View all. Professional and emerging filmmakers are invited to submit films about the migrant experience according to the established theme: The Promise and Challenge of Migration, and the Positive Contributions Migrants Make to Their New Communities. A committee of international film professionals will select a number of outstanding productions to be screened for a diverse audience: thousands of people in almost 100 countries. Together with a copy of the film, the Festival should be received a pressbook with the technical and artistic information of the film, photos, and trailer, that the Festival can be published on the website and on the social network of the event. Final Deadline: 27th January 2020 Event Date: 24th February - 1st March 2020, Final Deadline: 26th February 2020 Event Date: 16th - 22nd March 2020, Final Deadline: 4th May 2020 Event Date: 25th - 30th May 2020, Final Deadline: 10th June 2020 Event Date: 21st - 28th June 2020, Final Deadline: 8th July 2020 Event Date: 26th July - 2nd August 2020, Final Deadline: 2nd September 2020 Event Date: 20th - 27th September 2020, Final Deadline: 15th September 2020 Event Date: 4th - 10th October 2020, Final Deadline: 30th September 2020 Event Date: 25th - 31st October 2020, Final Deadline: 14th October 2020 Event Date: 23rd - 27th November 2020, Final Deadline: 11th November 2020 Event Date: 6th - 12th December 2020. 14) The works presented in Ischia will be selected and assessed according to the unquestionable judgement of the Academy Scientific Board. Welcome to 3rd Global Nature Film Festival . We are currently looking for content that challenges, informs, and shows a fresh perspective to storytelling. Switzerland, IOM Manila Administrative CentreIOM Panama Administrative Centre, © 2020 | International Organization for Migration, International Cooperation and Partnerships, Constitution and Basic Texts of the Governing Bodies, Terms of Reference of the Standing Committee on Programmes and Finance (SCPF), IOM General Procurement Principles and Processes, Ex-post publication of information on Contractors and Grant Beneficiaries of EU funds – contracts for project periods 2017- 2019, Ex-post publication of information on Contractors and Grant Beneficiaries of EU funds – contracts for project periods 2014 - 2016, Protection mainstreaming in IOM crisis response, IOM in Humanitarian Operations and Clusters, Giving migrants and refugees a head start on life in the UK, Norwegian Cultural Orientation Programme (NORCO): Fostering Integration of Resettled Refugees in Local Communities, United States Cultural Orientation in Nepal: Preparing Refugees for a New Life in the USA, Disaster Risk Reduction and Environmental Degradation, Migration Health Assessments & Travel Assistance, Health Promotion and Assistance for Migrants, Mental Health, Psychosocial Response and Intercultural Communication, Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration, Department of International Cooperation and Partnerships, International Dialogue on Migration 2020 COVID-19 crisis: Reimagining the role of migrants and human mobility for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals 15 and 16 October 2020, IDM 2019: Youth and migration: Engaging youth as key partners in migration governance, Inclusive and Innovative Partnerships for Effective Global Governance of Migration (2018), Towards Effective Migration Governance: Partnerships for Capacity Development (2018), Strengthening international cooperation on and governance of migration towards the adoption of a global compact on migration in 2018 (2017), Understanding Migrant Vulnerabilities: A Solution-based Approach Towards a Global Compact that Reduces Vulnerabilities and Empowers Migrants (2017), Follow-up and Review of Migration in the SDGs (2016), Assessing progress in the implementation process of migration related SDGs (2016), South-South Migration: Partnering Strategically for Development (2014), Migrants in Times of Crisis: An Emerging Protection Challenge (2012), Protecting Migrants During Times of Crisis: Immediate Responses and Sustainable Strategies (2012), Moving to Safety: Migration Consequences of Complex Crises (2012), Economic Cycles, Demographic Change and Migration (2011), Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration (2011), Societies and Identities: The Multifaceted Impact of Migration (2010), Migration and Transnationalism: Opportunities and Challenges (2010), Trafficking in Persons and Exploitation of Migrants: Ensuring Protection of Human Rights (2009), Effective Respect for the Human Rights of Migrants: A Shared Responsibility (2009), Human Rights and Migration: Working Together for Safe, Dignified and Secure Migration (2009), Enhancing the Role of Return Migration in Fostering Development (2008), Return Migration: Challenges and Opportunities (2008), Making Global Labour Mobility a Catalyst for Development (2007), Free Movement of Persons in Regional Integration Processes (2007), Migration Management in the Evolving Global Economy (2007), Migration and Human Resources for Health (2006), Partnerships in Migration: Engaging Business and Civil Society (2006), Developing Capacity to Manage Migration (2005), Approaches to Data Collection and Data Management (2003), Migration Challenges for the 21st Century (2001), Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms on Migration, Regional Consultative Processes on Migration, ISCMs, Policy dialogue on migration and migration governance, Donor Relations and Resource Mobilisation, Central and North America and the Caribbean, South Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre. 2) The list of films selected will be communicated by email to the participants. Please see below the dates and programmes of each Lift-Off Film Festival this Season. Subscribe to newsletter. Address Global Peace Film Festival P.O. Ischia Global Festival is a week of major film premieres, timely panels and symposium and awards ceremonies that will be attended by numerous industry executives, filmmakers and international journalists. Films. In addition, some of the most recognized International talents and Italian artists attend the industry events and get-togethers with their European and American counterparts. Screen your film in front of some of the best audiences in the world. 