Или бритье в области бикини? Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Feb 4, 2019 - Explore Brian Haugen's board "Spanish Legion Uniform", followed by 192 people on Pinterest. Oscar in the middle has uploaded 21882 photos to Flickr. Die Spanische Legion (span.Legión Española), die ehemalige spanische Fremdenlegion, ist eine militärische Eliteeinheit der spanischen Streitkräfte.Sie wurde als spanisches Pendant zur französischen Fremdenlegion mit der Bezeichnung Tercio de Extranjeros gegründet, ist jedoch heute keine Fremdenlegion mehr. to help give you the best experience we can. Nov 22, 2019 - Explore Darrell Smith's board "Spanish Legion" on Pinterest. Интересно, а у них в уставе оговорено длина волос на груди? S'il vous plaît, faites un commentaire... Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Spanish Legion Hot Cops Military Guns Men In Uniform Special Forces My Man Face And Body Sexy Men Spanish Guys Fundada en 1920 por Jose Millan Astray como tercio de extranjeros la Legion española fue en su origen una copia de la Legion de extranjeros de Francia, se trataba de crear una unidad profesional para luchar en la guerra del Rif. Via:: The Spanish Legion are elite in every aspect to include their uniforms (40 Photos) […] blog comments powered by Disqus Show More Comments Close Comments See more ideas about Men in uniform, Legion, Hot cops. See more ideas about Men in uniform, Legion, Military men. S'il vous plaît, faites un commentaire... Día de la Hispanidad / Desfile de las Fuerzas Armadas 12 de Octubre de 2012. Please make a comment... ¿Tienes informaciones sobre ésta imagen? “Esto es #SSAlhTorre @legionespanola @JoaquinVillanov @viveandalucia @TurismoAndaluz @SemanaSantaMLG @MarcaEspana”. Please make a comment... ¿Tienes informaciones sobre ésta imagen? Deja un comentario por favor... Des infos à propos de cette image ? Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. to help give you the best experience we can. Deja un comentario por favor... Des infos à propos de cette image ? S'il vous plaît, faites un commentaire... Španska vojska odlučila je da pripadnike jedne od svojih najelitnijih jedinica podvrgne rigoroznoj dijeti, jer veliki broj pripadnika muku muči sa viškom kilograma. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Španska vojska odlučila je da pripadnike jedne od svojih najelitnijih jedinica podvrgne rigoroznoj dijeti, jer veliki broj pripadnika muku muči sa viškom kilograma. Explore Oscar in the middle's photos on Flickr. S'il vous plaît, faites un commentaire... AF, Окренеть!) Deja un comentario por favor... Des infos à propos de cette image ? Die Aufnahmebedingungen sind... - Frankreich, Aufnahmenbedingungen, rekrutieren Please make a comment... ¿Tienes informaciones sobre ésta imagen? S'il vous plaît, faites un commentaire... Spanish Legion Any informations about this pictures? I said, Goddamn. It was raised in the 1920s to serve as part of Spain's Army of Africa. Вот только насколько военная - гложут смутные сомнения... Как то с трудом представляю этих мачо в окопах или на марше. Please make a comment... ¿Tienes informaciones sobre ésta imagen? S'il vous plaît, faites un commentaire... thismissatomicbomb: “moejisan: “ God bless the Spanish army ” Goddamn. Deja un comentario por favor... Des infos à propos de cette image ? The Spanish Legion, informally known as the Tercio or the Tercios, is a unit of the Spanish Army and Spain's Rapid Reaction Force. Bampre _ 21/05/2015 Any informations about this pictures? То что часть элитная - видно сразу. Please make a comment... ¿Tienes informaciones sobre ésta imagen? Deja un comentario por favor... Des infos à propos de cette image ? И по моему хромированные лопатки с манжетами…. Please make a comment... ¿Tienes informaciones sobre ésta imagen? ”. Legionario Any informations about this pictures? Spanish Legion Any informations about this pictures? Deja un comentario por favor... Des infos à propos de cette image ? “Esto es #SSAlhTorre @legionespanola @JoaquinVillanov @viveandalucia @TurismoAndaluz @SemanaSantaMLG @MarcaEspana”. It's where your interests connect you with your people. 05.02.2018 - Pubird hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Any informations about this pictures? Die Fremdenlegion trägt ihren Namen, weil Sie Soldaten aus aller Welt rekrutiert, um dem französischen Staat zu dienen. Bampre _ 21/05/2015 Any informations about this pictures? The unit, which was established in January 1920 as the Spanish equivalent of the French Foreign Legion, was initially known as the Tercio de Extranjeros, the name under which it began fighting in the Rif War of …
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