Sus rostros y expresiones son casi siempre el foco de las escenas, lo cual los humaniza y permite que nos pongamos en sus zapatos. El storytelling es una de esas herramientas que tienen tanto poder, que es casi imposible sobreestimarla. If you can tell the story with video or moving images – go for it. Time. Slow Factory makes limited-edition silk scarves, but they also have a great background story: We create silk garments using scientific open data and creating meaningful partnerships with NGOs working in preserving our Planet or defending Human Rights. Es por eso que franquicias como Star Wars o Harry Potter evocan emociones tan poderosas en sus seguidores, pero también es la razón por las que los consumidores se vuelven leales a una marca en particular como Coca-Cola o Adidas. Todo esto se construye a la perfección a lo largo de la narrativa, primero colocando al mayor como un villano, para luego redimirlo como héroe. LEGO is all about creating. Este comercial es simplemente adorable, y tiene un mensaje muy bonito sobre cómo cuidar de alguien más también te ayuda a cuidar de ti mismo. La diferencia yace en que no posee la estructura necesaria para producir emociones con la misma eficacia. 7 símbolos que superan obstáculos culturales. Si el ejemplo anterior mostraba cómo sacarle jugo a situaciones ridículas, este es justamente lo contrario: cómo sacarle provecho a una situación común que es fácil de entender de inmediato. In the right place at the right time. Problemas creativos: ¿Qué hacer si mi historia ya no me convence? 1001 Knights is a three-volume anthology project, essentially creating a beautifully illustrated set of books that feature a diverse cast of noble characters with feminist overtones. Todos conocemos la historia de Coca-Cola. By leveraging transmedia platforms to share and tell stories, The Post can more effectively reach readers and content consumers where they most prefer, whether that’s reading a long-form article or binging morsels of social media. Como seguro te diste cuenta, la palabra clave ahí es “arte”, lo que significa que tiene mucha más idiosincrasia de lo que parece a primera vista. That way, they’re learning about your brand through the context of how it relates to them.. Talk about how your company provides solutions in the product story, building trust and credibility for the services you offer. Tableau makes software for interactive data visualization and analytics — so it makes sense their mission statement also features interactive elements. Insights that change their paradigms. Dicho esto, es justamente esa backstory lo que le da su esencia al personaje y permite que tenga tantos seguidores. That ring doesn’t tell a story. How a genius engineering student built a working prosthetic arm. Want more tips for creating visual content? I really love how this Instagram image works with its caption: “Pork. Pay-off: Desenlace que produce la reacción emocional que buscas. 10 increíbles ejemplos de storytelling que debes conocer. Lo que brilla en este comercial y la razón por la que lo coloco en esta lista de ejemplos de storytelling, es lo honesto que resulta. Visual storytelling’s power comes from the ability to convey a lot of information at a glance. The images speak for themselves. Much like how Lyft took advantage of multiple platforms to share … So how does McDonald’s generate excitement over a sandwich billions of people have had? Their Instagram feed is a visual storytelling masterpiece. Marketing automation software. The promise that these stories are like nothing you’ve ever read, or seen, before. The Kickstarter video’s voiceover is not what draws people in. Artistry, magic, nature, elemental mystery – it’s all there. Simplemente al ver el comercial, entiendo que quieren llegar a dos tipos de personas: aquellos que desean ponerse en forma porque su pareja lo está, y aquellos que están en forma y quieren que su pareja también lo esté. White paper vs. eBook: What’s the difference? Maintaining engagement will be crucial in the next few months. Mix up the media. Inkodye allows you to print fabric with sunlight-activated “Inkodye” to create fantastically original designs. Clearly, this is a community of people who dream outside of the box. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. Twoodie’s images are easy to recognize -- everything is gray except for the toys. This goes well beyond About Us pages or Instagram accounts. They’re stirring, vibrant, and fundamental. Below you'll find 15 of the very best examples of visual storytelling from B2C, B2B, crowdfunding, and SaaS. Por supuesto, nadie dijo que un storytelling solo es efectivo cuando el final es triste o agridulce. Rugged. 