17 Route des Morillons 3) Who register on behalf of the latter are personally responsible for the content of the works they register. 6) The director, producers or/and talents of the award winner films will be invited to present their film to the Festival Ac … Producers of movies spoken in a language other than English are kindly invited to provide English subtitles and an Italian translation of the dialogues. Forio, Campania 80075, 18 Via Antonio Sogliuzzo 1) The activities of Ischia Special Challenge 2020 are divided into two sections: It’s the most popular summer film event in the world with Italian and international screenings, attended by the leaders and top performers in the entertainment and communications industries as well as some of the most celebrated luminaries of the global stage. The goal of the festival is to pave the way for greater discussion around … Ischia King of Comedy Award; Ischia Prince of Comedy - Carlo Vanzina Award; Ischia Italian Actor of the Year Award; Ischia Italian Worldwide Award; Ischia Working-Boy Award; Ischia Filmaker of the Year Award; Ischia Breakout Director of the Year; Ischia Breakout Actor Award; Ischia Breakout Actress Award; Ischia Exploit Award; Ischia Newcomer Award; Ischia People Award; Ischia Art Award; Ischia Fiction Award; Ischia Best Documentary Award. The William & Mary Global Film Festival Williamsburg, Virginia USA. 13) All the works will be insured against any type of risk that may cause damage to the copies, including their loss or theft. Tweets. We programme and host multiple festivals throughout the year, each consisting of both live and online screenings. 2040 wins Planetary Health Film Prize at 2019 Global Health Film Festival. During and after the event, the Academy Scientific Board will bestow the following awards: Global Health Film @GHFilm. A 6 day long extravaganza that is dedicated to nature and environment. The Festival organization is not responsible for any changes due to unexpected reasons (climate conditions, technical issues, artists’ attendance to the festival, etc.). - W il Cinema Italiano d'Estate: A selection of national feature and documentary films which were premiered or distributed in movie theatres and on streaming from September 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 12) The screenings’ calendar and timetable will be made known by the Festival Management not later than July 7, 2020. Box 3310 Winter Park, FL 32790-3310 Furthermore, the Festival is an innovative creative avenue for normalizing discussions of migration through storytelling, and it is an advocacy tool that can also draw attention to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), thus helping all nations as they work to meet them. Address: FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We Are One: A Global Film Festival is an international online film festival which took place in 2020. - Finestra nel mondo: A selection of feature and documentary films from all over the world, which were premiered or distributed in movie theatres from September 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. 16) Applications filed to the aim of taking part to the Special Challenge Contest imply full acceptance of the present regulations. Organized by Tribeca Enterprises in conjunction with YouTube as a response to the cancellation of many traditional film festivals during the COVID-19 pandemic, the festival screened a selection of films for free on YouTube between May 29 and June 7.. It’s the most popular summer film event in the world with Italian and international screenings, attended by the leaders and top performers in the entertainment and communications industries as well as some of the most celebrated luminaries of the global stage. Berlin Lift-Off Film Festival. We aim to screen as many films as possible, particularly Network Member's films, in order to give filmmakers the best chance to launch their career. Films can: INFORM, INSPIRE, TRANSFORM AND PROMOTE INCLUSION. Please see below the dates and programmes of each Lift-Off Film Festival this Season. Ischia Global Film Festival takes place on the Isle of Ischia, a few miles off Naples and Capri, Italy since 2003. No Greater Law (2018) 1 Jul 2018. San Francisco International Film Festival, Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Ischia, Campania 80077. Final Deadline: 27th January 2020 Event Date: 24th February - 1st March 2020. The goal of the festival is to pave the way for greater discussion around one of the greatest phenomenon of our time. 8) Foreign films will be presented in their original version and with Italian subtitles. If your project is engaging and your talent shines within it we want your work screening with us. The Global Migration Film Festival (GMFF) features films and documentaries that capture the promise and challenges of migration, and the unique contributions that migrants make to their new communities. The shipping from, non-EU countries, must be accompanied with the item "no commercial value - for cultural purpose only ". Email: Contact the Festival. Any shipping costs of the selected films are charged to the participants. Cinema and migration have a magical bond stretching back over a century ago when film makers, many of whom were immigrants themselves, began making movies that depicted a world on the move. The Devil We Know (2018) 2 Oct 2018. Films have the power to show different facets of life, which can in turn help viewers to cultivate deeper empathy for migrants and a better understanding of their realities, needs, perspectives and capacities. The insurance policy is entered by Institute Capri in the World and covers the period during which the properties are in possession of the Festival. The official program will be printed and made available by the Festival Management which will provide information about any unexpected changes on the website This event will showcase the works of contemporary film makers in the form of short films, feature films and documentaries along with many other events like exhibitions, seminars, workshops, competitions, cultural events and State Days.
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