Bumped recently Member Count . For today im gonna give you pokemon revolution online BOT. Do not complain about a #SPP-Wifi ban.Warning, then 5 minute ban - Please do not come to complain about a ban you received in #SPP-Wifi. We don't want our members to be uncomfortable.18. Shinohara, June 27, 2017 https://pokeone.fandom.com/wiki/Discord?oldid=214. Please don't flood or spam.5+ minute ban - Flooding is where you post a lot in a short amount of time. in General Support, By The PokéOne discord link can be found here: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Experience a never-before-seen layer of strategy with the all-original Field Effects, using the terrain to outplay and overwhelm your opponent! in General Support, By Look no farther. By Untimed Ban' refers to a ban that does not have a set expiry time. Do not use excessive scripts.Warning, then 5 minute ban - The occasional 'Now listening to.' Do not flame or troll members.5 minute ban - Because #SPP is for all ages, we don't tolerate any name calling, racism or baiting, so please don't come here just to cause trouble. Don't ask for personal details.5 minute ban - Being friendly is great! 23 members 0 emotes. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. #SPP - The Chatroom RulesThe following listed ban times are standard, but chat room ops may change the length of your ban to whatever length they feel is necessary.' 322 posts. By not following this rule you're asking to be banned. Made by fans for fans!!! | 91,336 members Collect, train and battle with all 807 Pokemon available in-game and take on Gym Leaders of all 18 types as you fight to restore Reborn to prosperity!Are you ready? Do not ask for illegal content.5 minute ban - Please do not ask for copyrighted material, whether it's ROMs or full anime episodes.11. Please speak English.Warning, then 5 minute ban - English is the preferred speaking language of #SPP. The official discord bot of Pokemon Revolution Online. PokéOne and the PokéOne wiki are not affiliated or associated with any other company. in General Support, By No false reports.5+ minute ban - Do not fake evidence or logs to get another member punished. Shinohara, June 27, 2017 Pokemon Revolution Online Auto BOT Posted by: pHat kllemens Friday, January 22, 2016 Hi Guys, its been long time since the last time i update this blog. pokevil, Thursday at 09:08 AM From a few to a fandom. in Selling Pokémon - Silver, By Welcome to the Reborn Region.Reborn City- Black smog and acidic water garnish the crumbling structures along the skyline. Pokémon Revolution Online - Boss Brock Boss Guide: https://goo.gl/L7WhU1 Discord: https://discord.gg/mzBQ6Gz Do not evade scripts.5+ minute ban - The scripts are there for a reason, if we see you bypassing the triggers we will ban you for a length of time we see fit.26. Do not trick members into triggering scripts.Untimed ban - If we catch you doing this, you will get into trouble, so please don't do it.28. No inappropriate topics.5+ minute ban - Please remember #SPP is meant to be enjoyable for all ages. Pokemon Revolution Online Italia Join Server Vote. PROShine is a free, open-source and advanced bot for Pokemon Revolution Online, powered by Lua scripts. City streets fest like alleys with disaster and crime. Be friendly - lets work together to create a good community! 2 talking about this. If we catch you doing this, you will be removed.And please keep in mind that just because this chat is part of a Pokemon related website, it doesn't mean that the members will always be discussing Pokemon 24/7. If you question whether a topic is appropriate, don't bring it up or ask a staff member first.4. If you have a deadly medical condition, please see a doctor, not #SPP!20. Looking for a Pokémon game with more of a challenge? This bot has many commands to get information about almost all aspects of PRO. Click the link to get the game. No racism, sexism or discrimination of any kind will be tolerated. Adventure … Taiju, September 25 Do not discuss or ask for help with any hacking device.5 minute ban - This includes Action Replay, M3 and R4 cards. all servers Midkup's Art Shop :3 (Open) By Stormaniac, September 22; Spriting Corner. Don't advertise your site.5 minute ban - We know you want people to join your chat/website, but this isn't the place to seek out new members.8. PokéOne Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Serebii.net does not condone the use of illegal devices, and this does carry over to the chatrooms.12. Grab a seat in a voice channel when you’re free. Don't ask for access.Warning, then 5 minute ban - Do not ask to become a staff member, that is not how we add to our team. No swearing.5 minute ban - Swear words, like shouting, can be seen as rude and offensive, so please don't use them.3. Script is fine, but