height: 22px; She has shared her message of empowerment and action with audiences from the TEDx stage to local schools, encouraging people, especially women, to take a seat at the table and make their voices heard. I bought back when the market was still recovering in the Las Vegas area and have been able to build great equity in the properties I have obtained since the crash. I’m not a sole owner or operator. overflow-x: auto; } Sutton is 2014’s Miss Nevada United States, a business executive, real estate broker, and now an entrepreneur. For advertising and inquiries: info@nextshark.com, Meet the Beauty Queen Who Won Miss Nevada, Then Launched Several Successful Startups. Taxes. “I am proud to endorse Lisa Song Sutton in her campaign to represent the good people of Nevada’s 4th Congressional District in Congress,” said Congresswoman Stefanik. Voting in Nevada | Some 2020 election dates and procedures have changed as a result of the coronavirus. The company has also expanded to 16 employees and has been landing a lot of wholesale accounts since the beginning of 2016. “I played piano, the flute, I was in tap dance classes, ballet, gymnastics. padding-bottom: 5px; Along the way she has given Tedx talks on community building, volunteerism, and the importance of giving back. overflow-y: hidden; border-bottom: 1px solid grey; margin-right: 10px; Court of Appeals | Apart from continuing to model, Sutton also owns a real estate company, a bikini and lingerie company, and a marketing app that pairs small and medium-sized businesses with local and regional influencers. Not content to rest on her achievements, Lisa co-founded several other businesses and brands including Ship Las Vegas, Elite Homes – Christie’s International Real Estate and Liquid & Lace Swimwear. .race_header { You have to be able to totally trust that person and vice/versa. } width: 100%; Click for booking inquiries. } width: 50px; LSS: It’s never been easier to get into real estate. .results_row td { There were a few times where I would get discouraged or unmotivated, but I’m thankful that I had parents who said, ‘Don’t give up, you’re going to finish this.’”. padding-left: 10px; Lisa Song Sutton also promises to not directly ask for money, not bash her opponents, and to not promote negative information about the other party. If you’re considering a multi-unit commercial investment, a minimum of 16 units with majority occupancy can help you ride things out, even if a few units are vacant. } Healthcare | .votebox_legend .non_result_row { } } Real estate investment is just one of the ways that Sutton has achieved that success, but she feels that, with the right guidance and determination, it’s one of the most productive, rewarding avenues for women. Asia Travel I love being in a customer-oriented industry. Local measures | | Lisa Song Sutton has a long, impressive list of titles that flow simply and smoothly after her name. } Explore her businesses, brands and ventures below. .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, Whether that product is a mansion or a cupcake, I’m selling you a product. } Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign. background-color: #f9f9f9; indicateScroll(); It just seems so disjointed.” If you take a bird’s eye view and look at everything that I’m doing, at the end of the day I’m selling a product. jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { .non_result_row th { I had a lot of success with it. } Reducing business-killing regulations and harmful taxes are what the community wants and needs. I did over 500 appearances in 18 months.”. .votebox-scroll-container { } “People always ask: ‘Cupcakes, real estate? top: 0px; } Ballotpedia features 318,608 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. defer(); .survey-result {padding:10px;} .votebox { padding-top: 8px; Join to Connect. left: 0; background-color: grey; Sutton shared words of wisdom for female entrepreneurs: “Don’t be afraid or be intimidated if you are the only woman that sits at the table. } They rented a kitchen to make the cupcakes as well as a food truck built by Mercedes Benz, which was paid for via a loan from Sutton’s family. .widget-row.value-only.white { .non_result_row div { In addition, personal and home protection, especially for women, is incredibly important. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. position: relative; margin: 8px auto; State legislature | display: inline-block; padding-bottom: 0px; Through modeling, Sutton met Danielle Michelle 10 years ago, a fellow model with whom she partnered to launch her first startup, Sin City Cupcakes. .widget-value { background: #4c4c4c; When she was 19, she signed to a modeling agency in southern Florida. width: 250px; Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. top: -1px; Lisa promises to support the military (her father is a Vietnam War veteran) and businesses, while opposing tax increases and illegal immigration. Energy | } Election governance | More restrictive gun laws will have little effect on crime because by nature, criminals do not follow the law. You can visit her Official Campaign website by clicking here. State constitution, Courts in Nevada | Sutton is proof that one can find success in any avenue of their choice if they’re willing to work hard, put in the time, and dedicate themselves to that success. It’s all just a win across the board if we support each other instead of tear each other down.”