It is not found atleast in Rig Veda / other three Vedas or Ramayana (literature that I have read several, I repeat several, times). ?The Moon moves around the Earth in an approximately circular orbit, going once around us in approximately 27.3 days, or one sidereal period of revolution. But let them have no doubt, that that this is not going to happen as they are on the wrong side and AS ALWAYS TRUTH WINS. Let me assure you, I never try to please anyone, my close friends describe me as being ruthless at times :) In this blog itself I have blocked few people permanently after they posted racist/fascist comments. Thus, with respect to the stars in the background, the Moon will be 13.2 degrees further east each night.? Now that you have the software, why don?t you put the date 7th October 5077 BC, change the latitudes / longitudes to 20 deg. I would now request you to read some of my earlier posts where I said the following things: I am not an astrologer. You first correct your question. You may be a free person, but for me time is in short supply. This is once again a feature which is self corroborative in nature. If you consider vedic civilization to a localized phenomenon in India, then we will have to accept out of India theory for this, and start searching for a migration date. And in this day, we are said to be currently in the 28th Mahayuga of the 7th Manvantara! (This is in some ways similar to the Y2K problem in 1999AD, which required changing digits from 2 to 4 for year.) As I said earlier, the problem is in us expecting these ancient texts to be 100% specific to the point! Is it true? This is for someone who can read sanskrit ;). if they dont like, they can just leave it. Hence let us calculate How long does it take for moon to travel 1 degree in cancer. I copy below a para from macaulay’s minute, which is being followed even today, i.e., of simply bashing up sacred texts which are written in sanskrit. The loss of two months can be clearly seen from the names of the months, as, November (Nov = 9) is 11th month, and finally. I think the author in the link given by you is mixing up things! And pre-historic period is defined as the one for which no archaeological evidence is available!! But having been here and mingled among westerners, I can safely say that the Indian culture should be looked up on by rest of the world. And as I said science cannot take this as evidence. to digest. MR.Pusharji Bharat nagar I understand your frustration.. Mars should be in the middle of the chain of planets. I completely got what you explained above, thanks for that. Dakshinamurthy – Jupiter Connect – Guru Connect. Ramayana also mentions of Yuga but no where the span of yuga is prescribed. 2 In the other yugas, duty, ordained in the Vedas, is seen to gradually decline by a quarter in each. I would recommend you find books authored by Dr. B.V. Raman and Bepin Behari. “”. 8. I am reproducing the translation (can you plz get the original verse here) of section 231 of shanti parva of Mahabharata here. April 29, 2013 by Mr 108 1 Comment. I remember having taken notes that there were atleast three periods of sudden abnormal rise in the sea level. Any theory which has even a single evidence against it has to be considered guilty till proven innocent. 1) Neither one of us here are accredited historians, 2) We can not invent theories. I was confronted with the questions about span of Yugas and thus, under compulsion, I tried to read as much as possible and bring out a harmonious solution to the problem. “”. So Krita-yuga is 4000 divine years in length, Treta-yuga is 3000 divine years in length, Dvapara-yuga is 2000 divine years in length, and Kali-yuga is 1000 divine years long, with the addition of the conjoining portions of the Sandhya and Sandhyansa. Thank you very much. Lots of work pending and they need lot of concentration. In fact these two yugas are just the extreme opposite of each other. The main reason why I didn?t go by this conventional theory is because what I saw in the software was completely against this belief. But actually, you find that it was in Leo at this time. That Thretha Yuga ended after 3648 years on Monday, the 4th of December 6749 BC. I found this particular link, wherein they give the distance between stars in degrees, most are around 13.333 degrees, but as you said the minimum is 8 degrees and maximum is 22 degrees: according to Wikipedia in the end of treta yuga. My sincere request to all readers who comment, Please don’t get personal over each other since that will only distract us from the actual issues that are being discussed/debated. So please just ignore me and carry on with your astrological study. Its HIS bhakthi/devotion that has to be done, which many wont understand. Junagadh, Kashmir and Hyderabad were the special cases he handled. You may find it interesting. 