But don’t get offended if your Spanish friend calls you by a nickname that may seem inappropriate to you. Similarly, nicknames can be used as a negative tool. Chiflado – A funny Spanish nickname for a crazy guy. FluentU is designed for you to become familiarized with everyday Spanish, by combining all the benefits of total immersion and native level conversations with easy-to-read subtitles. FluentU brings Spanish to life with real-world videos. All…, Here are the most popular Mexican Male Nicknames or Diminutivos : Adolfo Fito Alejandro Alex or Ale Alfonso Poncho Antonio Toño Guadalupe Lupe Eduardo Lalo Enrique Quique Federico Fede Francisco Pancho or Paco Fernando Nando Guillermo Memo Ignacio Nacho…, In Mexico, pre-Hispanic first names are still very popular. And because they're said with cariño, no offense is supposed to be taken – at least that’s what were told. Don’t use nicknames as a tool to hurt others. Anyone named Jose, although if they use two names together such as Jose Luis they might use the nickname for Luis, will be called Pepe by many of their peers. The words below are used in authentic speech—that means many are considered “slang” or “colloquialisms” and you won’t find them in textbooks. You’ll also get access to video flashcards, custom vocab lists, adaptive quizzes and more. It translates as “(my) man.”, (Mi) León – You say “(my) lion” to someone strong and confident, with whom you feel safe. You could probably guess that this one means “idiot.” A phrase that may accompany this is “el burro sabe más que tú” (the donkey knows more than you). Güero – It could be used to describe guys who are very light skinned or light haired. This simply means “beautiful,” but it can be used as a name of sorts. This one means “pug nose,” which is not usually something we’d say in English, but I think you get the point here. There is a difference between a nickname or âsobrenombreâ and an âapodoâ or nickname used to make fun. The situation with names and nicknames presents a special challenge for learners. Are you looking for a sweet new nickname for him or her, one that will impress them to no end? The southern part of Baja California, The state takes its name from the city of. My gfs friend referred to me as something like Maramo ( cant recall the spelling correctly so just from memory and is possibly a diff word ) in the context of ” Will your Maramo come also ( to his birthday party ) ? Missed a word? These nicknames are mostly given to those people who are bossy in their nature and their personality are quite dominating then choose a gangster nickname for example Mr. cruel or Bones for the person who is rough and dominating in his personality. So, if you need a Spanish nickname for your boyfriend or maybe you just need Spanish nicknames you can call a guy, here is a list of Spanish nicknames for boys. (Mi) Corazón – Instead of saying “(my) heart” you could say “(my) sweetheart” in English. “Hola, chica. Idiota -There’s no need for translating this one. Rosario is called Chayo. Some of them can be downright mean though, especially when it comes to Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU App from the iTunes or Play Store for iOS and Android devices. It’s translated as “my half orange.”, Osito – A cute, lovable man, a “teddy bear.”. When your bundle of joy came into this world a few days ago, I'm sure you wanted him to have a name that is unique and meaningful too. How are you?”), The Spanish are known for being romantic. And these are not even the worst of them. Most commonly used to refer to someone handsome or attractive. Derived from the verb amar (to love), amado means “loved” in English. You’ve likely heard this one in shows, and it is mostly attributed to the Mexican culture. Nicknames all over the world is a way to show love or to make an introduction on the bases of any quality or feature of any particular person. This one refers to a person who is very light-skinned or light-haired. This one varies depending on where it is used. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Espantapájaros – It means “Scarecrow,” and it’s used for skinny guys. Cerrado – It means “closed” and could be used for someone who’s stupid or for someone who is quiet and reserved. Girls named Eugenia are called Maru. If its someone who gossips a lot then you would call the “Chismoso” too, Mi angelito is my little angel, amado actually means “loved”, it’d be mongolO (the a would be for a girl), broder is not how you say it in spanish just a different way to pronounce it. But there are also some who makes fun of someone’s appearance. Isabel is called Chavela. Didn’t catch something? "People from the Place of Grass". âJoven,â or youngster, is another one of these nicknames, used to flatter someone that you donât know well. Means “my little sky” or “my heaven.” Mi sol which means “my sun” may be used in a similar manner. Or jokes around too much in the wrong way! Mexican't: Mexicans: Based on the stereotype that Mexicans are lazy. So a person might be named Pedro Ramírez López. So, we encourage you to be responsible in using the nicknames found on our website. Even if someone is no longer overweight, but they were as a child, they might be called âgordoâ or âgorda.â A dark-skinned person might be called ânegroâ (meaning the color black-this does not have the same cultural context as it would in the United States), however not as commonly as people are called âguero.â Guero means light-skinned but many times, someone trying to get your attention might call you guero just for that reason. Females have many nicknames too. Close friends usually refer to each other by nicknames. Every language has them, and Spanish is one of the most entertaining of them all. In order to be polite, it would be best to refer to the person with a formal title such as Señor/(a) or by the name they use when they introduce themselves to you. Chulo – You could use this expression on young boys when you want to say “how cute,” but be careful because this word has a different meaning in different Spanish speaking countries. They’re basically an adjective that you end up getting stuck with for the rest of your life. For once in a life everyone sees a dream of becoming a biker and to compete with air. This means “my king” and mi reina means “my queen.”. People with two nombres can use nicknames for both: José Antonio → Pepe Toño.. Flaco – This one is used for making fun of a skinny person. Some people have some specific duties that they perform for example sometimes some people work as helper or some people in a group do meetings or other specific jobs then name them after their duties it will really spice up all the things. Aliento de dragón – This is what you’re going to say to someone who has bad breath. The state takes its name from its capital city, Origin disputed. When the city was first founded in 1575, it was given this name for the abundance of hot springs in the region, which still are exploited for numerous spas and for domestic use. At any level of learning Spanish, it does not get much better than being able to use it to say something cute to your lover, joke around with your friends and solidify your grasp on the culture and language. You don’t hear the H sound in the word you would say it like “ah-bla-Dor” or some people will pronounce the H to say it more intensely in an argument or exaggerate the word on purpose! (Mi) Amor – It means “(my) love,” and it’s used for a person your deeply in love with. Men named Jesus are often called Chuy. Rosario is called Chayo. FluentU takes real-world videos like music videos, commercials, news, and inspiring talks and turns them into Spanish learning experiences. Josefa would be Pepa. And there names got a lot of popularity at that time even till now they are famous because of their manly and muscular nicknames. Here we present you some funny nicknames for gangsters: Here we present some more names related to gangsters. Feminized masculine names follow the same nickname pattern but with feminine endings. Lobo – It translates as “Wolf” and it’s used for someone who is sly. Other times the nickname goes so far back in history that few people even know why you would be called that particular nickname. There is another genre of the nicknames and that is gangster nicknames. Cuatro Ojos – A funny Spanish nickname for a guy that wears glasses. Click here to get a copy. ", Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Mexican_state_name_etymologies&oldid=967456934, Lists of North American place name etymologies, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from February 2007, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "Hot waters". Pedro (first name) Ramírez (Father’s last name) López (mother’s last name) . It’s a fun and effective way to absorb Spanish—the way native speakers really use it! Payaso – A guy who acts like a clown, a goof.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'findnicknames_com-leader-4','ezslot_18',132,'0','0'])); Pelón – Pelo means hair, but this one is used for a bald person. Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU’s Learn Mode. This article provides a collection of the etymologies of the names of the states of Mexico.
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