push purdue

Jordan is committed to partnering with her patients to help them make educated health decision, and we are excited to welcome her to our team. Purdue University Student Health Services is pleased to announce that Jordan Weber, Nurse Practitioner, has joined our team of board certified providers. Online only international students who are not living in the United States while taking classes are not required to purchase the student insurance and will be granted an automatic waiver.

If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the CSC at itap@purdue.edu or (765) 494-4000. Note: Unauthorized access or misuse of computer resources or disclosure of sensitive information may result in disciplinary or legal action. You will be connected with a registered nurse case manager, who will help determine the appropriate course of care, which could include quarantine and a COVID-19 test. Extension and Polytechnic Statewide). Protect Purdue. All information and guidance applies to Purdue West Lafayette employees unless otherwise noted (incl. Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, 765-494-4600, © 2020 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Integrity Statement | Copyright Complaints | Brand Toolkit | Maintained by PUSH, Contact PUSH for accessibility issues with this page | Accessibility Resources | Contact Us, PUSH Welcomes Jordan Weber, AGNP-BC to its Provider Team, Online Option Students and Services at PUSH, Online Only International Students May Waive Insurance Requirement, Online only international students who are, An equal access/equal opportunity university. If your experience did not meet our goal, please let us know by contacting the Student Health Center Patient Advocate, Marilyn Foster, at 765-494-1720, or in person at PUSH room 132. Purdue is requesting all students obtain their influenza vaccine this fall between September 1st and October 31st. For security reasons, please logout and close your web browser once you have finished your session. To learn more about our PUSH providers, please visit our provider biography page. Flu vaccines administered at PUSH will be billed to insurance, at your request.

L ogin: P assword: To access the page you are requesting, a valid Purdue University career account Username and Password must be provided. You can schedule an appointment online through the Patient Portal, or by calling 765-494-1700. This secure site provides students, faculty and staff with Intranet and Internet services. Check in will be located at the Extended Care Services entrance off of our parking lot at the rear of the building. If you have medical questions or concerns about COVID-19 please contact the Protect Purdue Health Center at 765-496-4636, option 1. To request accommodations or special assistance due to a disability, please, Share your questions, comments and ideas with the, Resources and information on addressing COVID-19 safety concerns are available in the, If you’re a journalist with a question, email Tim Doty, Chronology of Purdue’s Response to COVID-19, Equal Access/Equal Opportunity university.

Our single-minded focus of protecting your health and wellness allows you to focus on your educational and personal goals. If you are an Online Option student you are required to be distanced from all activities and physical locations on campus, including PUSH. A limited quantity of flu vaccines are still available at PUSH. Immediately inform your instructor of your absence and contact the Protect Purdue Health Center at 765-496-INFO (4636) or toll-free at 833-571-1043. Protect Others. The Purdue COVID-19 Information Center, 765-496-INFO (4636) or toll free 1-833-571-1043, is staffed 8 a.m.-10 p.m. 7 days/week, to answer questions about the coronavirus impact on the Purdue community. Our goal at the Purdue Student Health Center is to provide you with the best possible care and services. Those who are taking classes remotely this fall do not have to come to campus for their vaccines and can utilize their healthcare provider or community pharmacy should they choose. If, for any reason, charges are incurred during a visit, we will bill insurance or send your balance to your Bursar account. Students must upload their declination form to the Patient Portal. You may schedule a flu shot at PUSH by logging in to the Patient Portal, or by calling 765-494-1700.

There will be several On-campus flu shot events and locations. Additional information about flu vaccine availability on campus can be found here. The declination form can be found here. Phones are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The mask must be worn in all hallways, public spaces and common areas, as well as office spaces if social distancing of six feet is not possible, or if a physical barrier is not present. Our staff of board-certified physicians and nurse practitioners provide student-oriented primary care as well as ongoing care for chronic conditions. Detailed medical bills are available to students online for up to 2 years from their date of service through the Patient Portal. You may also report your concern to the Purdue University Enterprise-wide hotline 866-818-2620 or https://www.purdue.edu/hotline/. To access the page you are requesting, a valid Purdue University career account Username and Password must be provided. At PUSH, our mission is to provide quality, compassionate, culturally competent and safe care to members of the Purdue student community. Students who are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19, or who have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, must first call the Protect Purdue Health Center at 765-496-4636, option 1 and follow the instructions given prior to coming to, or scheduling with Purdue University Student Health Services. This is part of the University's pandemic response measures and the Protect Purdue initiative. Once you are inside this page, you will be able to attest that you are NOT living in the United States while taking classes by clicking the box at the bottom of the page and clicking the blue "Submit Final" button. Anyone entering PUSH must wear a face mask. You have asked to login to: https://myhealth.push.purdue.edu. Additional guidance for Purdue Fort Wayne can be found here. For more information about Jordan and all of our board certified providers, check out our provider biography page. The annual influenza vaccination has been added as a required vaccination for enrolled students, as a condition to being on campus.

Students with symptoms or potential exposure are required to stay home and not attend class. To be granted this waiver, you must sign into the Patient Portal, click on the forms tab on the left hand side of the screen and choose the NOTICE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENT INSURANCE WAIVER option. To minimize the risk of airborne pathogens, visitors are prohibited from entering the building with patients.

Log in using your Purdue Career Account. The Purdue COVID-19 Information Center, 765-496-INFO (4636) or toll free 1-833-571-1043, is staffed 8 a.m.-10 p.m. 7 days/week, to answer questions about the coronavirus impact on the Purdue community. If you are at work or in class when symptoms begin, you should go home immediately. Laboratory tests completed at PUSH are performed, processed and billed through Mid America Clinical Laboratories (MACL). Protect Myself. These policies follow Indiana State Medical Board regulations, which limit the services that can be performed out-of-state. This area includes Writing Lab hours, services, and contact information. Purdue recognizes that all students, faculty and staff should have full access to all aspects of the Protect Purdue Plan. However, there are ways that PUSH can help meet your healthcare needs this semester. For all other healthcare needs PUSH is available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You may schedule by calling 765-494-1700 or through the Patient Portal. Send inquiries or comments to itap@purdue.edu. The Purdue Writing Lab Purdue University students, faculty, and staff at our West Lafayette, IN campus may access this area for information on the award-winning Purdue Writing Lab. To better accommodate the healthcare needs of our students we will now be open weekends during the fall semester: Weekend office visits will be on a walk-in-only basis, and patients will be prioritized based on medical need. For billing questions and pricing information, please contact MACL directly by calling 1-317-803-1010, or by emailing them at billing@macl1.com.

Students who are unable to get the vaccine due to a medical condition or religious reason will need to complete the Purdue University declination form.

Additional guidance for Purdue Northwest can be found here. Because we know that health insurance and billing can also be a source of concern, we want to help with that as well. All the entertainment buzz you crave, plus trending news, exclusive interviews, never-before-seen photos and more!

An equal access, equal opportunity university. Please contact Lori Blair, Business Services Manager at 765-496-3138 for billing and insurance concerns.

Secure Access Login. As always, there is no charge to full time students for an office visit for illness or injury. More information about locations and dates can be found here. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA, (765) 494-4600 © 2015 Purdue University.

You have asked to login to: https://myhealth.push.purdue.edu.


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