All rights reserved. To the world, Tony and Elizabeth Jordan (played by T.C. Molly is the example of someone who gives God her everything, and knows that time spent with Jesus in prayer is never time wasted! As Miss Clara shows Elizabeth around the house, she points out her “second favorite room,” which includes what she calls a “Wall of Remembrance.” It’s a list of answered prayers. I can’t stop thinking about Miss Clara. Elizabeth meets a new client, Miss Clara (played by Karen Abercrombie), who wants to sell her home. Help others Find an event Find global partners Find small group studies Help for pastors Help for stepfamilies Help for you Listen to FamilyLife Blended® Listen to FamilyLife Today® Ministry Advisor, About us Contact us Career Opportunities Make a donation Annual Report Leave a Legacy. Obviously that didn’t stop “faith based” or “God friendly” viewers from seeing the film. Miss Clara’s challenge applies to every Christian. In Courageous, a police officer turns his life and his family over to God. Sometimes these prayers are serious—think of the opening sequence of It’s a Wonderful Life, when the people of Bedford Falls offer up prayers for George Bailey. Subscribe for help where you need it most, we’re here for you! "War Room" tells the story of Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, a middle class married dad and mom heading for a likely divorce when a prayer-filled elderly widow – Miss Clara – enters the picture. Sign up to receive email updates on the work of Samaritan’s Purse, prayer alerts, and volunteer opportunities. and we receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. It’s not unusual to see people pray in movies. Stallings and Priscilla Shirer), are a successful, upwardly mobile married couple. Molly is the example of someone who gives God her everything, and knows that time spent with Jesus in prayer is never time wasted! How Elizabeth takes these lessons to heart and engages in spiritual battle—and how God begins to move in her family—makes for an interesting and gripping story. Please enable Javascript to watch this video, “You need to find a young woman to invest in,” Miss Clara told Elizabeth Jordan. It’s kind of silly, really. But their marriage is starting to fall apart, and Tony is pondering an affair. Evangelical Christianity has never been popular with the secular media, so it wasn’t a surprise that film critics were less than generous. Meet the real-life prayer warrior who helped inspire the character of Miss Clara in War Room! © 2020 FamilyLife®. Miss Clara: Lord we need a generation of believers Who are not ashamed of the gospel. December 15, 2017 Of course, it’s difficult to articulate just what these “standards” are in a time when a lot of junk appears in the movie theaters and on television. It was the ending prayer of Miss Clara (Karen Abercrombie) that brought a powerful response from the crowd as she cries out "Raise 'em up Lord." But perhaps critics were responding to the fact that War Room is so clear and unapologetic in its portrayal of how God works in our lives. Click here to purchase War Room on DVD. As we send shoeboxes filled with gifts and prayer around the world, the Good News of Jesus Christ is transforming children and families in need. When Elizabeth begins to open up about her marriage problems, Miss Clara says, “Can I ask you how much you pray for your husband?”, She goes on to explain, “You’re fighting the wrong enemy. All rights reserved. Karen Abercrombie previews ‘War Room’ and her role as Ms Clara The faith-based filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick are back after the incredible success of … War Room is the fifth film from Stephen and Alex Kendrick, the filmmaking brothers from Albany, Georgia. I’ve seen movies that thrilled me, inspired me, bored me, shook me, and revolted me. By clicking the "Sign up" button, you agree to receive email updates from FamilyLife and agree to FamilyLife’s, Go Back To All Media and Entertainment Articles, Anger Issues: How I’m Helping My Kids…and Myself, 5 Ways My Dad Helped Me Transition into Adulthood, Need Stability This School Year? Operation Christmas Child Processing Center Seasonal, You can also make a gift by mail. Entertainment Weekly called it a “gold-plated piece of Bible thumping that’s resonating with the same audience that watches Jimmy Stewart get touched by an angel every December in It’s a Wonderful Life…” The Boston Globe wrote, “The first couple of acts of the Kendricks’ latest, ‘War Room,’ are so heavy on broad pulpit pounding that it’s challenging to get swept along by the story’s message.”. If I put on my critic’s hat, I could point out a few lines of dialogue in War Room that were spoken with dubious acting skill, and a few instances where production values detracted from the story. Elizabeth is the real estate agent trying to sell Miss Clara's house, but she soon learns that Miss Clara… Most important to me: The Kendrick brothers are growing more skillful with each film, and are growing adept at telling a good story in a way that keeps your attention to the end. She’s a character in War Room, a very inspiring movie. Miss Clara: Raise up those that love you and seek you and trust you Raise them up Lord raise them up. As we send shoeboxes filled with gifts and prayer around the world, the Good News of Jesus Christ is transforming children and families in need. I’ve seen countless murders solved by detectives on BBC, countless couples who found true love on the Hallmark Channel, and countless homes renovated with an open concept floor plan on HGTV. “I know, Miss Clara, but … ... War Room … It’s where she wages battle on her knees in prayer. “When I look at it I’m reminded that God is still in control, and that encourages me,” she explains. Well Clara is based on a real living 91-year-old prayer warrior Molly Bruno. If you've heard about the movie War Room you know that Clara is a feisty older woman who is a prayer warrior. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information But Miss Clara’s favorite room in the home is her “War Room”—a closet with prayer requests covering the walls. This movie about the power of prayer may be unlike anything else you’ve seen. In Fireproof, a firefighter turns his life and his marriage over to God. God, Spouse, Kids. Other Salem Web Network sites include: God’s love expressed through an... ▶, God uses an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift to draw a boy to Christ just days... ▶, Friends of Operation Christmas Child unpack the single word that, for each of them,... ▶. Tony is a top salesman for a pharmaceutical company, and Elizabeth is a real estate agent. What sets War Room apart is that it treats prayer seriously. Also, listen to Stephen and Alex Kendrick talk about the film on FamilyLife Today®. But I’m not a critic at heart, and I won’t go into those details. Copyright © 2015 by FamilyLife. Now out on DVD, here are five things to know if you haven’t watched the film yet. And some memorable prayers. I’ve seen thousands of films about every conceivable subject. Miss Clara is not even a real person. His parents gave him a name that praises the Lord. It only costs $6 to provide lesson books and a Bible for a boy or girl participating in this discipleship program by Samaritan’s Purse. And He rose from the grave and offers forgiveness and salvation for anyone who turns to Him. With so many Christian movies produced now, it’s a common temptation to pick them apart and declare that they just aren’t up to the normal standards of Hollywood filmmaking. But the Bible also says that we can’t ask Him to forgive us while refusing to forgive others.” Elizabeth nodded. I couldn’t even begin to list all I’ve watched in the last year, much less a lifetime. Special Version of 'Mary Did You Know' From Our Family To Yours, August 25, 2017 “Raise up warriors, Lord, who will fight on their knees,” prayed Miss Clara. In the film, Miss Clara has a closet in her home that she calls her War Room. to those projects, and we may assess up to 10 percent to be used for administering the gift. If you've heard about the movie War Room you know that Clara is a feisty older woman who is a prayer warrior. Samaritan’s Purse Australia and New Zealand, Operation Christmas Child Australia & New Zealand. Chad Prather Breaks Down Science Vs. God Debate, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need. Doctors Turn To Prayer When There's Nothing More They Can Do For Sick Girl, This Football Player's Life Was Saved By A Saint.
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