Using bonjour to say hello in French Bonjour – Hello (good day) This is the one that you probably have at least heard of before if you aren’t already fully familiar with it. Of all the different vocabulary in a foreign language the word “hello” is probably the first thing you should learn. ), – Très bien, merci ! Light kisses (rarely just one kiss on each cheek but usually three or four total) are extremely common in France among friends and acquaintances. Nobody is going to attack you because you used, This next one shouldn’t be difficult to remember because it both looks and sounds like a Frenchified version of the word “hello”. ), – Bonsoir vous allez bien Monsieur ? There are two ways: Bonjour and Salut. This is not at all unlike how we say “hello?” when answering the phone in English. Signalez une erreur ou suggérez une amélioration. Just like salut, toi however you will no doubt come across adults who use it as sort of silly or goofy way of saying “hi”. Saluer can be used in any instance where you are acknowledging and greeting someone. In this tutorial lesson above you will learn how to say “hello” in French. Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 23+ years in the US and France. Especially if you’re in France. Bonjour – Hello (good day). So, I’ve met many American students who therefore concluded that “salut” meant ‘hi’ in French. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Signalez une publicité qui vous semble abusive. Cette phrase n'est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Although the term “good day” may sound somewhat formal in English this isn’t at all the case in French. You are free to use it as much as you want without fear of sounding too formal or fancy. – Hello? Hello and welcome to our 'Can't speak French' feature... Hello from Australia / What is your address. You’ll see it very often used in combination with salut or another one on this list such as in the sentence…. If you find yourself in more informal situations than formal ones then you may actually end up using this one more than bonjour. "There are also other ways to say hello or greet someone in French, but it's important to understand what greetings are … There are other words to say hello in French: “Salut” means Hello or Hi, it is an informal way to say hello in French. The number typically ranges from as little as one to as many as four. Now, if you are a young lady entering a bar full of men and say “bonjour” with a huge smile, you may get some unwanted attention… But outside of this context, please do smile :-). We only use “Allô” to say hello in French on the phone. Now that you know how to say hello in French, you need to learn how to properly part ways! amzn_assoc_linkid = "342516bc8a7459126310cba50f62b8bb"; When I start my French videos, I usually say “bonjour à tous” ! Log in. Although the term “good day” may sound somewhat formal in English this isn’t at all the case in French. Un oubli important ? Note we do not hug in France when we greet each other. Be careful with the pronunciation: you don’t have to pronounce the final “t”. It also means good morning or good afternoon. To say hello in French, most students are familiar with “bonjour”. This is a really simple one. Saying bonjour is the most common way to greet someone in French. “Salut” means Hello or Hi, it is an informal way to say hello in French. Although it may seem like something simple (and it is), there are actually tons of ways you can say “hello”, or otherwise greet someone, in French. If you saw someone previously (perhaps earlier in the day) it only makes sense that you would acknowledge that you previously engaged with them. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'frenchplanations_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',110,'0','0']));Ça va? The French everybody speaks in France today is NOT the overly enunciated, extremely formal French usually taught to foreigners. Bonsoir means good evening. – Hello? For example, if there are a few people sitting at a table you are approaching or several acquaintances are drinking un expresso at the bar as you walk up to them, greet them with a friendly bonjour. Saying “bonjour” has to be the most common way of saying hello in French. Finally, we are going to do a little exercise: Which of the following sentences are incorrect? Unlike bonjour, there is actually a verb for salut which is saluer. If you feel you’re ready to move on take a look at some of the other articles we have. – How’s it going?, How are you doing? If you know the person you are greeting with bonjour, you would either shake his hand—a frank, strong handshake is preferable—or kiss him on the cheek. It's a flexible, all-purpose term: You use it to greet people in the morning, afternoon, or evening. (I’m good, and you? (what’s beautiful?). Aidez WordReference : Posez la question dans les forums. Voir la traduction automatique de Google Translate de 'hello'. The expressions bon matin (matin=morning) or bon après-midi (après-midi = afternoon) donât exist as a greeting, so never use them to greet someone. is the French equivalent of “what’s up?” or “what’s new?” it’s naturally going to be more informal, so only use it in situations where you can use that kind of language. The most important and common greeting is bonjour, which means "hello," "good day," or even "hi." eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'frenchplanations_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',106,'0','0']));This one is probably just as common as bonjour, but seeing as it’s translated as “hi” it’s really only used in more informal situations. And it’s a big mistake. This is the only place where this rule applies. Bonjour is sort of like the catch-all way of saying “hello” in French because you can really use it for anyone no matter the formality of the situation.