. The men and women who have served our country deserve our appreciation and support. If I can find a way to bankroll this, would you be willing to move out here to Las Vegas and start the company with me?’ At first she said no, but two weeks later she moved.”. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { font-weight: bold; background-color: #db0000; From the early days of her solo residential investments in the Summerlin area to a multi-million-dollar investment portfolio, Sutton has crafted her own success—she believes that you can, too. display: inline-block; Business company LISA SONG SUTTON FOR CONGRESS LLC is a legal entity registered under the law of State Nevada. padding-left: 0; font-size: 0.9em; This legal entity was firstly registered on 3rd July 2019 under the legal form of Domestic Limited-Liability Company. }; Their buy-in investment is very low. .inner_percentage.Green { .widget-row.Republican { I always had my time filled outside of school with extracurricular activities, not only to keep myself as a well-rounded person, but to boost my resume and get into a great college and great grad school.”. The company is now a million dollar business. background-color: #f9f9f9; } display: block; padding-bottom: 8px; She Is seeking your support! Each of my respective partners work their position full-time. We just finished our taxes in January for 2015 and saw a spike in revenue growth. font-weight: bold; clear: both; color:white; font-weight: bold; Lisa Song Sutton is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist and published writer. Asian Food } } width: 100% !important; .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { I find that unfortunately a lot of times women compete with other women, and it’s not supportive or empowering. The following candidates ran in the Democratic primary for U.S. House Nevada District 4 on June 9, 2020. .votebox-results-metadata { State executives | max-height: 580px; Copyright © 2020 Lisa Song Sutton. left: 0px; The current budget is harmful to the American people. } Congressional delegation | font-size: 20px; font-size: 1.25em; Lisa Song Sutton, 35, said she was busy focusing on her businesses and community work, including her stint as Miss Nevada in 2014, and wasn’t very politically engaged. .results_text { padding-left: 10px; For the latest in your state, This page was current at the end of the individual's last campaign covered by Ballotpedia. .race_header.green { text-align: left !important; setTimeout(function() { defer() }, 500); padding:7px 8px 8px; She is a strong supporter of our local veterans, active military and their families. } Washington, D.C.: Today, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik endorsed Lisa Song Sutton for Congress in Nevada’s 4 th Congressional District. position: absolute; } padding-top: 3px; Now accepting requests for speaking engagements & consultations for 2020-2021. She completed her first real estate investment deal at the early age of 18 when she and two other partners invested in a single-family home.
float:right; } Lisa's father is a U.S. Air Force veteran and her mother is a Korean-American immigrant. margin-bottom: 1px; color: white; font-weight: 300; .widget-row.Libertarian { background-color: #003388; Lisa Song Sutton is the 2014 Miss Nevada who recently announced her plans to run as a Republican candidate for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District. background-color: grey; text-align: center; Sutton, 31, was born in South Korea and moved to Arizona when she was five. } You’re going to learn something new, have a new colleague by your side. .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} font-weight: 100; By the time she was 26, she was managing real estate investment deals on her own. It’s very much like a marriage, a financial marriage with someone you go into business with. .votebox-results-cell--number { “Modeling started as a part-time thing when I was in school full-time. } } background-color: red; She serves on the board of numerous non-profits (like Monday’s Dark and the Asian Development Council). .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { width: 350px; To engage Lisa at your event, click here. text-align: left; } Our is mission is to transform every early stage entrepreneur, Miss Nevada 2014 Winner, Mentor and Role Model, Published author for Forbes, Fast Company, Inc.com, Huff Post & More. letter-spacing: 0.03em; .inner_percentage.Republican { .clearfix { She was Miss Nevada US 2014 and since then has gone on to build four successful companies in Las Vegas. Since then, the company has grown and served celebrity clients such as Chris Brown, Mrs. World Diane Denigris, and Adrienne Maloof From “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”, “Everything is wonderful. Lisa Song Sutton is the 2014 Miss Nevada who recently announced her plans to run as a Republican candidate for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District. } background-color: #f4f4f4; Sutton stresses the importance of having clear communication with your partner if you want your business to be successful. .results_row td:first-child { Ballot measure laws | if (window.jQuery) { Learn more about Lisa's speaking engagements and bookings through her management at Premiere Speakers Bureau.
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