poltergeist 2 remake
Haven’t seen the first American Poltergeist movie? Un père au chomedu découvre que sa fille ainée est ultra-matérialiste, en soi c’est déjà l’horreur la plus banale, mais en plus de ça, ils sont condamnés à finir en banlieue ... Il s’agit d’un remake assumé du film culte du même nom réalisé par Tobe Hooper en 1982. Eric was recently laid off, but they are shown a house that has recently come on the market that fits their price range, so they purchase it and move in. Après avoir enquêté sur la grotte, Taylor se rend compte que le Révérend Henry Kane (Julian Beck), un ancien pasteur, a localisé Carol-Anne. Which is basically a remake of the original, with the obligatory "let's sex it up to be modern" crap, like adding reality TV. Steven et Robbie tentent de les retenir mais sont attirés à leur tour. |, May 14, 2020 Coming Soon. Et c'est pourquoi on retrouve dans ma phrase la précision que j'ai pu voir ! On Friday, a remake of the 1982 classic Poltergeist hit theaters. The investigators deduce and confirm that the haunting is caused by a poltergeist. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Quel dommage car vouloir dépoussiérer un peu l’original de 1982 était plutôt prometteur. Neither has anyone who made American Poltergeist 2. Josh Millican is the Editor in Chief at Dread Central. There's little doubt that nostalgia played a part in Fox's decision to remake Poltergeist, but that's a poor reason for any film's existence and no excuse for how uninspired Gil Kenan's re-imagining of this one turned out. selon les conventions filmographiques. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. Sam Rockwell leads the cast and gives an impressive performance. AGBO Films partners Joe and Anthony Russo, the filmmaking brothers who helmed Avengers: Endgame, have been appointed creative architects of a huge portion of MGM’s filmography. We have no idea how long it will take a Poltergeist remake to materialize, but we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled in order to bring you additional news as details emerge. Réalisateur : Brian Gibson. [17], Writing for Variety, Andrew Barker called it "generally entertaining yet fundamentally unnecessary" and concluded: "Even when one is inclined to admire the cleverness with which the remake revisits and reincorporates Poltergeist's themes, it’s hard to pinpoint a single moment where it improves on them, and the aura of inessentiality hangs thick over the proceedings". [4], On August 6, 2014, the film's release date was shifted from February 13, 2015 to July 24, 2015. CGU | Stay tuned and check back often! De l'autre côté, Steven, Diane, Robbie, et Carol-Anne se rejoignent, mais Kane saisit Carol-Anne. Moviehole continues on describing a few fan service scenes such as the presence of the scary tree and that terrible clown. poltergeist 2015 façon fx . Those parents might find it an enjoyable trip down memory lane, even if they do now recognize it as largely a well-served collection of horror-movie tropes". [10] Brad Miska of Bloody Disgusting stated that "while every fiber of my being wants to reject it, [the film] actually looks pretty insane", and praised the trailer's final shot. |, July 7, 2020 Son existence est révélée à Tangina Barrons (Zelda Rubinstein), qui prévient un de ses amis, Taylor (Will Sampson), un chaman Amérindien. Taylor le félicite pour résister face à Kane, puis emmène Steven dans le désert et lui donne le Power of Smoke, un esprit autochtone qui peut repousser Kane. Box office été 2015: le carton Jurassic World, Les Profs 2 au top et Universal maître du monde, Meilleurs films Epouvante-horreur en 2015. La musique pour Poltergeist 2 est composée et dirigée par Jerry Goldsmith, déjà à l’œuvre pour le premier film. Yawn. La Bête décide alors de s'en prendre à Robbie : les fils de son appareil dentaire s'animent et tentent de l'étouffer. Dana, la fille aînée dans le premier film interprétée par Dominique Dunne, devait initialement être à l'université dans l'intrigue du deuxième film. horror, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Après la mort de l'acteur Julian Beck, quelques mois après la fin du tournage, la voix de Corey Burton est rajoutée en postproduction pour remplacer celle de Julian Beck. [28], Outside North America, it earned $8.3 million on its opening weekend from 3,750 screens in 36 countries, finishing at sixth place at the international box office. Though not as revolutionary as the original, Poltergeist is still a well-crafted and chilling horror film. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. [Full Review in Spanish]. It's the same kind of thing, with the same shape and some shared ingredients, but the texture's gone limp, and there's no sense of occasion about it, and there's some unpalatable goop stuffed in the crust. [11] Ben Kuchera of Polygon also opined that the trailer appeared to be similar to the original film, but that it "looks great, as a horror movie". Il sera suivi de Poltergeist 3 en 1988. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! It's all so very Nightmare on Elm Street. Qui sommes-nous | While trying to contact Maddie, Eric is ambushed in the closet by a ghost resembling her. This scene would have come … The film received mixed reviews from critics and grossed over $95 million worldwide against a budget of $35 million. and the Terms and Policies, It is unnecessary and I didn't like the updating on this one. "[25] Randy Cordova in The Arizona Republic wrote, "Ultimately, the whole affair is forgettable. But the new Poltergeist is a fun, worthy horror entry. 