Senior Vice President, Platform Planning & Management, Jill Erb My first ever persona game I played was persona 4 for the vita, and I loved it, then I played Persona 3 for the psp and I also fell in love with the game, I dont know what it is about persona games but for some rare reason, persona games actually keep me playing all the way to the end, which is something I rarely do. It has been done before. I know the wait is agonizing, but I hope you’ll look forward to all the amazing news when Persona 5 infiltrates E3 next week! We know that you guys will work hard to ensure that the game has a quality English dub and I have no doubt that it’ll be great, but we would really like to choose between both English and Japanese voices as we please. For Persona 5 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is the Take Your Heart edition worth it?" I started with P3 and I totally didn’t understand the gameplay mechanics. Now, even after all that, if you still are thinking: “Why 2017!? Senior Director, SIE Content Communications, Hideaki Nishino @luvtoseek What are the best personas to use during each palace? It’s beyond me how company that is working with SEGA cannot ever do world release at the same time. It's worth the retail price if you're a fan of the series. ), I think you’ll understand what we mean. But even if you’re stalwart on having original JP audio, I hope you at least give P5 a shot! - Results (77 votes) It's a long game so Take your time enjoying and exploring Everything. Not that I need more knickknacks around the house, but I want that soundtrack. You don’t know that. I’m getting really excited about 5 now. 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For those just interested in the PlayStation 4 version of the game, we’re releasing Persona 5 in a special SteelBook® Launch Edition! I’m not interested in persona 5 if I’m going to hear Kanji, Chie or Yukiko whenever one of the main characters open their mouth. It's much harder to think about doing something than actually doing it! PlayStation hasn’t had a region-based lock on software since the ps2. Maybe you’ll change your mind about ATLUS once it’s out? “COMMENTS Now it’s 2017?!!!? Every ability would cause a nuclear explosion. While I do hope your dub delivers, I’d really like to see that JP voice option. I’ve done similar things before. Look at the video for details. Exhale. Especially some of the more notable ones like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey. I wish Japanese developers would start off with the standard of Dual Audio. The Japanese voice actors are amazing while including some god-tier voice actors. I was (selfishly) hoping it’d be closer, but I’m all about letting our devs/localizers take their time to make it great. EXCALIBUR! Top 5 jRPG's: Chrono Trigger (SNES), Grandia (PS1), Suikoden II (PS1), Dragon Quest V (SNES), Persona 4 (PS2). You blame Europe for not buying enough of Persona games (or other ones by extension) and that we ungrateful Europeans should not expect too much of videogame companies. In NA let’s say 90% of the population speak english (native tongue) You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. It says that discriminATLUS can go to hell! Square Enix confimed that Final Fantasy XV will come with the Japanese voices as free DLC upon launch in the west, so why not implement something similar? Glad to know you guys are listening and taking feedback seriously! Exclusive to the PlayStation 4 version of the game, the Persona 5 “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition is going to arrive in a massive, collectible box, and will contain the following: Soundtrack CD: A selection of music from Persona 5 by legendary series composer, Shoji Meguro, in a CD sleeve featuring special P5 artwork. And will possible want to import cause that’s 6 months after the Japanese release. Stumble, screw up, and have a blast! Probably one of the few I actually obsessed over playing/finishing (Hardcore Risette trophy, y u so hard), but I’m a huge fan too, and can’t wait to share more P5 with you all! Willing to give a clue to which retailers are going to offer the pre-orders for both versions? Will Persona 5 have Japanese audio with English subtitles in the West? Its saying "take your time to make a plan." As much as I enjoy audio options galore, hiring talent & the track itself is costly & takes up tons of space. I really think you guys should reconsider this. A LOT of fans have been begging for dual audio in this game for a while now. Resident evil 5 came an awesome bag I still use today. Because Social Links. User account menu • hey does any one have a gif of the take your heart hat? I’m so excited, but why can’t the localized version come out around the same time as the Japanese release? Sony is going to be missing out on a huge opportunity here, choosing to instead back this or that years shooter. Disappointed we didn’t get the 20th anniversary edition and sad it’s not coming until 2017. No, that’s not being lazy. I can’t tell you how much I was looking forward to utterly missing out on snagging the collector’s edition of my most anticipated game of the last two console generations. This outta be fun :/. Or heck maybe they’ll even add a free Dual Audio DLC if they can’t make it by the time it goes “Gold” (as in retail ready and can’t be changed, not a Golden Remake a la P4), Didn’t read the article, because I want to go into the game as fresh as possible. The Japanese 20th anniversary edition of Persona 5 is coming with DLC so will the US Take Your Heart premium edition come with that DLC? Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Roundabout Special 4. I would have preferred a "Teddy Doll" than the Morgana doll but to me it is well worth the extra cash for those extra items being such a Persona Fan. like many others when i wake up it was already too late. If not will the westerners at least be able to buy and download that DLC separately? Whatever. Yeah. Further, there’s alot of spoken dialogue in Persona games afterall. Any game whose special edition comes with items that have function are worth it. Senior Director, PlayStation Global Brand Partnerships, Gillen McAllister
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