2. Anyway looking at your latest posts and noticing that you have started respecting novices like us, I would reciprocate this respect to you. As I said, my remarks didn?t make me too popular. I just popped in to add a few things. If you dont know anything about astrology, fine, dont bother reading it, because you wont understand even ABC of it. But then people like you and me are helpless in the face of an avalanche of “”proofs”” by “”prominent scholars””, thanks to their “”philosphers’ stones”” like “”Planetarium”” software etc.! The morning of that epoch consists of four hundred years and its evening is of four hundred years. Let me cut and paste the relevant part of your message of 19th December as under: ?Also we know that each zodiac sign is divided into 30 degrees. Or is there something like Golden age waxing and waning.Or there is darkness for some yrs of yuga and then light. ?The moon moves rapidly with respect to the background stars. ( Log Out / Here we can type in the time that we want (-5115 Y, 01 M, 10 D, 11 H : 52 M) Press “”apply”” and then “”ok””, and you should observe that the planets are indeed in the constellations mentioned according to Lord Rama’s DOB. And then comes our Kali Yuga in which there is misery only on all sides. Let me explain. If Mr. Bhatnagar?s theory is sound enough, he should answer all the doubts raised, rather than get offended (Mr. Bhatnagar just got offended when Vijay politely pointed out his disagreements. Its not the information that we have that needs to be scientific, its the process of investigation that needs to be scientific. So 432000 yrs of kaliyuga may be less. Many persons have accused me that I am changing sea level data as per my choice to suit some hypothesis etc. In fact one of my post was removed, but I never complained, and I said that I apologize for such stuff as I immediately realized that I had gone a bit far. Triple LOL. Sage Valmiki has mentioned the position of various stars to depict the date of birth of Shri there any mention, in any of the scriptures, of the planetary positions for the Birth of the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu ? Does that mean that we outrightly reject other dates such as ones before 5114 BC. QM doesn?t say that you cannot predict the future at all. Following are the “”almighty”” Lahiri details copied from the JHora 7.33 software for January 10, 5114 BCE (-5113 AD) for Ayodhya at Noon, LMT: Natal Chart Shri Ram Date: January 10, -5113 Time: 12:00:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 82 E 12′ 00″”, 26 N 48′ 00″” Ayodhya, India Altitude: 0.00 meters, Lunar Yr-Mo: Parabhava – Phalguna Tithi: Sukla Sapthami (Sa) (48.25% left) Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju) Nakshatra: Rohini (Mo) (62.35% left) Yoga: Vishkambha (Sa) (11.29% left) Karana: Vanija (Ve) (96.49% left) Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Le) Mahakala Hora: Moon (5 min sign: Cn) Kaala Lord: Saturn (Mahakala: Moon), Sunrise: 6:58:32 Sunset: 17:19:31 Janma Ghatis: 12.5612, Ayanamsa: 285-52-47.49 Sidereal Time: 16:35:26, Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa, Lagna 14 Ta 52′ 07.38″” Rohi 2 Ta Ta Sun – BK 26 Aq 48′ 32.38″” PBha 3 Aq Ge Moon – PiK 15 Ta 01′ 10.38″” Rohi 2 Ta Ta Mars – AmK 28 Ar 17′ 42.38″” Krit 1 Ar Sg Mercury – AK 29 Cp 18′ 42.32″” Dhan 2 Cp Vi Jupiter (R) – MK 18 Le 51′ 39.03″” PPha 2 Le Vi Venus (R) – DK 1 Pi 59′ 24.70″” PBha 4 Pi Cn Saturn – PK 13 Sc 47′ 26.51″” Anu 4 Sc Sc Rahu – GK 22 Sg 16′ 56.06″” PSha 3 Sg Li Ketu 22 Ge 16′ 56.06″” Puna 1 Ge Ar **** **** ***** ***** ***** *****, Following are the so called Sayana details as per the same J Hora 7.33 software Natal Chart Shri Ram, Date: January 10, -5113 Time: 12:00:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 82 E 12′ 00″”, 26 N 48′ 00″” Ayodhya, India Altitude: 0.00 meters, Lunar Yr-Mo: Parabhava – Pushya Tithi: Sukla Sapthami (Sa) (48.25% left) Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju) Nakshatra: Poorvabhadra (Ju) (18.25% left) Yoga: Vyatipata (Ra) (23.08% left) Karana: Vanija (Ve) (96.49% left) Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Le) Mahakala Hora: Moon (5 min sign: Cn) Kaala Lord: Saturn (Mahakala: Moon), Ayanamsa: 0-00-00.00 Sidereal Time: 16:35:26, Lagna 0 Pi 44′ 54.87″” PBha 4 Pi Cn Sun – PK 12 Sg 41′ 21.93″” Mool 4 Sg Cn Moon – DK 0 Pi 53′ 59.93″” PBha 4 Pi Cn Mars – PiK 14 Aq 10′ 31.93″” Sata 3 Aq Aq Mercury – MK 15 Sc 11′ 31.87″” Anu 4 Sc Sc Jupiter (R) – GK 4 Ge 44′ 28.58″” Mrig 4 Ge Sc Venus (R) – BK 17 Sg 52′ 14.25″” PSha 2 Sg Vi Saturn – AK 29 Le 40′ 16.06″” UPha 1 Le Sg Rahu – AmK 8 Li 09′ 45.60″” Swat 1 Li Sg Ketu 8 Ar 09′ 45.60″” Aswi 3 Ar Ge, *****8 ***** **** ****** ****, The (Sayana) planetary details as per the Swiss Ephemeris are: *** CHART ANALYSIS REPORT ***, DeltaT = +162894s; ET = 3:46:06 am Jan 12 5114 BC; JDE = -146454.342978 ST(0?)
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