All those who compared Talvar with Rashomon clearly don't have a clue what Akira Kurosawa tries to depict in his groundbreaking masterpiece. The direction is good by Meghna Gulzar and it is good to have her back. Irfan is effortlessly charming and witty, yet a hopeless character who comes an inch close to solving the case. User Ratings The film clearly portraits how bad our executive departments have become , that they doesn't care much about what their job is , rather the inner politics is spoiling it all. This movie was Brilliant. Vishal Bhardwaj and Meghna Guzzal took the time to scrupulously research the case, and present a Rashomon-like telling of the story with multiple viewpoints, allowing the viewer to conclude which case is most compelling. Meghna Gulzar's direction is gripping and thrilling. A Lot Of Insights On What Was Untold And Unknown. Irrfan Khan was marvelous with lot of calmness and patience. What do they wanna show? Serious topic with a light humor, is Vishal's cup of tea. This is a true story which took place and was the talk of the country for years. A movie stands on four pillars in my understanding - Storyline Cast Direction Performance. So this is a subjective review. It should just be these two making cinema in Bollywood, that's it...For a case like this, it's the only plausible way to turn this story into a movie. Music by Vishal and Lyrics by Gulzar. It will be judged by me as a movie i.e., how entertaining and gripping it is as a movie. and the Terms and Policies, and Most Important that Girl Who Died, Their Parents Need it........ Movie started pretty solid, but just after 5-6 min, satire was more in the movie than the story. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy Disappointing, Debauched, Manipulative, Subtly by crafty persuading audiences. Tech work is high-quality and atmospheric throughout. Got a chance to watch the paid preview of the movie. I wanted to wait for critic's response to the film, but somehow decided to attend the preview. Talvar- an intriguing and gripping tale of horror, reality, emotion... A story may have many versions, but this story has only one. Is it a movie about a double murder case or that one particular CDI officer? And if anyone tries to do his job earnestly , they also have tricks to destroy all his efforts. FAQ The dark humour , signature style of Vishal Bhardwaj is always their. Neeraj Kabi is growing faster and faster. This is a back to back success for Irfan after PIKU. After CDI took over the case, it seemed that now, the story is moving in the right direction but then the scenes from the personal life of an officer didn't make any sense. Looking something with a bollywood twist that is still watchable? The movie itself never forces its judgment on you , it only wants to show you the fact. Could not get over how the actors amusingly wiggle their heads around while talking. Everything about the movie looks somewhat forced, as if someone is knocking at the doors of creativity in a hope to conjure up a semblance of realism. Pannel Discussion scene is one of the best scene I've seen this year. Its my personal request to my reader that don't waste money on Singh is Bling (which although i haven't seen but i can predict how the end result will be) and make such movies to go forward to 100crore club just because its light hearted and it has Akhsay Kumar. 'Talvar' makes for a gripping film, largely thanks to the nature of the crime, but also because of the true to life style of narration. Our county top positioned law personalities has to show a active participation which helps to get the case resolved as soon as possible. I find TALVAR even better then that. This Irrfan Khan and Konkana Sen Sharma thriller is dreadfully ENGAGING. And after watching the movie, I can't imagine the life of her parents. People in the power to fulfill their ego make some wrong moves and make the public suffer because of their ignorance. I have never watched a movie like this. Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances, All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer. Insaaf is the perfect song. Lately, I've been craving for suspense or thriller genre movies. There were no grand entry for him , rather he built his character scene by scene , also not emoting in a same manner , rather we see different sides of his character.
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