It’s a fantastic encapsulation of the person Camille decides Natalie was — someone stuck inside a set of girly social expectations and restricted to a palette of pink and purple, but whose own tastes and interests didn’t conform to the feminine norm. “SICKLY” is printed on the green chair. It’s not clear if they’re actually there or if the words hallucinations. As Amma and Camille skate past the diner, the sign on a Wing Gap police car briefly becomes “BODICE.”. The three-part series will premiere in early 2021. Most of these words are from Camille’s imagination, but they’re a short step away from a plausible reality. [18] In March 2017, it was announced that Patricia Clarkson, Eliza Scanlen, Elizabeth Perkins, Madison Davenport, Chris Messina, Matt Craven, and Taylor John Smith had been cast in series regular roles. Use the HTML below. Their meanings are not hard to interpret: They are words from Camille’s mind, from how she understands herself, from the narrative of herself. Sometimes they’re pitch-black, slantwise jokes about femininity and social expectations, sometimes they’re warning signs, and sometimes they’re straight, uninflected daggers of self-loathing. It’s a word that implies morgues and preservation, and in a show where so many of the images have dealt with ripeness, heat, and alarming fecundity, it’s a word that suggests everything is suddenly frozen. All music featured in the series is diegetic, coming from a source (a stereo, headphones, etc.) But on further examination, I think it’s “bloom” — in this context, a word with even more sinister connotations about adolescence and femininity and stunted growth. “TOLERATE” and “LIMIT” are seen behind the glass. [31] An electronic treatment of the song, by Jeffrey Brodsky, was used for the second episode. Jean-Marc Vallée's pseudonym as an editor. Especially from the post credits scenes. Concerned for Amma's safety, Camille puts her own life in jeopardy as she gets closer to the truth behind the shocking mysteries surrounding the Wind Gap killings. Camille sees Richard taking soil samples from Bob Nash's tires. In present day, Camille joins her old friends for brunch and only connects with Becca. Alan blames Camille for her mother's illness and reprimands her for mentioning the dead girls and threatens to kick her out. The word “ICEBOX” is printed on the door plate. Think You Know the 2019 Golden Globe Nominees? This cheerful, waving, braceleted woman welcomes everyone to Wind Gap; she’s both perfectly coiffed and faded almost beyond recognition. The first hidden word we see seems completely innocuous. Adora, who has kept Marian's room like a shrine, continues to belittle Camille, whom she accuses of embarrassing the family through her investigation. It’s exactly the sort of meaningless, mindless thing you’d do while sitting at your desk. With Amy Adams, Patricia Clarkson, Chris Messina, Eliza Scanlen. I’ll note just one: The word John kisses on Camille’s back is “MERCY.”. A comedy series adapted from the award-winning play about a young woman trying to cope with life in London whilst coming to terms with a recent tragedy. The actor-writer-director has two very different new projects in very different media. Sharp Objects The rehab facility is full of signs that act as a direct commentary on Camille and Alice’s states of mind. When Chief Vickery kneels by Natalie Keene’s body in an alley, the word “YELP” is scratched on the door frame to his left. (It’s shown from multiple angles in more than one shot.) In the scenes where Camille is absent or where we’re looking at her from the outside, it’s as if we’re watching a show with a third-person narrator, an omniscient voice that tells us the story from on high. This extremely unnerving ad with a housewife serving “delicious, nourishing meat” is a dark joke for a show where the protagonist literally carves her own skin. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Wind Gap’s major industry is hog farming, with Preaker Farms as the town’s dominant business. The domestic words from the first half of the episode are mostly in Camille’s mind, and when Amma drags Camille to a high-school party, we get multiple examples of the real-world versions of that aesthetic. Sharp Objects instead relies on internal drama and a transfixing Ms. Adams, who lays Camille’s ragged soul bare with sardonicism and self-loathing. Add the first question. The HBO mini-series Sharp Objects is full of shadows and echoes and things you can’t quite fully glimpse — mysteries you know are there but can’t yet see, stories with contours you can’t totally make out. Camille relives a recent tragedy as she struggles to piece together the murders in Wind Gap, while Richard grows frustrated with Chief Vickery's assumptions about potential suspects. The words are labels and accusations and assessments, and a lot of that comes from Adora. As a result, Camille has a disturbing vision of Amma dead in the hunting shed. But it also plays into the story Sharp Objects is telling about Camille, about where she’s comfortable, and about how the words are woven into her feelings about Wind Gap. 72 of 113 people found this review helpful. Camille returns home to find her family seated for dinner. Camille (or someone else) has used thumb tacks to spell out “ASK!” on the divider of her cubicle in her St. Louis newspaper’s office. In praise of one of the best senses of humor in pop music. In that dream sequence, Amma skates in front of a train that actually has the word “SOUTHERN” printed on the side, but the word shifts throughout the sequence. Based on the true story of Marie, a teenager who was charged with lying about having been raped, and the two female detectives who followed the path to the truth. Finally rescued from their mother’s clutches, Camille and Amma listen to Richard explain the facts they’ve put together. Camille wakes up and looks around her mother’s room, contextualizing the house with the horrors it’s contained. [30], Each episode features a title sequence with a different interpretation of the song "Dance and Angela" by Franz Waxman from the score of the 1951 film A Place in the Sun. Words are visible on her skin throughout the scene in the clothing store, but there are a few distinct close-up shots the emphasize the obvious pattern in the way Sharp Objects uses its words: The words hidden throughout the show are the words Camille scars onto herself. As Camille looks at the intake desk, a sign in the rehab facility that otherwise reads “YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE” briefly changes to “YOU ARE UNWORTHY.”, When Camille talks to Meredith about interviewing John Keene, the teenager’s purse is embossed with the word “PERKY.”.
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