overflow-y: hidden; .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { State legislature | Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? Ballotpedia is seeking 100 percent } .votebox-covid-disclaimer { display: block; .non_result_row div { div.oneoff-scrollbox.short { height:250px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } } float: left;
color: black; .results_text { border-radius: 50%; 13% of these people are married, and 88% are single. Join Facebook to connect with Krystle Craig and others you may know. text-align: center; } background-color: green; jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { .race_header.republican { text-align: center; .widget-img { Craig is on the ballot in the general election on November 3, 2020. margin-bottom: -2px !important; 15 records for Krystle Craig. top: 0px; width: 100% .widget-row.value-only.white { padding-bottom: 5px; margin: auto; color: black; text-align: left !important; Do not use this site to make decisions about employment, tenant screening, or any purpose covered by the FCRA. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Krystle Craig’s full report may contain information on how to contact them such as phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses. .race_header.libertarian { div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } margin-bottom: 4px; Redistricting, List of Nebraska ballot measures | .race_header.democratic { Supreme Court | } Federal courts | Our wealth data indicates income average is $60k. padding:7px 8px 8px; } padding-bottom: 8px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ublic education | if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; Nebraska elections in 2020 | .widget-value { District Courts |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} color: #6db24f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margin-top: 0px; display: inline-block; School districts in Nebraska | .widget-row.value-only.black { max-width: 75px; font-weight: bold; } let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight; background-color: #003388; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5em; font-weight: 300; function indicateScroll (){ font-weight: bold; } height: 50px; .non_result_row th { Environment | display: inline-block; text-align: center; position: absolute; Krystle Craig has not yet completed Ballotpedia's 2020 Candidate Connection survey. } .inner_percentage.Republican { padding-bottom: 3px; } font-size: 12px; State executives | } Local measures | .electionsectionheading { .widget-row.heading { padding-left: 16px; .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} } Ballotpedia features 318,608 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. background-color: red; .race_footer { background-color: #f9f9f9; indicateScroll(); font-size: .9em; font-style: italic; } } font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; } Noteworthy respondents included, 1,957 candidates completed the survey in 2018. Problem-Solving Courts, Budget and finances | border-bottom: 1px solid grey; Please make your own determination of the relevance of these court records. Krystle Craig and Sara Howard advanced from the primary for Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors Subdivision 2. function defer() { County Courts | color: #fff; State constitution, Courts in Nebraska | Please enable Cookies and reload the page. For the latest in your state, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Krystle_Craig&oldid=8000865, Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors candidate, 2020, Submit a photo, survey, video, conversation, or bio, Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing, 872 candidates completed the survey in 2019. background-color: green; Ballot measure laws | } color: white; margin: 8px auto; } Our ethnicity data indicates the majority is Caucasian. } } } display: block; [])). background-color: grey; color: white; vertical-align: top; left: 0px; width: 250px; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { margin: 0; background-color: #dac113; } Financial regulation | background-color: #f4f4f4; Largest cities | display: inline-block; font-weight: 100; Some 2020 election dates and procedures have changed as a result of the coronavirus. margin-bottom: 0px; Krystle Craig said she will not be able to serve because she is moving to Lincoln. width: 350px; Reason #2: Krystle believes in and is devoted to finding long-term sustainable solutions for … font-size: 1.25em; Phoenix AZ, Avondale AZ, Rockford WA, Laveen AZ, Rod Lynch, Robert Lynch, Melissa Lynch, Stacey Lynch, Brendon Craig, Dennis Craig, Carrie Craig, Jane Craig, Christopher Craig, Doylane Craig, Terry Craig, Carol Craig, Seattle WA, Roseburg OR, Omaha NE, Derby KS, Stevensville MI, Dowagiac MI, Omaha NE, Seattle WA, Michael Craig, Rhodora Craig, Raymond Craig, Martin Craig, Jeff Craig, Alexandria IN, Norfolk VA, Virginia Beach VA, Christopher Craig, Shemita Craig, Timothy Craig, Marie Craig, Matthew Craig. 89% are in their 30s, while the average age is 35. defer(); .survey-result {padding:10px;} display: inline; width: 100%; .votebox_legend { Taxes. Two Main Reasons to Vote Krystle Craig to the OPPD Board: Reason #1: A caring mother of four, Krystle is committed to lowering your electric bills through efficiency and common sense solutions. .votebox-results-metadata { color: white; .results_row.winner { color: #888; width: 150px; Krystle Craig is running for election to the Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors to represent Subdivision 2 in Nebraska. .infobox p { width: 43%; }
float:right; background-color: #ccc; background-color: #6db24f; width: 90%; Voting in Nebraska | if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { margin-bottom: 1px; padding-left: 0; } .election_results_text { font-size: 20px; } background-color: #f9d334;
} } Spokeo is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Energy | .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { Court of Appeals | } .votebox-results-metadata-p { } width: 100%; padding-bottom: 7px; letter-spacing: 0.03em; } font-weight: bold; } .inner_percentage.Libertarian { View the profiles of people named Krystle Craig. letter-spacing: .03em; }; [])), +((!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+[])+(+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]-(!![]))+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])-[])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]))/+((!+[]+(!![])+!![]+[])+(!+[]-(!![]))+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![])+(!+[]-(!![]))+(!+[]+(!![])-[])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]-(!![]))+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!! The personal information that is included in the full report could contain schools that they attended, degrees earned, and … }, See also: City elections in Omaha, Nebraska (2020). }. What's on my ballot? background-color: #003388; margin-bottom:16px; 2020 legislative session | setTimeout(function() { defer() }, 500); Noteworthy respondents included. } Candidates from 33 states completed the survey. p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} Candidate, Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors Subdivision 2, .infobox { } } | } Krystle Craig is running for election to the Omaha Public Power District Board of Directors to represent Subdivision 2 in Nebraska. position: relative; Spokeo is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. } Workers' Compensation Court | background-color: #003388; .clearfix { text-align: center; jQuery(item).html("Scroll for more
"); Public pensions | top: -5px; } This site should not be used to make decisions about employment, tenant screening, or any purpose covered by the FCRA.The records were matched using first and last name only. Ballot access for parties | font-size: 2em; } .inner_percentage.Democratic { color: white; Largest counties | overflow-x: scroll; margin-bottom:0px; Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. display: inline-block; display: inline-block; } padding-left: 8px; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { }); position: relative; padding-left: 0; font-weight: 300; .results_table_container { Join Facebook to connect with Krystle Craig and others you may know. border:1px solid #FFB81F;
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