odoacer the goth
Copyright 2014-2020 Dear Japheth Blog. Overcrowding has led Vikings to venture out by boat in search of new land in 841 AD, leading them to the founding of Dublin, and eventually settling in Iceland, as they continued to raid the western parts of Europe. These intrusive ADS in great numbers do not appear on “other” sites in such an annoying fashion as if to attempt to distract from its relevant content. The date on which he assumed power, 476, is traditionally considered the end of the Western Roman Empire. Houston We Have A Problem: Colonizers & Gentrifiers Busted! We know virtually nothing about Odoacer’s mother. Finale, Japheth’s Appalling Exploitations of Living Cells, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTLctRe0edk, White Demons And Their Covenant With Satan, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feo7j1-3Kms, A Troop of Animals: The LaVena Johnson Story. The Curious Case of Wikipedia, My Book, and Odoacer’s Mother, The Curious Case of Cambyses and the Apis Bull. So, have a good read, then leave your most honest opinion. Coming: Japhetic History – The Invasion of Western Europe Part 2. Dear Japheth are Letters representing a compilation of thoughts birthed over a life-time of observing the descendants of Japheth and their impact on society and humanity. By 330 BC, Persia had fallen prey to Greece, and Egypt did as well. A Letter 2 Yafeth bin Nuh "Japheth, son of Noah". He was succeeded by his son Romulus Augustus, the famed “last Roman emperor,” who was soon dethroned by Odoacer, a Goth whose father Edeco had been a Hun. NO AL TAGLIO DEI PARLAMENTARI! Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Incidentally, I have aforetime also mentioned that these DNA companies are doing things and studies with your DNA when you submit it that you may not be aware of, but have unknowingly consented to in the fine lines. By 1531 AD, Martin Luther warns of a problem in the Roman Catholic heresy pertaining unto the revelation of their clergy and monks being sodomites; evident by the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans in Italy written some 1,475 years earlier. - Le ragioni del NO, Monarchici e Made in Italy - Conflavoro Lucca, "Le lacrime proibite - Pulizia etnica ed Esodo giuliano - dalmata 1943-1954, Cinque ottimi motivi per vedere subito la terza stagione di The Crown. If we know that someone today identifies as, say, Irish, and their father is Lebanese, it’s a fair bet that their mother is Irish, because their Irishness has to come from somewhere. And that, in fact, is the entire point of passage cited: we simply cannot assume that one ancient person’s ethnic identity necessarily tells us anything about how their ancestors or their descendants identified themselves. This sentence cites page 16 of Barbarians in the Greek and Roman World, but here is what page 16 actually says: Classical ideas about identity […] allowed for fluidity and ambiguity, on both the individual and societal level. Except for the fact that he was not considered Roman, Odoacer's precise ethnic origins are not known. The German Goth Odoacer defeats Emperor Romulus Augustus of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD and brings the Western Roman Empire to an end. It is greatly speculated and believed, because of now present time capabilities of DNA Genetic testing, that sometime after the scattering, perhaps generations later; the seed of Japheth suffered or underwent a mutation of genes that changed them in a manner that is completely opposite to how their forefather Japheth was created. Flavius Odoacer (433 –493), also known as Flavius Odovacer (Italian: Odoacre, Latin: Odoacerus German: Odoaker), was a soldier who in 476 became the first King of Italy (476–493). I look forward to both sharing my learned knowledge with You and Your participation in dialogue on issues we have all faced and endured! In 1562 AD, Englishman John Hawkins raids a Portuguese ship carrying Africans to a life of slavery in Brazil; he steals the ship and exchanges the Africans in Hispaniola for ginger, pearls and sugar: this begins England’s involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade. Some scholars believe his origins lie in the multi-ethnic empire of Attila. This is why knowing and understanding Prophecy is so important. To best understand the chronology of Japheth's History, it is best to begin reading from the earliest post: "Who Is Japheth?" What we see here is a Gentile preaching Yahushua Ha’Mashiach to fake Israelites in Israel, the land of the Melanesian Hebraic Israelites scattered abroad in the diaspora as a result of the African Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. From worldbuilding to dialogue, history helps you write. Dear Japheth is written in chronological order. I will try to take this as a lesson for the future to be more careful about the dangers of choosing brevity over clarity. Likewise, the sixth-century chronicler, Marcellinus Comes, called him "king of the Goths". A Germanic drive into Russia is defeated in 1242 AD in Estonia by Alexander Nevsky. The Don Effect is the influence, impact and conclusion that the current Leadership in America has had on the entire world. The German Goth Odoacer defeats Emperor Romulus Augustus of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD and brings the Western Roman Empire to an end. But, Yahweh has kept them unto deliverance, even while under Judgement. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Part 1, So, Where Did Pale White People Come From? and working your way upward to the most recent post. Do you notice what’s missing? As before stated, not much is known about the person Japheth per say, but a whole lot is known about the seed and generations he produced; who turned this whole world upside down and shaped it into what it is today. The actual True People of Israel (like the Nigerian Hebrews stolen and sold into American slavery) have already been desecrated by America, but it is the actual Promise Land that the New World Order is after. 1147 AD brings a Second Crusade by the German Emperor, Conrad II, and the French Monarch, Louis VII to retake Edessa, Turkey for Christendom in the interest of European controlled Jerusalem. Enjoy and add a comment or two! Modern definitions of ethnicity tend to rely heavily on ancestry and descent. All Rights Reserved! All Rights Reserved. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It was Edico, who had been sent by Attila as an ambassador to Rome, who revealed to Attila th… Post was not sent - check your email addresses! His long-reach global impact on foreign affairs is a deadly mirrored image of his present impact on American society -a blatant, yet inconspicuous move for utter destruction. See: White Demons And Their Covenant With Satan. US President Trump Impeachment Saga: Predictions, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWewfG3dS8E, White Demons And Their Covenant With Satan Part 2, Japhetic History – The Invasion of Western Europe Part 1, White Demons And Their Covenant With Satan Part 3, White Demons And Their Covenant With Satan Part 2, White Demons And Their Covenant With Satan, George Floyd Was a Sacrifice -Here’s The Reason Why. According to James O'Donnell in his book "Ruin of the Roman Empire"(2008), Odoacer was a Goth. Bavagli e museruole: vi siete fatti delle domande? Looking forward to you continuing on this Journey with me. ( Log Out /  By 395 AD, the Roman Empire is divided into two Empires -the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. Breaking News: Donald Trump, US President Has Been Impeached! What I have observed is the fact that these intrusive ADS appears all over posts on sites where the content exposes the clandestine evil and demonic deeds of the chimera Cimmerians. Though these names probably mean the same, their exact meaning is uncertain. By the end of the 16th Century, Henry IV end’s France’s war over religion and encourages tolerance between Catholics and Protestants, while Pope Clement VIII of Rome persuades the continual hatred against the Jews and blaming them for the world’s economic problems. Odoacer, first barbarian king of Italy. Karma Is A Patient Gangsta: The Rising White Mortality Rate. And by 1453 AD, the Ottoman Turks captures Constantinople and puts an end to the Eastern Roman Empire. I hope this can also be a cautionary tale for us all: check that your sources actually say what you think they say. After six years of blogging here, it seems the ADS have only intensified. ( Log Out /  These questions are particularly vexed both because the surviving primary sources for late Roman history in the West are so fragmentary and because the various groups that emerged on the late Roman frontiers were often loosely defined alliances rather than rigidly established ethnic tribes. The takeover by the Goth Odoacer from Emperor Romulus in 376 CE. Should America’s Racist National Anthem Be Changed? King Edward I expel Jews in 1290 AD from England, to which many flee into France and Germany; this event took place twelve years after a number of Jews were dragged to death behind cart horses, and others were arrested and hanged for secretly lending money. Congrats to Dear Japheth Celebrating its 6th Year Anniversary with 41 Posts. In 1273 AD, a wealthy German noble, Count Rudolf is elected to be the new Roman Emperor; after which he, five years later, gains control of Austria. Much like Satan tempted Jesus while he fasted in the wilderness: that if he would bow down and worship him, he would give Jesus authority over all the land that he sees; it is believed that the seed of Japheth, who were first called Gentiles as they populated the isles of the Mediterranean, committed such an act and knowingly and willfully worshipped Satan in exchange for world dominance and control. Key Points. While ancestry was an element of ethnic identity in the ancient Mediterranean, it had much less weight than we give it today. The beginning of the invasion of Western Europe by the Spaniards, English, Dutch, French, and Portuguese of the New World on the North and South American continents brought with it chains: the caging and slaughter of North and South American Hebraic Israelite refugees who fled from Israel between the invasions of the Assyrians and the Babylonians between 722 BC and 589 BC and the enslavement and slaughter of African Hebraic Israelites by 1511 AD. Similarly, if Odoacer was a Goth and his father was a Hun, it may seem natural to assume that he must have gotten his Gothicness from his mother. Followed immediately by Theodoric, emperor from 493 to 526. Basic intelligence can teach that hue-man DNA just does not change for any apparent reason at all; something very drastic and cynical has to occur in order to alter the genetic codes God put forth into the cellular structure of hue-man DNA…, Coming: Japhetic History – The Invasion of Western Europe.


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