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She met Ash Ketchum in Hoenn and started traveling with him after obtaining her first Pokémon, Torchic. She then had to overcome her fear of Bug-type Pokémon by raising her Wurmple into a Beautifly. In both the Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire video games and Advanced Generation anime series, May is shown to be beautiful, and wearing a red t-shirt with a dark blue circle around her neck, dark blue bike shorts, white miniskirt, red and yellow sneakers, a red bandanna with a white PokéBall print, a yellow waist-pack, and dark-blue and white gloves. Blaziken's known moves are Ember and Blaze Kick. She sometimes takes an interest in helping other people with their romantic problems. Venusaur | The theme was also used in the Appeals Round at the Wallace Cup for May's performance. Goals Hoenn She wears a red short-sleeved shirt with a navy blue semi-circle on it, a yellow fanny pack, white gloves with navy fingertips, a white mini skirt over dark blue cycle shorts, and black ankle socks along with red shoes with black and yellow stripes. Cilan | "May's Pink Surprise" came from the recipe for food Professor Oak uses to feed Ash's Snorlax. May has owned two Pokémon and befriended one Legendary Pokémon from the fourth generation: She had befriended a Mythical Pokémon named. May and Dawn battling in the Wallace Cup. She shared that many of her Pokémon had evolved and that she had already won three Johto Ribbons. When May saw a contest battle for the first time, she decided to become a coordinator. After hatching, May and Glaceon became close friends with one another. Brock | Alder | Cynthia | Tierno | Beautifly was the first Pokémon she ever caught and during her travels in Hoenn as she first caught it as a Wurmple. In "The Lotad Lowdown" and "Sharpedo Attack! She traveled through Hoenn and Kanto with Ash, Brock, and her little brother Max. Crasher Wake | She had an 80-day record of obtaining all Badges of one region, which was broken later by Platinum. Diantha | Grace | May is the only main character, other than Ash, to wear gloves as part of her character design. Both in the original Ruby and Sapphire and also the remakes she appeared the female protagonist. Team Mystic | May arrive to Kalos with Ash, Pikachu, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena, She is jealous of Serena with Ash. Most of May's Pokémon were not caught through battle. In the Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Special Capture Comic! Sapphire, with Ruby, later appears in the Emerald arc, and later in the OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire arc. and again in the next episode What I Did For Love!. May has Contest Passes to compete in Hoenn, Kanto and Johto. Sidney | This is also the case in other languages. Candela | May is the only main character, other than Ash, to wear gloves as part of her character design. She also has a mint green fanny pack, a green and white kerchief, the same black ankle socks and orange, white and black shoes. Nate | Lugia | Another rival of hers, Harley, is a flamboyant man who goes to extremes to beat May. and Pico for Everyone Pokémon Loud Battle!. Though she was initially shown to not know much about Pokémon or attacks, she gradually gained experience through her journey and soon became a talented coordinator, with her skill being displayed in her Grand Festival rankings in the Hoenn and Kanto regions. She was the second traveling companion of Ash that was a girl and it seems like the two bonded very easily. May is a fan favorite Pokémon girl that traveled with Ash during his time in the Hoenn region. As she, Max and Ash were hungry, she was the one who asked Brock if he could prepare some food for them. Byron | Whenever Misty was in trouble May would be there for her. She was able to knock-out Drew's Flygon and his Absol. May reappeared in a fantasy in The Dream Continues!. As a Coordinator, May was able to learn more about Pokémon. She won against Grace and her Medicham with her Beautifly. Kris | Marshal | It's funny to watch her try to command the little watery creature because she's just so bad at it. May is the female protagonist of the Hoenn video games and she was always shown to have a unique clothing style. Drake | Fans of this amazing character may wonder if she'll ever make a reappearance in the anime at some point, but they probably shouldn't hold their breath. It was revealed by Max in "A Cacturne for the Worse" that as a small child, May was afraid of Pokémon. Fans should watch some of her fights if they haven't already because the two of them were a force to be reckoned with. May was the only character to give a personal narration of her introduction in the series. Ritchie | From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Blanche | She traveled through Hoenn and Kanto with Ash, Brock, and her little brother Max. Mayハルカ Haruka Many fans remember her for her fiery personality and love for her Pokémon that made her one of the most interesting companions that Ash has ever had. Food was one of the few things May would become angry about, so it was an important tool to show a different side to her usually cheerful character. Towa | Volkner | He always seems to produce a thorn-less rose for her, always insisting that it was for her Pokémon, Beautifly, but it’s obviously for May. Metagross | Cresselia | Victor | As mentioned, May also enjoys making Pokéblock. This sparked one of May's most memorable quirks in Hoenn, "May's Expeditions". Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! When May debuted in the anime, she did not like Pokémon at all and was only interested in becoming a Pokémon Trainer so she could travel. In the game, two of the optional names—one in Ruby and one in Sapphire—refer to "land" and "sea" respectively. Despite that they argue once in a while, she has definitely shown that she really deeply cares for her brother. Elio | Petalburg City Mew | She first learned about making Pokéblock in the episode Pokéblock, Stock and Berry when she met Kelly. She is also the player's rival and friend. Even though they argue often, she has shown that she deeply cares for her brother. Her "Pink Surprise" came from the recipe Professor Oak uses to make Ash's Snorlax's food. Molayne | Do-Gooder Pokémon, also known as Pocket Monsters in Japan, is a Japanese media franchise managed by the Pokémon Company, a company founded by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures.The franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995, and is centered on fictional creatures called "Pokémon", which humans, known as Pokémon Trainers, catch and train to battle each other for sport. An example of Harley's depravity was seen in A Cacturne for the Worse, when he recorded Max telling him a story from May's childhood. Agatha | Kahili | RELATED: Pokémon: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Water-Types Fans love this character but there are still things that they may not know about her. Bea | However, her encounter with Ash and Brock changed that. If May is not selected as the player, she is helping her dad finish the Hoenn Pokédex and becoming a Pokémon Professor. Scyther | Brock | She appears in a few episodes of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension, where she traveled to Sinnoh to enter the Wallace Cup. Latias | Play Pokemon Games online in your browser. Gardenia | Wikstorm | All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers, 5 Surprisingly Great Video Game Movies (& 5 That Are Just Horrible), Pokémon: 10 Things You Didn't Know About May, Pokémon: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Water-Types, Pokémon: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Greninja, Pokémon: The 10 Cutest Rock-types, Ranked, Pokémon Ash Still Needs To Capture In The Anime, 10 Funniest Quotes From The Mass Effect Trilogy, Hollow Knight: Where You Can Get Simple Keys (& Where To Use Them), 10 Similar Games To Check Out If You Loved Prey, Pokémon Let's Go: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Gym Leader Brock, Borderlands 3: 10 Things You Need To Know About Pain & Terror, Skyrim: The 10 Creepiest Quests In The Game, Ranked, 7 Crazy Super Mario Rumors That Actually Turned Out To Be True, Pokémon Sword & Shield: Ranking Each New Crown Tundra Pokémon So Far, 10 Horror Games That Deserve The Resident Evil Remake Treatment, Spider-Man: Top 10 Video Games Released Since 2000, Ranked, Skyrim: 10 Mods That Are Perfect For Halloween, Pokémon Sword & Shield: 10 Questions We Have About The Crown Tundra's Dynamax Adventures, Fallout 4: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The USS Constitution, UFC 4: 10 Ways To Fight Back Against The Clinch Spammer, Far Cry 3: Every Signature Weapon, Ranked, The 10 Creepiest Things That Happened In The Elder Scrolls Series, 10 Games That Let You Play As A Slasher Villain, Pokémon: Misty Actually Doesn't Have A Last Name (& 9 Other Interesting Details About Her). Shauna | If May is selected as the player character, she starts her journey moving from her home in Johto to her new home in the town of Littleroot in Hoenn. While Ash and Brock chose to travel to Sinnoh, May decided to follow her rivals to Johto. May placed in the following Grand Festival competitions: May swimming underwater with her clothes on, Ash, Pikachu, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and May. ORAS Unlike Brendan's name list, none of the three shared names correspond to this theme. May reappeared from "Our Cup Runneth Over!" In fact, she and Brock occasionally went on shopping trips together throughout Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire. May (Japanese: ハルカ Haruka) is the female choice for the player character in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald and their Generation VI remakes Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Whitney | May’s red bandana has a white Pokémon sign on it. Supporting Heroine. Gladion | They really were a great team and because so many fans forgot about her partner Pokémon it deserves a spot on this list! During her journey she won numerous ribbons in both Hoenn and Kanto and she is still using those skills and talents in Johto currently. Lusamine | During their time together, May help Venusaur in her confidences and abilities. Brawly | Professor Kikui | Kiawe | Chloe, Allies Ditto | Wattson | During this period, she wore her game counterpart's outfit from Pokémon Emerald. Family: However, its flock reappeared, and Swablu reluctantly left with them. She reappears in a flashback in "The Dream Continues!". !, where she became Ash's traveling companion like in the anime. Flint | In the English dub, she also uses variations, such as "On stage!". Celebi | Ilima | Seeing its natural talent for Pokémon Contest, May used Wartortle in her contest and grew a lot in them even after it evolved. May made it to the finals of the Wallace Cup but narrowly lost to Dawn in the end. Torchic → Combusken → Blaziken → Mega Blaziken, https://thepkmnfanfiction.fandom.com/wiki/May?oldid=6862. Many players never knew that she actually has family in the Pokémon business, but now they do! Acerola | During the Wallace Cup, May showed the new style that she had come up after leaving Ash, battling against Dawn's rival Zoey and winning using her Beautifly. When May saw a contest battle for the first time, she decided to become a Coordinator. May's teams in Emerald vary slightly from Brendan's teams: This page was last edited on 8 October 2020, at 07:11. Anime:Ash KetchumPikachuBrockBlaziken (Best Friend and Signature Pokémon) SkittyMunchlaxDrewMistyTracey SketchitSolidadDawnZoeyBrendanProfessor Birch Wally (as a player) Steven Stone to participate in the Wallace Cup alongside Ash, Dawn and Zoey. She appears return in the future episode of XY. May is a fan favorite Pokémon girl that traveled with Ash during his time in the Hoenn region. Tate and Liza | May appeared in the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer. Michele Knotz (TPCI) (English) Princess of Hoenn (by some people in Sinnoh; anime only) The battle caused her Mudkip to evolve into Marshtomp. She was born in Olivine City in the Johto Region and moved to Littleroot Town in the Hoenn Region, where she met and befriended Brendan, the son of Professor Birch who becomes her rival. On the way to the Grand Festival, she met Harley and Drew. Nessa | Raihan, Champions


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