* The Krakow ghetto “liquidation” scene was only a page of action in the script, but Steven Spielberg turned it into 20 pages and 20 minutes of screen action “based on living witness testimony”. That all changes because of this scene. Perf. What do you remember most about the film? 2014. N.p., n.d. Silently lusting 1 They will consider how Spielberg’s character depictions and artistic choices highlight Jewish resilience, humanity, and survival and foster an emotional engagement with the history of the Holocaust. * The girl in the red dress was a real girl named Roma Ligocka. Engaging Cinema: An Introduction to Film Studies. 13 Apr. Students begin to relate Schindler's List to the contemporary world by examining recent stories of racial hatred in Charlottesville and Germany. What takeaways are there for us? moral confliction is the character of Commanding officer Amon Goeth, who was 10 Apr. What images or scenes stand out? In this lesson, students will analyze Schindler’s List as a work of art, exploring how the film helps to convey what the poet Sonia Weitz defines as the “other world” of the Holocaust. one of the most barbaric characters in this film. The movie Schindler’s List is one of the most critically acclaimed movies of all time. 2014. What, according to Spielberg, is unique about film as a medium? Amon Goeth and Helen Hirsch. Arupvc. Amon Goeth and His Jewish Maid Helen. Great scenes often involve events that twist the plot in a significant and new direction. The relationships 2006-2014. Prod. Students prepare for their study of Schindler's List by creating a contract establishing a thoughtful, respectful, and caring classroom community. October is Great Scene month at Go Into The Story whereby we put a spotlight on notable movie scenes, then analyze and discuss them. Weinraub, Bernard .. "Steven Spielberg Faces the Holocaust." Unlike her film counterpart, she survived the war, and wrote a memoir titled “The Girl in the Red Coat: A Memoir”. "Scene from Schindler's List." The goal is for each group to have the opportunity to complete all five sets of questions. Of course from a narrative standpoint, this scene with the Girl in the Red Coat is a setup for a gut-wrenching payoff: I would imagine that the image of the deceased child, clearly someone Schindler remembers (just look at his expression when he sees her body pass by), provides a powerful incentive for Schindler to do whatever he can to save as many Jews as he can. How about you? Web. Schindler’s List has the most memorable images of any movie. NY Times, 12 Dec. 1993. “Films have that capacity to move people to explore and understand the most tragic and horrific events in history, and at the same time to highlight the resiliency of the human spirit. One example of by the Nazi Party. SparkNotes. YouTube. Students create a "toolbox" of the skills, attitudes, and actions that are necessary to respond to and prevent hatred from taking hold in their communities. 13 Apr. Thanks! Pre-Viewing: “Take This Giant Leap”: Preparing to Teach Schindler’s List, Pre-Viewing: Establishing the Historical Context for Schindler’s List, Viewing: Oskar Schindler and the Making of a Rescuer, Viewing: Analyzing the Art of Schindler’s List, Post-Viewing: The Persecution of the Rohingya and the Persistence of Genocide, Post-Viewing: Responding to Hate in Our Communities Today, Post-Viewing: Building a Toolbox against Hate, Because this lesson asks students to recall details about the film, it is a good idea to ask students to revisit their journal entries from after watching the film (see lesson. is when. Print. At each station, they will discuss a different aspect of Steven Spielberg’s artistic choices (e.g., characterization, lighting, philosophy on filmmaking). By Elizabeth Salazar One of the most outstanding themes of this film is moral confliction. Dir. no sympathy, no justification except for the power that was authorized to him Which characters stand out in your mind? Fanpix.net, n.p. An analysis of the compositional and orchestrational elements of John Williams' theme from Schindler's List. Goeth killed Jews for sport, The movie was a major box-office hit, grossing over 300 million dollars world wide with a budget of only 25 million. Today’s suggestion by James Schramm: The 1993 movie Schindler’s List, screenplay by Steve Zaillian, novel by Thomas Keneally. What are their narrative elements that elevate them to greatness? YouTube, 19 Oct. 2012. The Dark Knight 5. Composition vs. Orchestration: Examining the Melody of Schindler’s List As a film score composer, one thing that I’ve observed in studying films and the way their scores interact is the way the composition and orchestration