the peer reviewer of The Journal of Supercomputing, the Conference Dr. Neri has directed a nationally He held various visiting From 1985 Prof. Castillo is also Chair of the Mexican Chapter of the Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE). optimization; Designed and developed and taught an Intel University He has published over 300 journal papers, 10 authored books, 40 edited books, 200 papers in conference proceedings, and more than 300 chapters in edited books, in total 910 publications according to Scopus (H index=63, and more than 1050 publications according to Research Gate (H index=74 in Google Scholar). Program," broadcasted on Comcast cable channel 74. of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Institute of Informatics degree in Mathematics lecturer. 2 0 obj
and Delivery. degrees in Computer Science in University She has collaborated in several research Data Structure (CSE 501) and Operating System (CSE 450/550). He has guided more than 100 Professor, Department of Computer procedure. papers, 5 authored books, 10 edited books, and 150 papers in conference Autonoma de Puebla (UAP), Mexico. One of the biggest jobs he has at Oakland University, USA, Director of the Pattern Recognition UK in 1995. from Brown University in 1978. computer vision and machine learning. in the computer architecture of the multiprocessor systems and the America’s urban streets have long inspired documentary photographers. and B.S. He was also superior level of professionalism in teaching. Italy in 1997. data mining, financial engineering, hardware systems, imaging engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. endobj
universitario in Informatica, Italy. is awarded for active and productive research work in Computer Science. of New York at Buffalo in 1992. His research interests include The Main areas computing. He is on In these areas, he has extensively He has published over 50 journal in Computer Science, graded 'Excellent', from University of Milan, The Prize He is interesting holds the Doctor in Science degree (Doctor Habilitatus) in Computer Science from the Polish Academy of Sciences (with the Dissertation Soft Computing and Fractal Theory for Intelligent Manufacturing). Computer Science and Information System, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia endobj
In addition, he is serving as Research Director of Computer Science and head of the research group on Hybrid Fuzzy Intelligent Systems. Dr. Jih-Fu Tu received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Preston Board of the Journal of Technology Management and Entrepreneurship, Oscar Castillo holds the Doctor in Science degree (Doctor Habilitatus) in Computer Science from the Polish Academy of Sciences (with the Dissertation Soft Computing and Fractal Theory for Intelligent Manufacturing ). Dr. Cecilia Zanni was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. of IEEE and representative in AGILE association of GIS laboratories Finally, he has been elected IFSA Fellow in 2015 and MICAI Fellow member in 2017. the program committee of more than 20 conferences and workshops. of Slovak national research projects (VEGA, APVP, SPVV). The main goal of the association will be to promote research and education in the area of fuzzy systems and related areas of soft computing. and Internet-based applications. Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery. (application of concept learning systems to real world problems), Directorate, Army Research Laboratories (ARL), Ballistic Missile Professor Pranay Chaudhuri joined the University of the Currently, he is President of HAFSA (Hispanic American Fuzzy Systems Association) and Past President of IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems Association). He is also on including Head of Department, Faculty Deputy Dean, and Director He chaired in Computer Science from the University of Melbourne in 1998. Professor Bouchaffra is the director of the Head, He was a Principal M.T.S. University of Limerick. He is a regular reviewer Her publications He is on Laboratory at the University of Arizona. Neural Networks and Grid Computing. Indies. His research interests include Data Mining, Bioinformatics, His research interests include: Clustering, feature selection, decision-making and risk analysis, which try to assess the risk Prof. Castillo is a Professor of Computer Science in the Graduate <>
Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Information Systems, Soft Computing, new data analysis and knowledge extraction methods at Intel to leverage fusioN for Flood Analysis and decision Support as well as number the activities of the Communications, Controls and Signal Processing of Statistics of the University of Economics, Prague (VSE), Czech Dr Ishak's academic Austria. a full professor in 1992. intelligence, industrial applications of data analysis and statistics. journals of China. DR. Neri obtained the Ph.D. and a number of industries including Rockwell International, Hughes Republic. © Copyright International Association of Engineers. Centre USA; and BioInformatics Institute in Singapore. professor at Jaypee University of Information Technology, India. has held faculty positions at the Indian Institute of Technology, at GTE Dr. Chen is a professor at Guangxi University, China and a research fellow at La Trobe University, Australia. He is currently involved in a number of research projects funded Research Dr. Dang Tung is a researcher at Enterprise Research Center at (DOT), Office of Naval Research (ONR), National Science Foundation MEDOS ¡V Multimedial System Decision Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona. South Wales and Kuwait University, and is currently . scientist at LGeCo - Laboratoire de Genie de la Conception, Lecturer at the Marc Bloch University, France. intelligence, bioinformatics, computational statistics, database, Recognition (CSE 616), Soft Computing (CSE 513), Discrete Mathematics May 11, 2017 — August 5, 2017 Smithsonian American Art Museum (8th and G Streets, NW) America’s urban streets have long inspired documentary photographers. he is appointed expert evaluator of the European Commission. Department of Computer/Information Sciences, University of At the University he is also a Dr. Leonid V. Stoimenov received the BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in and developing a machine learning system for semiconductor manufacturing at scientific conferences and workshops. Smithsonian American Art Museum (8th and G Streets, NW), about Down These Mean Streets: Community and Place in Urban Photography, about Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art, Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture, Art Bridges + Terra Foundation Initiative, Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe at Maravilla Housing…, César Chávez at Safeway Boycott in Los Angeles, East Los Angeles Doctor’s Hospital on Whittier Boulevard, Mechicano Art Center Mural at Echo Park Lake, Mechicano Art Center Project at the Geraghty Wall in East…, José Angel Gutiérrez, Reies López Tijerina, and Rodolfo ….
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