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'frenchplanations_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',105,'0','0'])); If you’re going to France (or another French-speaking country) and just need one way to say “hello” then bonjour is definitely what you should learn. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. The nice thing about bonjour is that it's the most safe and polite of all greetings in French. The number typically ranges from as little as one to as many as four. I understand there was a famous TV show called “Allô, Allô” and therefore many English speakers are convinced that “Allô” is a common way to say hello in French. “Bonjour” and “salut” can be used at any time of the day but “bonsoir” is used only in the afternoon, from 5pm onwards, or in the evening. The only thing to keep in mind is that although “enchanted to meet you” sounds very fancy (and a little silly) in English enchanté in French is not at all fancy and completely normal. Discussions sur 'hello' dans le forum English Only, ⓘ Un ou plusieurs fils de discussions du forum correspondent exactement au terme que vous recherchez, Could you please say hello to your mum for me, he stopped by my office just to say hello. should be an easy one to learn because it’s really just a variation of quoi de neuf? Some say it depends on the hour of the day whereas others rely on the sun to tell them when. Learning how to say “hello” or otherwise greet people is definitely one of the most basic and fundamental parts of learning French. And please smile !! You wouldn’t want to use this with someone that you’re supposed to show respect such as your professor or boss. If you are speaking with someone who will be speaking to that person later you can say, If you find yourself in more informal situations than formal ones then you may actually end up using this one more than, Some say it depends on the hour of the day whereas others rely on the sun to tell them when. Someone from a white collar class would only use “salut” with friends or acquaintances, but not strangers. So be careful, you have to write it  in just one word. If you saw someone previously (perhaps earlier in the day) it only makes sense that you would acknowledge that you previously engaged with them. And it’s usually accompanied by a “bisous à la française” – a kiss on the cheeks – or a firm hand shake. This isn’t so much a way to say “hello” or “hi” as it is a way to say “what’s up?” or “what’s new?” (its literal translation is “what’s new?”, but “what’s up?” is a fine translation as well). If you had to put an English translation on coucou it would probably be “hi there” or “hey there”. If you are unsure of how to, If you ever spend a significant amount of time in France you’ll even see two French people run into issues where one wants to, If you’re familiar with the English word “welcome” (which you likely are if you are reading this) then you should know exactly how to use, Unlike all of the other ways in this list, How to Conjugate the French Verb Connaître, French Si Clauses – The Easy and Complete Guide. Greetings are an essential part of French social etiquette. Just like with greetings, these parting phrases can differ based on the context. Remember how bonjour, when translated literally, meant “good day?” Well bonsoir, when translated literally, means “good evening”. The number of kisses that someone does depends primarily on where in France they are from. Someone from a blue collar class may easily use “salut”, even with total strangers if he feels they belong to the same social class. Another way of doing this is to say passe le bonjour pour moi which is sort of like saying “pass the hello for me”. You can also say salut, toi as a sort of kid-friendly way of saying “hi”. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'frenchplanations_com-box-4','ezslot_2',107,'0','0']));Bonsoir – Hello (good evening). 1 – Bonjour: the Most Common Way to say hello in French, 3 – Saying Hello in French to a Large Group of People, 4 – Bonsoir – Hello in French – But in the Evening, 5 – Allô ? Allô? If you are unsure of how to faire la bise or how many times to do it, the best advice is to just leave it to the other person and try your best to follow along. Use “coucou” with all my friends and family. HALLOWEEN SALE – 20% OFF ALL AUDIOBOOKS ENDS NOV 4th. You will also see and hear people say comment ça va? And it’s usually accompanied by a “bisous à la française” – a kiss on the cheeks – or a firm hand shake. – Hi Pierre, what’s up? Frenchplanations LLC is an affiliate of certain products displayed on this site. Forums pour discuter de hello, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. If you’re familiar with the English word “welcome” (which you likely are if you are reading this) then you should know exactly how to use bienvenue. Even the French don’t agree… Read the article on the for more info on that subject. When this is the situation you can use rebonjour. When you greet someone with “Hello” in French in the evening, you can say “bonsoir“. A typical mistake is to write Bonjour in 2 words! (hello, how are you? It’s not at all uncommon for people to debate about when exactly it’s appropriate to switch from bonjour to bonsoir. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'frenchplanations_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',108,'0','0']));Coucou can also be used to try and get someone’s attention, again it’s still very informal. Because coucou is so informal it’s really important to never use it with someone that you’re supposed to show respect.
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