I-, Harrison began to stutter . Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Just make sure you don't accidentally meet your own parents, because that could be bad! Haha yess. Sequel to Misdirection. Full Name In "Mind Freakers", Harrison expresses a much more nefarious personality. When Harrison packed and left for college, he took very little with him; including care of himself. LeyLeyarts Hobbyist Digital Artist. none He has olive green eyes and an upward curving nose. Twenty minutes? This isn't how she really wanted to spend her Spring Break, not at all. Nerris is a nerdy looking girl with brown hair,with a blue wizard hat,she have two elf ear designs,also she have a yellow shirt,back she have a blue cape,and down she have black pants and two blue boots. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Oh, and I wish this could remain unsaid but apparently not...if you ship /that/ ship in any form (you know the one I mean) then you can fuck right off. has it really been that long, David wondered as he stared at their last group photo. Nerris "GWAH WE WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING!" Hobby Right? He just didn’t understand. Now with a Glossary if anybody wants to know what I'm talking about: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PTRHo8SaEQAs4nzZbNwr48UpNFIdI7L3VKEtzsV2zSo/edit?usp=sharing. "I'm just thinking...Your arms don't work...and my legs don't work…-""Uh...Yeah, I suppose they don't…""Hey! "The Quarter-Moon Convergence" has a substantial focus on Harrison's magical abilities. Also this show is really awesome, honestly I just see pictures or fanart of it and most of the time I just ignore it. They tell David that he was sent to Camp Campbell thinking it would help him hone his magical abilities so that he could bring his brother back. If this doesn't kill him, Nerris will. Harrison has clean unkempt brown hair and wears a black top hat with a silver strip. It never did. Although he cares for his peers, Harrison can be consumed by his arrogance, placing people like Max ("Mind Freakers") and Nerris in potentially fatal danger in order to prove his own capabilities. Nerris appears like a false wizard playing legendary epic table board games with some dices of too much faces,also she is very conflicted with friends like:Max,Neil,Nikki,Harrison,Space Kid,Dolph, and more. • Harrison is originally shown to be rather humble in his work. Please consider turning it on! to which Harrison excitedly responds with, "I can't wait to tell my parents!" Until Max showed up. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. This is first shown in the episode ". Nerris would normally be ticked off, but she noticed the fear in the boy's eye as the started to tear up. Her hair is a reddish brown, and puffs out at the top in what appears to be an undercut. She has a dark complexion and freckles, as well as blue eyes. “Alright. A new camper has arrived at Camp Campbell. Harrison is a Magic Camp camper at Camp Campbell. Everyone except for a certain black-haired boy. Read harrison and nerris from the story // by yourlocalmagickid ( “ - !” ) with 104 reads. • He has missed them so much. Harrison began to thrust back and forth in and out of nerris as once he began to get to his climax he pressed his lips hungrily upon nerris's and they moaned loudly within perfect sync as harrisons guzzling cum entered nerris's vagina. They have a challenge for him. Quartermaster administers a bucket of pig's blood to the meteorite and he develops the exact same visual effects as Harrison. He’s been thinking about this for thirteen years. He also takes offense to Neil's criticism of his supposedly fake abilities, evidenced by how the trick performed on Max was intended for Neil himself in an act of revenge. He is usually seen performing a variety of magic tricks, ranging from simple illusions to unexplained anomalous occurrences. Harrison has a slight accent to his voice, despite neither of his parents having an accent. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for our marketing purposes. The boy gave her a quick push. He often finds himself to be a victim to Nurf's bullying. Your IP: • This shows that Harrison might have the ability to bring things back after all, but will destroy it if he does. But the reunion of Edgar and his parents does not present a resolution for all of the family’s problems. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. The boy apologized and told his name. Harrison’s parents are still afraid of him. And being supernatural freaks, the government - any government - has every interest in cutting you, and us, into tiny pieces for research as soon as they discover you.". It had nagged at him his whole life, like a ball and chain attached to his ankle. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Harrison is a Magic Camp camper at Camp Campbell. Powers/Skills Nerris would normally be ticked off, but she noticed the fear in the boy's eye as the started to tear up. She is Voiced by Barbara Dunkelman. Same difference when you have magic abilities, right? adorable! He is usually seen performing a variety of magic tricks, ranging from simple illusions to unexplained anomalous occurrences. Roommates inevitably will fight over the dumbest things. EndhazomGurl Hobbyist General Artist. It is presumably Israeli, as his voice actor, He also records his lines in his own recording studio rather then recording at Rooster Teeth, His name may be a pun on "Harry's son", in reference to the famous magician, It is shown that even though Harrison can make things and even people disappear, he doesn't know how to bring them back. Origin In addition, she wears a matching cloak and hat (with visible stitching), and fake elf ears. Nerris is a minor character in the animated Rooster Teeth internet cartoon called Camp Camp. When returning to campus after Christmas break, the old Camp Camp campers find that there's some things about their roommate that they just can't stand. He could never explain the negative feeling. Especially without her permission. Harrison is a Magic Camp camper at Camp Campbell. In 2007, he was sentenced to life in prison … Nerris and Harrison were sadly given little screen time this episode, but there is actually some evidence to support my earlier claims. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He had ignored it his whole life, just kept dragging the ball along, waiting for it to fall off, to erode away with age. Many fans have pointed out Harrison's resemblance to. Why did he feel this way, why was this happening? He has an occasional rivalry with Nerris. Instead he let his emotions loose in the forest leaving Nerris to pick up the pieces of his heart and unstable powers his body might hold all the while the looming thought of his parents locking him up forever heavy on her mind. And Max? Harrison is also a bit naive. It is shown in "Eggs Benefits" that he could make his and Nerris's egg reappear but it broke under Nerris's hat. You kids, like everybody else here, are supernatural freaks. He wears black jeans with visible pockets and a pair of black dress shoes. https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Nerris?oldid=2038331. The Octopus spares their lives, after reading Harrison's soul and saying has a good heart. It’s 3 years after the events of Camp Camp and Max and the others are going to Sleepy Peak’s Joint middle school and high school. Harrison has a very important question for Nerris' parents. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. im so sory im bad at summaries, this is an AU where they come back to the camp 10 years later. This is kind of why I'm here," alluding to the fact that he isn't sure how to reverse all of his spells. After the events of Crash Diem, Nikki is determined to walk again; Nothing is impossible when magic is involved, right?
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