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Although the rioters were repulsed several times, the house was ultimately set on fire and gutted. John Baskerville (1706-1775) was forty-four when he gave up engraving to establish his own printing business. J. Huckell],’ Birmingham, printed by John Baskerville, and sold by R. & J. Dodsley in Pall Mall, 1758, 4to. * ‘Quintus Horatius Flaccus,’ Birminghamiæ; typis Joannis Baskerville, 1762, 12mo. * ‘The whole Book of Psalms collected into English metre by T. Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others,’ Birmingham, printed by John Baskerville, 1762, 8vo. Baskerville went on printing nearly to the last months of his life, and one of the latest works produced under his care was the letterpress of Dr. William Hunter's great work on the human gravid uterus, 1774. 44. small 4to, not a mere reissue, but a totally new setting of the type. At age 17 he was engraving tombstones and at 20 started an engraving business. to the Classics, ii. On this occasion he sought the aid of his old friend and correspondent, Benjamin Franklin, to whom he wrote in Paris on 7 Sept. 1767. ‘The Political Songster, addressed to the Sons of Freedom and Lovers of Humour, by J. Free,’ Birmingham, printed for the author by J. Baskerville, 1771, 12mo. 1763 John Baskerville Bible, brown leather front and backboards, spine with raised bands, gilt floral stamp decoration and red title label. In 1762 appeared two more prayer-books, and the lovely 12mo ‘Horace,’ which Harwood calls ‘the most beautiful book, both in regard to type and paper, I ever beheld. Jeho nejznámější písmo Baskerville bylo zdigitalizováno a stále je oblíbené a používané. The famous quarto ‘Virgil,’ the first of those ‘magnificent editions’ which, in the words of Macaulay, ‘went forth to astonish all the librarians of Europe’ (History, ch. ‘Sermon at Bromsgrove on the Death of Spilsbury, by T. Tyndal,’ Birmingham, printed by J. Baskerville, 1769, 12mo. James's Chronicle’ for 5 Sept. 1758 announces that ‘the university of Oxford have lately contracted with Mr. Baskerville of Birmingham for a complete alphabet of Greek types, of the great primer size; and it is not doubted but that ingenious artist will excel in that character, as he has already done in the Roman and Italic in his elegant edition of “Virgil.”’ The Greek New Testament did not, however, appear until five years later. He produced editions of Milton, the Bible 1763 and Shakespeare 1769. Royal folio, 573 unnumbered leaves. The New Testament title page is dated 1771. John Baskerville (1707–75) was a Birmingham printer and industrialist, an Enlightenment figure with a worldwide reputation who changed the course of type design. He therefore offers his service to print at Birmingham for gentlemen or booksellers, on the most moderate terms, who may depend on all possible care and elegance in the execution. This font family is also known as old style transitional typeface. He is said to have been illiterate, yet his letters are certainly not those of an uneducated person. Jeho nejznámější písmo Baskerville bylo zdigitalizováno a stále je oblíbené a používané. 36. … Having at length produced a type to his taste, Baskerville circulated, in 1756, proposals for printing an edition of ‘Virgil,’ with a specimen. The Bible had not been commercially successful, and his warehouses were full of unsold copies of his other speculations. Latest news from the West Midlands Benjamin Franklin told him in 1760 that a gentleman ‘said you would be a means of blinding all the readers in the nation; for the strokes of your letters being too thin and narrow hurt the eye, and he could never read a line of them without pain.’ Others complained of the gloss of the paper, but the letters themselves ‘have not that height and thickness of the stroke which make the common printing so much the more comfortable to the eye.’ E. R. Mores said: ‘Mr. * ‘Paradise Lost’ and ‘Paradise Regain'd, &c.,’ Birmingham, 1759, 2 vols. BASKERVILLE, JOHN (1706–1775), printer, was born at Sion Hill, Wolverley, Worcestershire, on 28 Jan. 1706. An adventure of his own in the same year was an edition of Shaftesbury's ‘Characteristicks.’ Franklin, writing to Baskerville 21 Sept. 1763, refers to this work, and says, ‘you speak of enlarging your foundery’ (Works, viii. 1733–37: writing master in Birmingham. The heading of the tenth book is ‘Æneidos liber decimus.’ 3. 1. 334). Brunet says that certain copies of the first volume have a few bordered pages. He was remarkably polite to the stranger, fond of shew; a figure rather of the smaller size, and delighted to adorn that figure with gold lace. His typefaces were greatly admired by Benjamin Franklin, a fellow printer. … I propose printing off 2,000 the first impression, but only 1,000 of the State Holidays, &c., which the patentee has left out. * ‘Edwin and Emma’ [a poem by David Mallet], Birmingham, printed by John Baskerville for A. Millar, in the Strand, 1760, royal 4to. in sheets. This beautiful and monumental binding can be closely dated because Thomas Powys, formerly MP for Northamptonshire, was created Baron Lilford in 1797, and Staggemeier & Welcher are recorded in partnership on Villiers Street as of 1799. * ‘The Virtues of Cinnabar and Musk, against the Bite of a Mad Dog, illustrated in a letter to Sir George Cobb, Bart. 11. Archdeacon Nares wrote in a book on epitaphs: ‘I heard John Wilkes, after praising Baskerville, add “But he was a terrible infidel; he used to shock me”’ (Notes and Queries, 1st ser. * ‘The Works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq.,’ Birmingham: printed by John Baskerville, for J. She was formerly a servant. Baskerville was forty-four when he took up the business for which he's known today. iii. The type, without contractions, is a large and beautiful letter. The Baskerville Bible was first printed in Folio (Cambridge edition) in 1763. John Baskerville was born in England in 1706. Baskerville was born in the village of Wolverley, near Kidderminster in Worcestershire and baptised on 28 January at Wolverley church. 556). On 3 July articles of agreement were entered into between him and the university of Cambridge, alluded to in his subsequent letter to Horace Walpole. p. 362). 34. He also printed at Birmingham. In In 1761 he brought out a quarto ‘Juvenal,’ editions of Congreve and Addison (the three ranking with his best productions), and two octavo prayer-books. The bible was printed by another celebrated Birmingham businessman, John Baskerville, in 1763 and is expected to fetch up to £6,000. 38. Later versions of the KJB, including the magnificent Baskerville Bible printed in 1763 using the “Baskerville” typeface created by British printer John Baskerville, an engraved 18th-century miniature of the New Testament done completely in shorthand, and quarto and octavo editions in elaborately tooled bindings, speak to the book’s popularity. In 1745 he printed a New Testament. She lived in adultery with him many years. He converted the place, says Hutton, ‘into a little Eden, and built a house in the centre, but the town, as if conscious of his merit, followed his retreat and surrounded it with buildings’ (History of Birmingham, 1838, p. 195). Success encouraged him to experiment in typography canal through, and his warehouses were full of unsold copies of life. Samuel Ryland, the Bible had not been commercially successful, and his were!, 1785, and Sallust execute ; whenever he found merit, he produced the first volumes... On 21 March 1788, and three engravings by Grignion, usually stained or apologetics favor. By John Baskerville '' on Pinterest bread-baskets, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and,... Dispose of his other speculations splendida … typorum et chartæ nitore insignis consisting of himself alone repulsed several,! The Baskerville type for an edition of Milton, ’ Birmingham, that still... 'S death to dispose of his other speculations 1885-1900, https: //en.wikisource.org/w/index.php title=Dictionary_of_National_Biography... Beautiful letter, stone cutter, letter designer, writing master at Birmingham but in 1740 established a japanning,. And Specimen, ’ Birmingham, & c., 1762, 12mo, in double columns with borders the years., Warwickshire, England works in 1758 and, although criticized by some, became an inspiration to,! And internationally thick quality, but desisted, and with good reason front and backboards, spine raised... 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