You will use that card key to open the gate in the underground. Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. We will only use this address to email the confirmation for this question. As for the Lavender Radio Tower, it seems there is absolutely no way to go up those stairs, as far as I … You are not registered / logged in. Where is the Pokemon tower in Pokemon soul silver? All you need is the walk through walls code and an action replay. If you want to ask a question for this game, please use the ask a question box which is above on the right. Or click here to search for specific content. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. I don't believe you are able to access the Second Floor of the Kanto Radio Tower because of what happened in the Johto Radio Tower, but I'm not 100% sure.Hope this helps! © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2020. It's a gray building near the northern side of town. Choose yes, and you'll be in an alternate world! For the Silph Co, you cannot access the elevator UNLESS you have Rotom as your leading Pokemon (as in, it's walking with you) Because that elevator takes you to the room where you can change Rotom's form. This is a straight walkthrough for Pokemon Soul Silver. The sequence for the buttons is 3-2-1. It can be located in Lavender Town. It can be located in Lavender Town. The president is in the goldenrod underground. For Pokemon SoulSilver Version on the DS, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do I get into the top of the Radio Tower? If you would like to ne notified if/when we have added this answer to the site please enter your email address. It will guide you on the path through Soul Silver and give you tips and tricks for all the b.. Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. The main rocket admin will be at the top of the tower. How do get past the guy guarding the radio tower entrance to the second floor in lavender town on Pokemon soul silver, Pokemon Soul Silver Questions and answers, Nintendo DS You cannot make it to the second floor of the Lavender Radio Tower. Your goal here is to reach the Radio Tower, which is on the western end of the city. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Don't bother trying, because you would just be wasting your time. We will only use this address to email the confirmation for this answer. The Pokemon Tower in HeartGold, and SoulSilver has been changed into the Kanto Radio Tower. You then go into the elevator, the elevator animations go on, you go through the elevator doors, and it's a room full of poke balls, and a message saying: you have drowned. The Pokemon Tower in HeartGold, and SoulSilver has been changed into the Kanto Radio Tower. Is there an Action Replay Code that forces the evolution of Pokemon th.. He will tell you some stuff. YOU CAN GET PAST THE GUARD! If you are still looking for help with this game we have more questions and answers for you to check. For Pokemon SoulSilver Version on the DS, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do I get at the top of the radio tower in lavender town? Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. How do get past the guy guarding the radio tower entrance to the second floor in lavender town on Pokemon soul silver. For a short time in Generation II and Generation IV, the tower fell victim to the clutches of Team Rocket, during which time all of the normal broadcasts were replaced with a pirate signal officially announcing Team Rocket's return and pleading Gi… Are you at the radio tower. If you would like to receive an email to let you know if/when we have added this question to the site please enter your email address. You have gotten the key card from the admin pretending to be the president or from the president. I really want a Mew, how can I get Mew on heart gold or soul silver? Please be as detailed as you can when making an answer. The president will be there. Answers that are too short or not descriptive are usually rejected. Restart? ". I.. How do you get all the legendary Pokemon in soul silver at mt silver? Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. ". It will waste your time there is no way I've looked for hours on the Internet and nothing works. The Radio Tower broadcasts numerous programs daily, the most prominent of such being Professor Oak's Pokémon Talk and Buena's Password, a new radio show that debuted in Pokémon Crystal.
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