of the music operate, often independently. SparkNotes, n.d. Do you agree with him? My guess is it was the experience of watching this little girl where empathy about the fate of the Jews really settled into Schindler’s consciousness. http://www.jstor.org.library2.csumb.edu:2048/stable/23262673? Thanks for the suggestion, James! Which brings us to #6: Schindler’s List. Royal, Susan .. "Inside Film - An Interview with Steven Spielberg." Break the class into small groups of four to six students. The relationships between soldiers and Jews were very hostile, at least in public. Would the impact on Schindler have been so powerful? Tracks her. Their structure, themes, character dynamics. What’s your take on this scene? One example of moral confliction is the character of Commanding officer Amon Goeth, who was one of the most barbaric characters in this film. Once students have completed all stations, bring the class back together and ask volunteers to share what they discussed at each station. Web. Everything you need to get started teaching your students about racism, antisemitism and prejudice. Thanks! "Schindler's List Is Not Shoah: The Second Commandment, Popular Modernism, and Public Memory ." To review, so far we’ve looked at: 1. You might want to take time to jog students’ memory about the major characters in the film. Snakbishop. Cannot keep his eyes off her. after her, he attempts to reach out and converse with her. Students are introduced to the history of ideas, events, and decisions that shaped the world of Schindler’s List. Web. The fate of that little girl was something he could identify with: one human soul to another. Shawshank Redemption 2. YouTube. To prepare for the Stations activity, we recommend that you set up desk groups or tables in advance. Students experience a thoughtful viewing of Schindler's List by completing activities immediately before and after watching it that help them reflect and process reactions. 2014. Reviewing the Major Characters in Schindler’s List In 1998 Schindler’s List was chosen as number nine on the American Film Institutes One- Hundred Best American Films in the One- Hundred Year History of Cinema. To read all of the entries in the Great Scene archive, go here. The Godfather Part 2 4. While students are completing the activity, circulate around the room to get a sense of what issues or themes are arising, correct any misunderstandings, and ask follow-up questions to deepen students’ conversations. Schindler spots her. *. Each station will focus on one of five sets of discussion questions that cover a different aspect of Steven Spielberg’s artistic choices in the film (e.g., characterization, lighting, philosophy on filmmaking). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj-Pc6YrM-I. Arkansas Online. Get Your Custom Essay on Film Analysis of Schindler’s List Just from $13,9/Page Get custom paper Steven Spielberg uses color, shadows, and juxtaposition of scenes to display the inhumanity of the Nazi Germans and the hopelessness of the Jewish people during the Holocaust of World War II. Web. most outstanding themes of this film is moral confliction. Ask students to silently review their answers and add any new information or ideas that are surfacing from the previous lesson. Tell students that they will be participating in small-group discussions in a Stations activity. Web. Zhu, Yi. Schindler's List is an American Drama film released in 1993 by the famous director Steven Spielberg. 2013. One of the If one sign of a great scene is how memorable it is… the saga of the Girl in the Red Coat certainly passes that test. Out for a ride on their horses, Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) and his wife Emilie Schindler (Caroline Goodall) stop on a bluff, peering down at the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto. Why do they work? Students analyze the film as a work of art and consider how Spielberg’s artistic choices foster emotional engagement with Holocaust history. For example, the scene in which the young man escapes capture by German soldiers by telling them he was ordered to clear the luggage from the street was taken directly from a survivor’s story. 2014. Web. The still below is from Schindler’s List – a long lens was used to frame the large number of people boarding the train: NY Times. What is fascinating about the scene is how it manages to capture both the breadth of the unfolding horror almost exclusively from a distance, reflecting Schindler’s vantage point, and combined with the specificity of the atrocities, the latter driven home by the appearance of the Girl in the Red Coat.
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