64 abonnés Taylor leur rend visite alors que Kane commence son premier assaut sur la maison. |, May 10, 2019 Yet, the dependency on lazy scare tactics neuter this reboot, making you yearn for the original. Le Seigneur des Anneaux : 6 acteurs qui se sont blessés sur le tournage, Les 10 films de super-héros qu'il faut avoir vus dans sa vie, Pirates des Caraïbes 5 sur W9 : un tournage chaotique avec un Johnny Depp ingérable. In the middle of the night, lights and electronic devices start turning on and off, as an unseen force appears to move through the home. c'est amusant, mais que ce qu'il peureux le gamin! Série Poltergeist Poltergeist (1982) Poltergeist 3 (1988) Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Poltergeist 2 ou Poltergeist II: L'autre côté au Québec (Poltergeist II: The Other Side) est un film d'horreur américain de Brian Gibson , sorti en 1986 . L'histoire est identique, sauf qu'elle a été raccourcie et vue d'une manière différentes : toutes prises de vues en furent autrement. Bonjour le nanar ! [3], At the same month, Sam Rockwell, Rosemarie DeWitt, Jared Harris and Jane Adams were cast in the film. She tells Griffin someone is coming, and he attempts to unplug the TV, causing the lights to go out of control. Tom Cruise and Richard Armitage were considered for the role of Eric Bowen. Would you like to see another remake of Poltergeist (originally directed by Tobe Hooper)? La couverture présente une image similaire à l'affiche du film. And, the writing makes some interesting changes that contemporizes the story. Mamie Jess meurt suite à des causes naturelles, après avoir déclaré à sa fille Diane une dernière fois qu'elle sera toujours là si elle a besoin d'elle. Just confirm how you got your ticket. They attempt to use Griffin's toy drone to guide Maddie out, but it is immediately destroyed by the ghosts when inside the portal. Kendra stamps and destroys the television screen as ghosts' hands are seen, trying to communicate with Maddie. Quant à la petite Mandy, c'est bien la "Carol-Anne Freeling" brune : même facette, dirais-je. Un an après[1], Cuesta Verde, le quartier de la famille Freeling, est évacuée et transformée en une zone de fouilles archéologiques centrée autour de l'endroit où la maison des Freeling a explosé. In one scene in the new film, the kids’ find some things behind the sliding panel in the attic. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); Une honte d'avoir voulu remaké un film culte par un tel navet. Now this is something we can get behind. The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. Seulement deux des conceptions de Giger apparaissent dans le montage final du film, y compris celle de « la Bête » de Kane. Pour découvrir d'autres films : Joel Crawford, Contact | var _g1; | Fresh (41) Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. Découvrez... Pour écrire un commentaire, identifiez-vous. L'artiste surréaliste suisse H. R. Giger a été approché par la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pour créer plusieurs modèles pour le film. During the end credits, it is revealed that Carrigan survived the incident and is back filming his ghost program, now hosting the show with Dr. Powell. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { The effects are decent, but the plot offers nothing new over the original. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Rockwell and DeWitt are solid and there's fresh blood in this reboot at first. ), and some Christmas decorations. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Il fallait une bâtisse capable de communiquer une certaine ambivalence, avec à la fois un côté sombre et lumineux. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy Ex. Les meilleurs films de l'année 2015, The site's consensus reads: "Paying competent homage without adding anything of real value to the original Poltergeist, this remake proves just as ephemeral (but half as haunting) as its titular spirit. Additionally, the director does a good job at creating atmosphere and building tension. Please reference “Error Code 2121” when contacting customer service. Les meilleurs films Epouvante-horreur, Une nuit, leur plus jeune fille, Maddie, disparaît. try { Ayant perdu son permis d'agent immobilier, Steven est contraint de vendre des aspirateurs en porte-à-porte et de déposer des demandes d'assurance pour couvrir les dommages causés à leur ancienne maison. Could the villain of Marvel's big space opera be the ruler of one of its most famous alien races?…. It is a tree planted outside the family house that becomes possessed by either the Beast or one of the many ghosts haunting the grounds. Kane a conduit ses disciples dans la grotte parce qu'il croyait que la fin du monde allait arriver, puis les a laissés mourir. Lire ses 67 critiques. Contrairement au film original, dont l'intrigue se situait dans la période prospère des années 80, ce remake se déroule dans une banlieue sur le déclin. However, I'm such a big fan of the original that I couldn't get into this one at all. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. The first night, they hear strange noises in the walls and Griffin finds a box containing clown dolls that were left at the house. A peine a t-on vu la bande annonce que ça sent le dèjà-vu à pleine truffe! In 2013 it was known as You Will Love Me, before adopting the title of The POLTERGEIST of Borley Forest in 2015 (that’s the DVD cover’s emphasis, not mine). BUT WAIT — Moviehole is now reporting that this synopsis is lacking in important details that make this movie a sequel, NOT a reboot.


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