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Pengabdi Setan 2017 dan 1980 sama-sama melahirkan sosok ikonis. Semua di otak Joko. Komentar sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab komentator seperti diatur dalam UU ITE. The soundtrack is rather good, it takes a bit of inspiration from Rosemary's Baby but in a good way, it has a creepy main song which is brought up countless times as it is the one and only song the mother released and was successful for in her short lived artist career. As it stands right now it's more of a cinema horror, a movie that you'll have a lot of fun with friends, preferably in the cinema or at a get-together but will most likely forget very soon. Well, it has the same plot, of an infertile mother who wishes for children and joins a cult of Satan. | Fast forward a year later in their new apartment, the family meets the neighbors who are revealed to be the villains of the original movie as they plan their move on the original family. Before Mawarni died, there were many weird 'happenings' that indicated her death. Also, Pengabdi Setan is a "remake" of Phantasm. Saya enggak tahu pemainnya siapa, jalan cerita mau kemana, semua diserahkan ke Joko. The international poster of the three black figures with black umbrellas was made by a fan. Karena kan ini ada open ending, jadi kita tinggal gimana nanti kita jalan cerita," jelas Sunil. Fans of western horrors such as The Conjuring, The Woman in Black and even Rosemary's Baby will enjoy this and will provide a nice change of pace and setting from the western side of horror to a more rural folkloric asian side. Approximately 3 months were spent on finding it. The elder sister, Rini, played by Tara Basro (Killers) does a good job as well and delivers some heartfelt moments throughout the movie. “Itu masih di otak Joko Anwar, apakah lanjutannya berupa prekuel atau sekuel. Semuanya masih nol, belum masuk brain storming.Semua di otak Joko. The ending does a cute job at tying together the two movies and does incite me to watch the original a bit, hoping for a more atmospheric and less CGI oriented take on the movie. Overall, this movie isn't a failure but I feel like it sells itself short by playing it Hollywood-like safe with old tropes and even some Japanese horror tropes with long haired ghosts and wells thrown into the mix which I found strangely misplaced and funny considering Japan doesn't use its tropes and cliches that much but other countries use them more. Apartment room number: 3-17 Also, Matthew 3:17 (bible verse): "And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.". | But that isn't to say this movie doesn't do things good... For starters the cinematography is gorgeous, utilizing a lot of dynamic panned shots to add more depth to the house where most of the movie takes place, it portrays our characters moving through the house in one continuous shot and utilizes a lot of close ups as to signify a sense of dread and claustrophobia and isolationism in this village. Semua pemain minta ada sekuel, tapi tergantung dia (Joko). The mother is alive at some point (the original opens with the mother's funeral). An elder daughter who suddenly needs to be the mother and care-taker for everyone after her mother is bedridden ill and her grandma is in a wheelchair, she drops out of college to save the house. Connections Could provide a nice change of setting as I've pointed out. Quotes Karena dari awal juga semua dikasihkan ke Joko dari ide cerita dan lain-lain," kata Sunil. Kami sudah menerima laporan Anda. "Satan´s Slaves", is a scary and creepy Indonesian-South Korean horror film. "Pengabdi Setan", a.k.a. A family dealing with poverty, divided by age gaps and orientations (the elders being more religious than the young ones), this movie has a diverse cast. So it's a bit like Evil Dead 1 and Evil Dead 2. Pregnancy is a recurring theme in Joko Anwar's movie. Sekuel Pengabdi Setan Akan Dibuat pada 2019. One of the main ideas of the movie is religion, and in Indonesia there are multiple religions at hand.
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