please don't be excessive about it.17. By not following this rule you're asking to be banned. Dyno. pokevil, Thursday at 09:08 AM Untimed Bans expire when the ban list is cleared, which happens every couple of days.If you are warned and choose to ignore your warning, you will be banned instead.If you break a rule that you've just seen somebody else also get warned for, you may be banned instead of warned.Repeated offences may result in you being permanently banned from the chat room.These rules may be strict, but they are in place to keep the chatroom atmosphere safe for all members. Do NOT tag staff into any comments (using the @ command) unless it is very important. Report. Art Shops. Invisible First Defense Nano Glass Screen Protector, Truck Mechanic Simulator 2015 Kaufen Tms Key Mmoga, Idle Champions Of The Forgotten Realms Characters. Discord servers tagged with Pokémon-Go. This also includes character spamming, such as!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6. However, being hostile about it will just extend your ban.10. Please be considerate of all the members and staff members and don't shout at them.2. Do not ask for a personal relationship.5 minute ban - There are plenty of dating chatrooms on the internet, #SPP is not one of them.14. Don't ask for battles, trades or rescues from any video game.Warning, then 5 minute ban - Pokemon battles and trades go in #SPP-Wifi, all others belong in another outside of Serebii.net related chatrooms.22. Omega Zoroark & Virus … Friends in your server can see you’re around and instantly pop in to talk without having to call. No impersonation.5+ minute ban - Do not pretend to be another member or use a name similar to any other member. Piproom, 6 hours ago Do not write in all capitals.5 minute ban - Using all capitals as a method of communication is seen as as shouting and can be very rude. The official Discord for Pokémon Revolution Online (referentially abbreviated as PRO). If you question your nickname, don't use it.27. Piproom, 6 hours ago If you would like to speak another language you will have to do it in another chatroom.24. Taiju, September 25 Massive world of Pokemon with many regions, both original and custom, never seen in any other game. No mini-opping.Warning, then 5 minute ban - We have staff members for a reason, please let us do our jobs!23. Selling Pokémon - Cross Server; Buying Pokémon - Cross Server; Shiny and Special Pokémon - Cross Server; 111 posts [AUCTION] EPIC BB TIMID GRENINJA 30*2 SPD AND SPATK; By gauravrai8961, 1 hour ago; Creativity Zone. Don't roleplay or abuse the /me command.Warning, then 5 minute ban - We understand roleplaying can be fun, but please keep roleplaying out of #SPP as this chatroom is not a roleplaying chat.13. in Pokémon Shops - Silver, By Do not use abuse text modifiers.Warning, then 5 minute ban - Using italics once in a while is fine, but please do not make that your preferred way of typing.19. Top Bots In This Server: MEE6. Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat. Read the Announcements and FAQ channels before posted anything in the discord. Tags similar to Pokémon-Go. Where hanging out is easy. 0 Pokemon Revolution Online Italia Giocatori di Silver e Gold Server supportano le vostre partite! Art Request; 2.4k posts. in Unofficial Tournaments and Events, Forces Of Nature (Landorus, Tornadus and Thundurus) Quest Guide, EVOCATION GUILD [ON BOTH SILVER AND GOLD] RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS [INTERNATIONAL], An unhealthy Battle Bond: The Ash-Greninja case, MainRoselia : NEW PVP VIDEO (22/10/2020) Rain Team, [Tool] PRO BetterHunt - Enhanced Hunting Statistic. Pokemon Revolution Online Auto BOT Posted by: pHat kllemens Friday, January 22, 2016 Hi Guys, its been long time since the last time i update this blog. Do not ban evade.Untimed ban - If you find yourself having been banned and you are unclear how long the ban is, feel free to drop the staff members a private message. This includes flaming/trolling in private messages too.7. Unofficial Discord Rules No racism, sexism or discrimination of any kind will be tolerated. If you have any questions, private message an OP.21. Read the Announcements and FAQ channels before posted anything in the discord. Pokemon Revolution is an online free to play Pokemon MMO. By Asking to become one will just disqualify you in the future.9. If you have any chatroom related inquiries, please feel free to send a private message to any of the operators.1. in General Support, By Do not attention seek.5 minute ban - #SPP is a chatroom for everyone to enjoy, so please don't come here with the intention of fishing for attention. No cloning.Warning, then 5 minute ban - Please do not connect to the chatroom with multiple nicknames. 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