luce reddit
!!! I loved the movie, and it kept me yelling "No way!". It was always my favorite show and rewatching it, it still is. So like what Ms. Wilson did to Deshawn, Luce did to Ms. Wilson. i fucking loved how this movie didn't really answer any questions, just bits and pieces and you have to decide for yourself what story you want to believe. r/Lumity: Subreddit dedicated to the ship of Luz x Amity from The Owl House Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Bullshit, he took advantage of his living and wants to get to the top with evil schemes. He wanted to give a speech about the life of a young black teen born in the US. Luce was observing the exposure as well, to make sure he sees Ms. Wilson's reaction, which is another big "F-U" to the face! A New Zealander I met took great offense to this. Though, my favourite movie by far is the Matrix. You deserve time to process this trauma and it sounds like you’re talking to us here, hopefully you can talk to someone who can help you beyond what any of us could do. But big picture things like "Why was Luce upset at Spencer", we can roughly answer, in the sense that there are a ton of factors, and it's up to you to decide what the mix is. We can't know Luce's involvement, but his friends were involved, and Luce helped make sure they didn't get in trouble for this (including telling Stephanie that they would be on a break until this blew over). The content of Luces paper, his love of the 4th of July , him being that last student to leave when the teachers sister had a meltdown at school, etc. That little line above the a means it's a 'long a' which means you hold it for a little longer than the rest of the letters if that makes sense...! Siding with him is not a sign of "unconditional love"...its more..not having to throw out years of extra hard work they put into Luce. There are people suffering everywhere, all over the world. r/movies: News & Discussion about Major Motion Pictures. Stephanie and Luce had been dating, she drank too much and some guys took advantage of her. My interpretation of why Luce was upset at Harriet is exactly the one he states in the movie: she put people in a box and labelled them, specifically Luce as the model black student that everyone should be more like. I have a psychology degree for the very reason that I love figuring out how people work. It's probably somewhere in between, and it's hard to tell. As it turns out the teacher got punished for playing favorites. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I’m not sure if he was a highly manipulative and intelligent narcissist, or actually a sociopath, but it clearly confirms the violence toward the teacher was his doing and he believed what he wrote. Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to share it. That was the only part of the movie that was unrealistic for me. But we've seen throughout the entire movie that he's an extremely effective manipulator, and of course this is also another form of manipulation. He brings out the paper bag that previously contained the fireworks, but now contains a new pet fish, similar to the one he had thrown across the room in a rage when he was young. !His mother encouraged him to make it about himself. Also loved the tangled plot twists, confusing the understanding of each character's role in Luce's evil/intelligent plan. And I totally agree. report. every single event could reasonably be explained in 2 different ways, depending on your own interpretation. But I think it would be more helpful if you could just point to which scenes of the movie you didn't understand, so we could fill in the gaps. Luce dislikes her, and wants revenge (his exact motivations are exactly what you're supposed to discuss and ponder, he has many messy reasons). We tend to think your celebrities are Australian (like Russell Crowe), but you don't take as much offense at that as you do us pronouncing it MAY-o-ree. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. We can never know the emotions he really experienced during his refugee time period. This is too much for me to summarize here, but the basic idea is that Watts eventually decides that in the face of all this uncertainty and doubt, she would rather unconditionally love Luce, and support him, despite his possible misdeeds.


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