I bought ZSL @ 19.0 this last time and sold at 20.52 (5% trailing stop loss). It might as well be called the common-sense indicator. Shoeshine boy aside, the fact of the matter is that the closely watched DJIA ended its breathtaking 10-day run of record closes, losing 0.17 percent to end at 14,514.11. The Warren Buffett Indicator is less mysterious than it sounds. This happened, “Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful”, Looking at the current market conditions, US stock market is poised for a great crash of 2018 & in addition to this a legendary investor Warren Buffett has his take on the current market condition. Fashion’s real economic indicator is nail polish. Ritholtz Wealth Management’s Michael Batnick last week reflected on the example of his plumber, who told him he had bought Kodak at $9 and sold it the following day at $20 because he “didn’t want to be greedy”. This happened a few months before the crash of 1929. Stocktake: Is the shoeshine indicator flashing red for stocks? on the Mississippi River, Donna Tartt’s (and Carel Fabritius’) “The Goldfinch”: a Review, Why Homes That Sell in Multiple Offers Should Always Appraise, And Repeat: "Never Negotiate Furniture," "Never Negotiate Furniture. To read our full disclosure, please go to: http://www.equities.com/disclaimer. .". The vast majority of investors will be caught totally by surprise when this bull market in stocks finally comes to an end. Kennedy reasoned that, if even shoeshine boys were playing the market, there was no remaining, untapped demand to support stock prices . Are we witnessing something similar today? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_P._Kennedy,_Sr. In a television interview with CNBC in London this morning, Mila Kunis, star of That 70s Show, Family Guy, and Ted divulged that she has recently been prompted to “take chances” by investing in stocks, and “learning a little bit about the stock market and companies”. The story took place in 1929 : Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, Sr. JFK's father, claimed that he knew it was time to get out of the stock market when he got investment tips from a shoeshine boy. Bologna wrote a few ticker symbols on a piece of paper, and when Kennedy later that day compared the list to the ticker tape, he realized that all the stocks on Bologna’s list had made strong gains. Kennedy was amused and intrigued and encouraged him to go ahead. and it was (high) time to get out. Indeed, it can be considered a leading economic indicator, with skirt lengths a lagging indicator. Follow I'm sorry, but in order to complete what you're trying to do, you must be logged in. Author: ChloeTai | Latest post: Sun, 2 Dec 2018, 10:33 AM, Author: He had already made a fortune in the bull market, and reportedly augmented it later by going short in the bear market. SO WHAT ARE THE SHOESHINE BOYS TALKING ABOUT NOW? Worse still, however, was Friday’s hearing of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, during which former “London Whale” CIO Ina Drew was raked over the coals by Senator Carl Levin. Bologna wrote a few ticker symbols on a piece of paper, and when Kennedy later that day compared the list to the ticker tape, he realized that all the stocks on Bologna’s list had made strong gains. Shoeshine’s Blinding Glare By Tim Knight - 4 months ago (14, Feb 2020 7:10:49 AM) We all know the fable about Joseph Kennedy hearing his shoeshine boy brag about his gains in the stock market, and him immediately dumping all his shares since it was clear there was some kind of peak at hand. JP Morgan Chase & Co. Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet. It’s simply the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP)—or the sum total of a country’s economic activity—and the value of stocks in the S&P 500. So, in simpler terms, the Warren Buffett Indicator in terms of Wall Street measures market capitalization versus U.S. GDP. 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So, in simpler terms, the Warren Buffett Indicator in terms of Wall Street measures market capitalization versus U.S. GDP. An old beggar who regularly patrolled the street in front of my office now gave me tips and, I suppose, spent the money I and others gave him in the market.
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