if they had been sick the day before. The Swedish Expedition (17) of 1899-1902, engaged in measuring an arc of the meridian in Spitsbergen, were unusually well provided spectrographically, and succeeded in taking photographs of aurora in conjunction with artificial lines-chiefly of hydrogen-which led to results claiming exceptional accuracy. Thus this campaign had been rapidly brought to a satisfactory conclusion; and Sir Arthur Wellesley had already given proof of his exceptional gifts as a leader. Two Boston periodicals (one no longer so) that still hold an exceptional position in periodical literature, the North American Review (1815) and the Atlantic Monthly (1857), date from this period. This act was exceptional only in its extent: the king was as cruel on a smaller scale elsewhere, and not contented with the liberal use of the axe and the rope was wont to inflict his favorite punishments of blinding and mutilation on a most reckless scale. Enjoy exceptional entertainment with wine and a gourmet dinner served by our kilted waiters. Another word for exceptional. He is such an exceptional boy. With an exceptional range of information thus afforded him, he wrote the opening of his history in July 1849; but, finding himself still unsettled in his work, he decided in the spring of the following year to carry out a long projected visit to England. But these exceptional and dubious forms do not obtain nutriment by sending rootlets in a rhizocephalous manner into their patrons. Pop. 5. His father suffered for his adherence to the Free Church at the Disruption in 1843, and removed to Edinburgh, where the son was educated, showing exceptional ability from the first. He knows there is someone or something out there that has weird and exceptional abilities.


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