13 Reviews . Learn how your comment data is processed. The ride is about 20 minutes from Tbilisi. Getting to Mtskheta by taxi should be around 20 – 25 GEL. Rome2rio's Travel Guide series provide vital information for the global traveller. Shorts, tank tops and short skirts are not permitted to be worn inside, however, there are wraps that you can use to cover yourself when entering. 8 Reviews . This can be done from Tbilisi on the way to Kazbegi or Uplistsikhe. p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); I’m sharing as well in case someone is heading there! Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ac1b016d020974d89087cd8aef77310f" );document.getElementById("ec00cdce48").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); © 2020 The World Was Here First • All rights reserved. My views can change from time to time. I am enjoying your Georgia series. Le meilleur moyen de se rendre de Tbilissi à Mtskheta est en train, dure 23 min et coûte $1 - $3. You can always share a taxi with other stingy backpacker folks that you might see wandering about. The ancient buildings look especially beautiful amid the green landscapes. Some of the marshrutkas that go past will be the ones that drive the Mtskheta to Tbilisi route only, while others might just be passing on the same route. Narikala (Georgian: ნარიყალა) is an ancient fortress overlooking Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, and the Kura River. Keep it up and great adventures to you. From what we could see when not being assaulted by the 38291309 different wedding parties that were swarming the place while we were there–clearly it is The Place to Be for people looking to tie the knot–it was just as incredible. Mtskheta is a very small city and is located approximately 25 km(30 minutes drive) from the present capital city of Tbilisi. Seems like a weekend won’t be enough though! The landscape is amazing. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. If you are staying in Tbilisi for a few days and would like to get out of the city, then Mtskheta is the easiest place for a day trip, only 25 km/15 miles away. This means you usually can’t walk more than a few minutes without a taxi driver approaching you and asking if you want to visit Jvari! Though Tbilisi is a hopping city with plenty to see and do, sometimes you just need a breath of sweet, relatively-smogless air and a moment or two without the sounds of cars honking. Thanks for any information. Thank you for this enlightening insight, oh master of Georgian pronunciation. DISCLAIMER – The content of the blog is solely my views of a place or a thing. Also this cathedral is listed in UNESCO World heritage sites. The quickest way to get from Tbilisi to Mtskheta is to taxi which costs 4€ - 5€ and takes 16 min. The ancient capital of Georgia or combo trip of Tbilisi and Mtskheta or Mtskheta-Gudauri-Kazbegi or Mtskheta and Gori caves. Lots of other people seem to have discovered Georgia now, but I suppose it would be selfish to keep it to ourselves…. See all. Thanks to you Mtskheta is now on the bucket list! When travelling in Georgia, it’s always a good idea to make sure you have a travel insurance policy so you’re covered for any unfortunate events! If you don’t see them, you can ask people “marshrutka Mtskheta?” and point in some direction questioningly. We’re not sure if the minibus has a specific halting point in the city–we just got off once we seemed somewhat close to the cathedral and other people were getting off. Y sont enterrés des hommes et des femmes célèbres en Géorgie, particulièrement des écrivains et des personnalités politiques tels que : Après que la Géorgie retrouve son indépendance, un nouveau remaniement des sépultures a lieu. if you don’t have access to GPS, then pay attention to when you cross a bridge and turn right. Thank you very much for writing such an informative article. We’re super happy we could be of help, and really glad you liked Georgia! Saving possibly the most impressive for last, one of the best things to do in Mtskheta is to visit the Jvari Monastery. All photos are taken by me and use of photos without permission would result into legal action. Quickly access bookings. It’s labeled with a blue sign that also has English writing on it. Thanks for the really useful info, brilliant. to 5 th century B.C. And, as it’s located only 20 kilometres from Tbilisi, it is an incredibly straight forward trip to take. If you've forgotten your password, please reset it.
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