15 Stunning Examples of Visual Storytelling, Want more tips for creating visual content? Join 50,000 of your peers by getting the latest content marketing updates Give that man bacon and you might get a twitch of the lip. GREATS. Este comercial es un ejemplo perfecto de cómo la simbología narrativa puede ser útil para contar grandes historias. Seems like everyone is on Slack these days ... even NASA. Just about the entire world is familiar with the McDonald’s quarter pounder — even if they call it a royale with cheese. Perhaps, if anything has changed, it’s what we want from life. Nothing here is impossibly chic, or so stylized that it’s out of reach. The main thrust of the ad, however, is a uniting vision of humankind finding new ways to express themselves and show support for one another amid challenging times. Thought. Thanks for your message! In fact, the “Worn Wear wagon” (pictured above) drives around the country with Patagonia to repair old garments and gear, sell used clothing, and hold DIY workshops. This is visual storytelling -- literally. After just a few seconds, I’m ready to start planning my own road trip with my best friend -- and when I do, I know exactly the clothes I want to pack (just have to order them first). Brands can practice telling stories in four distinct ways: Your personal story is the “why” behind the brand – the passion, interests and experiences that led to the company’s creation. Thanks for subscribing! These companies know how to tell a brand story that seeds desire, starts relationships, and inspires nothing short of love. But robots? Por ejemplo, el famoso comercial de “Si te lo explican con fútbol, lo entiendes”, es un gran saga de comerciales, pero no tiene nada que ver con storytelling. Along the way, they’re also reinforcing the brand’s values and bolstering their community of loyal fans. Así como tu hermano mayor a veces puede sentirse como un tirano que abusa de fuerza, al final del día es una de las personas que más te quiere en el mundo. La premisa es atrapante de entrada y las acciones del orco te hacen reír y sentir empatía por él al mismo tiempo. Their visual storytelling supports this core story of integrity and environmental stewardship. Visual storytelling -- or passing on a lot of information through a relatively simple visual aid -- has been a cornerstone of marketing for thousands of years. Image. We use cookies to improve your browsing experience. Coca-Cola tiene un largo historial de comerciales geniales, pero si hay uno en particular que puedo ver cien veces es este. A brand that’s well-known for its advertising, Apple offered up a masterpiece in digital storytelling with an ad released in early April 2020, not long after COVID-19 gripped the nation and the world. ¡Es una ventaja considerable! Esto es cierto tanto si te dedicas a escribir historias cuyo principal atractivo es la narrativa, o comerciales que tienen el propósito principal de vender. Social media is a huge resource for visual storytellers to share their work, and I love seeing businesses that take advantage of all it has to offer. I see stories of women, like me, who are having the times of their lives. La premisa: ¿qué es y cómo desarrollarla? El storytelling es simplemente el arte de contar una historia que sea capaz de enganchar con tu audiencia. Multimedia elements, such as images and video. Por supuesto, no todos los comerciales necesitan tener storytelling para ser exitosos o virales, pero esta técnica es increíblemente útil para conseguir que lo sean. Good narratives have a solid beginning and end, typically introducing tensions or problems that are resolved by the end of the story. And the images they use to market themselves strike this balance perfectly. But that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to tell a compelling story that makes people want to get off of their couches and rush to the nearest burger joint. Internet Live Stats. Qué es el Storytelling: mejores ejemplos para crear historias Algo que nos caracteriza a los seres humanos es la necesidad de conectar con los demás. You don’t have to read a word of their Kickstarter page to understand these concepts, or to be driven to make your own donation. Beauty. Fundamentally, Toca Boca combines high-tech with the ultra-simple. Es genial porque tú vives la frustración con él cada vez que falla en sus propósitos, pero luego, cuando su papá utiliza el auto para ayudarle, experimentas el mismo gusto que el pequeño y te ríes de su sorpresa. El odio como elemento narrativo: ¿cómo manejarlo? PISTON is a San Diego-based marketing agency that combines striking, thoughtful creativity with the utmost professionalism. I must have dropped my NASA badge around here, somewhere …. That’s where today’s visual storytellers have a chance to not only say “Hey, you can get this here!” but also lead the consumer into a whole new world of possibilities. Bring technological advancements like artificial intelligence and virtual reality into the conversation and brands have enormous opportunity to tell compelling stories. Here are the best ways to stay connected with your audience through Q3.
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