rome 2 best campaign
Their position was really interesting and their units are solid. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. They can be played in single-player or two player multiplayer (either coop or head to head. All of the content from Rome 2's DLC is added to the game in accompanying patches (e.g. You get to play up to 4 additional factions from a specific culture. Never attack with a single army. I love playing the Rome2 campaign, i bought all DLCs some time ago and played all the factions and i really cant not suggest you any faction which is so great and uniqe that you have to play these after all. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I've started and finished 1 game so far as Pontus and it was really great. Haven't played enough multiplayer to pick a favourite there. Take offers from states of least interest and possible exports. ... (the main Rome II campaign.) As someone who is used to grinding out nearly every battle because of poor auto resolve odds with the Caledones or Iceni, it has made for quite the change of pace. Mods make this even better. If you have specific questions about a dlc or faction or just how different the cultures are from others, feel free to ask. A subreddit for the Total War strategy game series, made by Creative Assembly. It's pretty slow to start with, but it gets fun, especially on harder difficulties. After like, 10 tries I finally finished a campaign as Rome, going to try something else soon. Beasts of War adds animal based units, which can be fun and I believe Suebi players specifically like the Wolf Warriors I think it adds. Once they are your allies, get them to go to war on Libya. Bactria, with defensive alliances with Arachosia and Aria have made for the easiest game of Rome II I've played. Everyone in the world hates you by default. It made me think about the best and worst factions to play in Emperor Edition. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Before a battle or campaign begins, "Total War: Rome 2" calculates how much video memory is required to display the scene with your current in-game graphics settings. With the blockades of trading ports, you are damaging them anyways. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II. Side note. They also have a lot of exports. But some people really don't like it, so it's really up to you. If you choose to opt back into Patch 17 as some have, you won't be able to play Empire Divided (added Patch 18) or Desert Kingdoms (added Patch 19.) I had 2 full dog armies with like lvl 2 weapons and max chevrons. Unless you are 100% confident you can take on the enemy army or you're a pro at battling it out. So you dont need the DLCs at all, but you can add a few things if you really want to. Their units are weak with no armor so again ranged units are good to have. Oh that's pretty brilliant. Egypt will finish the rest off. But make sure you take Syracuse before the Romans. ), WRATH OF SPARTA is set much earlier than even Rome II's start, and is played out across a more detailed map of Greece. My first guide, first time on this forum, I hope you like it. If you really like Hoplite warfare and Greek history then it's meant to be a lot of fun. at least 6-8 unit types. Rome II. As for the DLCs I'll split them into categories: These generally* each add 3 new factions that you can play. The unit DLCs, which add additional units only arent worth it either. That way the stuff mentioned above goes better. War with Libya will be inevitable. *Desert Kingdoms is the latest Culture Pack and adds 4 new factions, who offer a mix of playstyles. The achievement wants you capture Rome, and using the island, you can launch attack after attack on Rome. So I am thinking about challenging myself in Hard difficulty with a fun to play faction. Once controlled you can choke the island with a blockade with your western fleet. e.g. Began invasion fo Southern Rome. I've just been rolling up the top of the map and wiping out Nomadic factions, mostly with auto resolve. ), The Steam store pages for the different DLCs give you a good overview of what's in each DLC, and if you want an idea of the history/feel of the factions (and a useful guide to which factions are in which DLC) try here:, (Or for more recent content, try the Total War Blog: Discussions, strategies, stories, crude cave-drawings, and more for Medieval 2, Empire, Shogun 2, Rome 2, Attila, Thrones of Britannia, Warhammer, Three Kingdoms and others. I've complete the grand campaign with some of the factions and based on this guide. Once you get bold and taking out provinces of different cultures, focus on philosophy to help conversion and taxation. Spread your units out to avoid heavy ranged hits. The AI controlled factions in campaigns have access to their full rosters, even if you don't own the DLC. A subreddit for the Total War strategy game series, made by Creative Assembly. This means you don't need to worry about public order at all. Having said that, don't do auto resolve on enemy territory, because if you did suffer alot of casualties you will have to fall back and replenish before advancing or you will lose that army quickly. I'm not sure I would recommend any to a new player unless you are really, really, really interested in one of the DLC factions. This has three effects: Multiplayer Compatibility: Any player on a particular Patch and OS-type (Windows or Mac, but there's no cross-platform multiplayer) can play with any other player on the same patch and OS-type, even if they have different DLC. Spain, Sicily and Northern Africa belong to you. Bring at least 2 armies with full stacks. And the last DLCs are the Culture packs. They will be taken by surprise and you can secure the province of Maegna Graecia. Don't try to turn them into ally or client state. These cost a little more, generally you get 3 new playable factions for Grand Campaign AND a smaller campaign that can have it's own mechanics and challenges OR a bigger campaign, but those don't add additional Grand Campaign playable factions. ), Each offer 3 new factions for the main game, some of which also feature in the DLC campaign, including two of my personal favourites Nervii (in Caesar, Belgian warriors who like to ambush) and Lusitani (in Hannibal, a faction that's low on armour, but high on javelins and guerilla warfare. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I played few campaigns in Normal difficulty and it's a little too easy and boring for me. Also a few of the units are kind of questionable and they are limited in the campaign without any additional mods. Meaning at present MAC gamers don't have access to Empire Divided DLC, Desert Kingdoms DLC, Power & Politics FLC, Female Leaders FLC or Patches 18 or 19. Mark the Turditani as a war target for Nova Carthago if you don't think you can take them. To be honest these arent special and it is fairly likely that you might just not like any additional factions from one culture or one that is fairly similar. Once you capture Italia, start focusing on economy since you will have some unrest and conversions of populace taking place. Depending our your economy is good or not, if you plan to invade a faction that controls an entire province, try taking out the minor towns first since the major city will rebel easy and cause a drain in income since you would need to keep your army there long and you will have to convert some facilities and the culture longer. Make sure you use the proper formations. Thanks again. I didn't even know you could play with them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Use both your eastern and western fleets to maintain a blockade and sea defense. What difficulty? Keep the Spanish frontier heavily fortified, but there are lots of ambush points for you to place your troops. Both can play Rome (as they have the base game) and Pontus, (as they both own the FLC.).


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