"I'm fine, mum. He turned from the mirror and walked to her nightstand. "I can't believe they changed the time to seven-thirty.". She deeply regretted it. It takes a tragedy to teach her to put love and time for the family ahead of work and bad memories of the past and open up to her son. Elle voulait dormir, mais qu'arrive-t-il lorsqu'elle n'a que des cauchemars effrayants de démons et de l'enfer? "No need to apologize," said Lily while flicking through the pages of her report and frowning slightly. ", "After I've cast the cleaning spell, I'll leave." Stefan? Enjoy the story. A choice of the heart. As soon as Elena got the cure, he would take her, and leave. It looked intense, the same intense look she had thought about only moments ago. She was questioning herself if she did the right thing, by telling Stefan about Elena and Damon. (COMPLETE) If you had one day more with your son, what would you do? Rated: K - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 249 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Published: Okays, i'm sorry. Why didn't he do it already? Where could Caroline be? ", "I don't have much time and I need to dash," said Lily, sighing. And she turned her back on Harry. Caroline looked up at Klaus, her eyes filled with regret, as he stood up and leaned over her. "Remember when Ron invited us to go to the Burrow for my birthday tomorrow and –" Harry hesitated, eyeing his mother nervously. She thought of his eyes, that intense look he seemed to have only for her. He told himself. Now she's trying to make her own way when fate decides to throw her a twist, Gregori Holstein. They locked eyes for a moment, his eyes softened. Klaus narrowed his eyes while Caroline held her little speech. Anyway, thank you for reading this story and giving it a chance. It took him almost an hour to arrange the papers in proper order. Follow/Fav A Love at Stake. You can't feel betrayed by someone you know doesn't care about you. ", "No, The reason I'm leaving is so you have a chance to live a normal life. She hated herself for doing it. Each year at school, he would study very hard, even pushing his limits by skipping meals and sleep just to get the top grade. She put her hand in her head. He stared at her skeptically. She was wearing a dark blue robe. Lily stopped on her tracks when she noticed Harry. Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 25,874 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 14 - Updated: Lilia es una muchacha solitaria que a tenido un pasado muy difícil, vive en una época en la que el matrimonio forzado es valido, pero ella solo quiere morir en paz, su vida a sido bastante dura y solo quiere morir, pero conoce a un interesante muchacho. "It's nothing.". Better to let him suffer a decade or so. He could kill him, but that would be too easy. he asked himself. Anger filled Klaus's eyes. There was a knock on his door and a weary-looking Lily Potter peered inside. He felt guilty and embarrassed. His hybrids, his surrogate family. Forgetting it would be a good way to go. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. He didn't bother combing his hair and went hurriedly out of his room to make breakfast, not realizing that his mother was standing right outside of his door. Harry knew, of course, how his father died, but was only told in a very short and simple explanation. He blames me for what happened today. Tyler's voice finally broke. "Look at what you've done!". Creating an army of hybrids, being the most powerful creature that ever roamed the earth. MY friends! She squinted, sat up, craned her neck a bit, and gazed hopefully at the clock hanging on the wall. His drawing. If I'm gone, Klaus will follow me. He crinkled the drawing holding it tight, holding it against his lips. yelled Lily, and she stalked off, slamming the bedroom door shut behind her. If he was to be alone, so was Tyler. They're all dead…", "What?! Not many of Lily's friends from the Order of the Phoenix found this abrupt decision the right thing to do as well, but they ended up, somehow reluctantly, agreeing that maybe Lily had her own reasons for not going back to Godric's Hollow. One Shot. Can you make breakfast for me, please? "I'm sorry Caroline. "A certain dark wizard killed your father," Lily had told him rather unwillingly. "I shouldn't have said that." It gave him solace that she at least liked him enough to keep the drawing. shrieked Lily. "Nobody could leave you out in the woods like that, you're too special for that." He could not expect more from her. Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 16,021 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 8 - Updated: a boy who chooses games over his girlfriend. Just like my friends. Shrugging, he stood up, signed his name on the letter and set it aside, thinking about sending it later. Set after s04e09: Hi everybody! She's strangly familiar but she ain't talking. Marielle x Connor. Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,051 - Reviews: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: JJ is a mortal with a complicated past. Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 544 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Published: Two persons madly in love couldn't unite but made their love 'forever sweet'. "Ow!" I don't have to pretend to like him anymore. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. and her aka her crush and had been seens she could walk or talk. If only…. read and fine out! Wait, does this mean Klaus is still alive? He had to find her. Go to him for protection. "Are you even looking where you're going?! Lily rushed towards her son. Rated: K - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,300 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Published. But this story is really sad but you will like it. He had looked so disappointed in her when she had spilled the beans to Stefan. By: Khauro (COMPLETE) If you had one day more with your son, what would you do? Harry's ears were ringing. I'm so glad you called! "Assembly? It was a terrible fate that brought so much misery and fear to Lily, causing her to be distant, unaffectionate, and driven to overwork. Klaus smiled sadistically. Her biological father is Sean Whelan but Angus McKay has raised her for the last 6years. Harry looked at her dejectedly. It all boils down from the heart. Small backstory of Jack and Jill. "I said, no need to apologize!" Why had she done that? Standing slowly, she massaged her aching buttocks while looking furiously at her son. Where was he? He turned and collided with a passerby holding a morning coffee that spilt all over the front of Harry's shirt. "He killed her Care. "The Recognition Assembly, to discuss the standings of their students at Hogwarts. When Lily heard the door closed, she burst into tears. The picture of them he had painted in his head was becoming stale and crackled. "What about your mom? But when he refused the first day back home, his mother went on and on and on, yakking about every single thing he did wrong, until he eventually gave up and did what he was told. Harry nodded briefly, a saddened look still evident on his face as he watched his mother walk across the street. Harry was determined, of course, to prove himself well after that incident. ", Harry frowned. This doesn't change a thing! Marielle x Connor. She never wanted to talk about James, so Harry had dropped the subject. "aku…mencintaimu hyuk"/"maafkan aku hae…"/"apa?"/"sudahlah…". "What do you think you're doing?!" With a long deep breath, Lily said, "I tried to free things up, but you know… you know how hectic work's been.". He was leaving her. Pull away Caroline she said to Caroline could jerk her head away Klaus snapped her neck. Jezebel Raahne knows nothing of the supernatural world going on around her, all she wants is to look after her little sister and make up for her horrible mistake. By: Mar10a. ", "It didn't work Care, Haley betrayed me. "But you haven't eaten anything yet.
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