This was a staggering proposal. Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse [Online], 3. Many of the soldiers claimed that the abuse was authorized by their superiors, attempting to shift the blame away from themselves (Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse). 7 July 2009 . Writing and Reading Arcoss the Curriculum. Sign up for the GOD TV newsletter and receive a free gift! The Old Testament generally does not concern itself with militant triumph or climactic discovery. If one is tasked with causing such pain to another person, disobedience in the form of insubordination is the choice that should be taken. Boston: Pearson/Longman, 2008. Mid-day came and still there was no, “Let’s have some iced tea”. See our Privacy Policy for more information. God Himself created this “circle of love” for us, to make obedience possible—and even easy. His study, conducted by coercing people to continue to deliver increasingly powerful shocks to human test subjects, is the epitome of dangerous obedience. Tenth Edition. It is the air you breathe because if it wasn’t for the obedience of Jesus Christ where would we be right now? Ed. There is a greater purpose to tithing on the regular or sharing your lunch with a friend. Reports stated that soldiers were following the orders of private contractors under command of the United States Department of Defense (Lawful Orders). 9 March 2008. Save Citation » (Works with EndNote, ProCite, & Reference Manager), Leveillee, N. P. (2011). This month in Today in the Word we’ll learn what the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy tells us about obedience. Had the experiment not been an act, many people would have gone as far as he instructed and severely damaged or killed the subjects. Reagan added that the US did not &ldquo... Research has shown that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) shares similar genetic roots with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Taken as a whole unit, it is a product of the post-exilic period[2], for even its oldest pieces underwent editing to suit the purposes of authors addressing an audience... President Ronald Reagan branded the USSR an “evil empire” in March 1983. © 2020 Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse LLC. Without stability, productivity and the well-being of the citizens become non-existent. 389-400. The prisoners tried to be obedient out of fear of retaliation by the guards. Retrieved from, Leveillee, Nicholas P. "The Role of Obedience in Society." There are circumstances when too much obedience leads to loss of individual identity while too little causes chaos and anarchy in the society. Obedience is detrimental when it can cause physical or mental anguish. We’ll look at godly obedience in the context of covenant relationship, and we’ll trace the connection of obedience with worship, grace, and justice. I eventually forgot about the iced tea. Asch was optimistic that people like their independence more and would rally for that cause. In this instance, Milgram forced the “teachers” to undergo mental anguish by making them think they were causing harm to the “learners.” He deliberately pushed them past the acceptable point of obedience (Milgram 358-370). Moreover, the views expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of Inquiries Journal or Student Pulse, its owners, staff, contributors, or affiliates. For just $100 per month you can bring the gospel to 10,000 homes. the Bible equates obedience with love. 7 July 2009. If society follows the same path as Eichmann, people would be nothing more than tools; unthinkingly carrying out our superior’s every desire regardless of the harm it may cause others.
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