hsc packaging
When designing a box to your specific needs, we're always happy to listen to your requirements to design what works best for you! Lay-flat orientation during the loading process provides easy automation across multiple packaging platforms such as Delkor’s Cabrio Case®, the half slotted container (HSC box), interleaved displays, RSC cases, and FSC cases. HCP’s trend analysis and prediction can pinpoint key looks and concepts for upcoming seasons, delivered through the very latest technology and manufacturing processes. What We Do. 150 per pallet. Please contact us for custom orders. SHENZHEN HSC PACKAGING CO., LTD Over 10 years factory in manufacturing boutique packaging boxes Standard Order => Minimum : 225 | Maximum : 2475, Standard Order => Minimum : 300 | Maximum : 3000, Standard Order => Minimum : 200| Maximum : 2000, Standard Order => Minimum : 100 | Maximum : 1100, Standard Order => Minimum : 160 | Maximum : 1280, Standard Order => Minimum : 300 | Maximum : 1500, Standard Order => Minimum : 300| Maximum : 3000, Standard Order => Minimum : 150 | Maximum : 1800, Standard Order => Minimum : 140 | Maximum : 1120, Standard Order => Minimum : 100 | Maximum : 1800, 124 N. Nova Road Ships on 48×48 pallet. Pallets are double stackable. Plastic solution RSC HSC Archives - Plastic Packaging Solutions Recommended Product use for Packaging Retail Other. Whether you need an OPF to save packaging time or an RSC for boxing units of product, our associates are here to deliver the right product, on time, to your business. With nine manufacturing locations in Asia, North America and Europe, HCP offer a cutting-edge global … E-Mail: timmyqiu@hscpackaging.com. Ships on 48×48pallet. The Half Slotted Carton has slotted flaps on one end only, used, commonly for ease of use when top-loading product. With an enviable reputation for innovation, creative technology and state of the art manufacturing, HCP are professionally supported and represented by regional and local offices, providing customers with direct and immediate access, feedback and solutions from nine factories worldwide. Have questions or need more information? A world-class leader in the design, development and manufacture of primary packaging containers for the colour cosmetics, skincare, fragrance and toiletry industries. Pallets are NOT double stackable. Fax: +86-0755-28558114 Our packaging designers will design the perfect enclosure to meet your rigorous specifications. Find out how HSG started! What does HSC stand for in Packaging? Need extra protection or need your cardboard boxes to stand out? About Us . Simple perforations along with ideally located glue flaps allow for easy removal of the half slotted container top. Services. Packaging HSC abbreviation meaning defined here. Pallets are double stackable. THE HSC BOX JUST GOT BETTER Save money on packaging materials while looking great in this easy-open, half slotted container (HSC box). Each issue is packed with recent company news, exhibitions, information about our new stock, decoration, finishes, beauty features, a selection of our global customer launches and inspiring packaging trends. Ships on 48×40 pallet. About Us. The HCP Mag is released twice a year in spring and autumn. When you need to ship large products or in bulk, you need to invest in large boxes. 300 per pallet. Pallets are double stackable. Pallets are double stackable. Pallets are double stackable. Contact HSC: Shenzhen HSC Packaging Co Ltd. Tel:+86-0755-28557952. These solutions are designed to be cost-effective, create less waste, and help your business succeed. (Only for HSC) Packaging take-back systems Relevant documentation describing or demonstrating that a take-back system has been put in place for the packaging. With the installation of our corrugator in 2017, we have been able to offer custom cost effective alternatives to traditional board grades. Ships on 36×36 pallet. A world-class leader in the design, development and manufacture of primary packaging containers for the colour cosmetics, skincare, fragrance and toiletry industries. Suite 119 Half Slotted Container (HSC) Overlap Slotted Container (OSC) Full Overlap Slotted Container (FOL) Center Special Slotted Container (CSSC) Snap or 1-2-3-Bottom Container (ALB) Integral Divider Container; Telescopic Boxes (Design Style Trays, Infold Trays and Outfold Trays) Double-Cover Container; Interlocking Double-Cover Container; Folders; Wraparound Blank; Retail Packaging and Displays. Ships on 48×48pallet. Ships on 48×40 pallet. Ormond Beach, FL Pallets are double stackable. Packaging optimization creates packaging that protects a product and communicates about its contents as it moves through the manufacturing-warehousing-shipping-distribution process. Our talented team of associates and packaging designers work hard to create solutions to your packaging needs. Ships on 48×40pallet. Packaging boxes are what you use to get your products to your customers. Gift BoxesGB13 Shenzhen HSC Packaging Co., Ltd, Over 10 years factory in manufacturing boutique packaging boxes . Uninterrupted vertical HSC box corners provide strength in high-humidity refrigerated and frozen environments. C Blok No: 17 34555 Hadımköy - ARNAVUTKÖY / İSTANBUL Tel : 0090 212 477 7744 Fax : 0090 212 689 7861 Email: info@hsckablo.com Find out how HSG started! Subscribe to the HCP newsletter to receive regular updates on the company, products and services, upcoming exhibitions and lots more. Gaylord boxes and bulk bins. 32174, ©2019 Plastic Packaging Solutions | Our RSCs can be made and delivered quickly to keep your production lines up and running.


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