*FREE* shipping on eligible orders. (The same, I will add, can be said for those who, like me, don’t make a habit of watching monster movies.) This book is not yet featured on Listopia. The Mad Scientist's Guide covers the kinds of writing most often required on college campuses, while also addressing important steps and activities frequently overlooked in composition guides, such as revision and peer reviewing. -- Leah Richards, LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York, "Many composition textbooks seem to be under the influence of the idea that, in order to be helpful, textbooks need to be dry and formal. . Chapter 6 focuses briefly on MLA, APA, and Chicago format. Verder worden recensies ook geanalyseerd om de betrouwbaarheid te verifiëren. Nog slechts 1 op voorraad (meer op komst). Overall, I love this book because of its accessibility, its ability to joke (and resonate with) both student and instructor, and because it focuses on the things I want to teach (rather than what, and how, I feel like I ought to teach). There are no discussion topics on this book yet. This is a nice little chapter to have available for students to consult (and to tell students struggling with the placement of a semicolon to turn to page 20), but not one that I would be interested in teaching, as at the end of the day I’m more interested in content than I am in distinctions between punctuation. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Every semester I assume my students know that commas come before a quotation mark, and that colons are used before lists, but each semester I am proven wrong. November 13th 2019 Price: $21.95. The fourth chapter, “Conducting Experiments,” follows most closely the model for other textbooks I have seen and used in my life, except it still includes fun black-and-white pictures from Frankenstein, Star Trek, and Friday the 13th to help explain concepts like ethos, pathos, logos, ad hominem attacks, and other rhetorical devices. It is this last factor—that I could learn from and enjoy it—that sold me on teaching this book. He is the author or editor of 22 books on questionable topics ranging from The Rocky Horror Picture Show to Edgar Allan Poe. Goedgekeurde derde partijen gebruiken deze tools voor onze weergave van advertenties. Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock's The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition will resonate profoundly with students and teachers who want an accessible, enjoyable, and riveting invitation to best writing practices--and to unbounded imagination." ISBN: 9781554814459 / 1554814456. Start by marking “The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition: A Somewhat Cheeky But Exceedingly Useful Introduction to Academic Writing” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Item kan niet op de lijst worden gezet. Associate Director of Composition, breseekf@udel.edu. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. ISBN: 9781554814459 / 1554814456. None of these jokes need to be understood in order for students to follow Weinstock’s descriptions of writing a good essay, but since they do make the book fun and engaging, a lack of understanding might frustrate an unsuspecting student. These include The Monster Theory Reader (University of Minnesota Press), The Cambridge Companion to the American Gothic (Cambridge UP), The Age of Lovecraft (with Carl Sederholm, Minnesota), Goth Music: From Sound to Subculture (with Isabella van Elferen, Routledge), The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters (Ashgate), The Vampire Film: Undead Cinema (Wallflower), and The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Wallflower). When was the last time you read an academic textbook and laughed out loud? diwill@udel.edu, Brett Seekford, The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition: A Somewhat Cheeky but Exceedingly Useful Introduction to Academic Writing [Weinstock, Jeffrey] on Amazon.com.au. -- Jeffrey J. Cohen, Dean of Humanities, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University, "As its subtitle promises, The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition is somewhat cheeky, but the subtitle undersells just how useful it is. Weinstock chose it to fit in his classrooms, and since he is a scholar of Gothic stories, horror movies, and what our students might lump together into the category of “Halloween,” it is a perfect fit for him. ccucc@udel.edu, Délice Williams, Be the first to ask a question about The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition. In plaats daarvan houdt ons systeem rekening met zaken als hoe recent een recensie is en of de recensent het item op Amazon heeft gekocht. Probeer het nog eens. If I had had this when I was doing my undergraduate work, it would have saved me a lot of learning time. To see what your friends thought of this book, The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition: A Somewhat Cheeky But Exceedingly Useful Introduction to Academic Writing, Bryan Washington on Father Figures and Other Complicated Relationships. These are all things that I say to students, but I’m happy to have them written down so my students can refer to them at any time of the day or night. . Posted February 10, 2020: My review of Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock’s The Mad Scientist’s Guide to Composition: A Somewhat Cheeky but Exceedingly Useful Introduction to Academic Writing (Broadview Press, 2019) has been published online at Supernatural Studies, and will be included in the Spring 2020 issue. Monsters are scary, but academic writing doesn't have to be! Actual examples of student writing are included throughout, as are helpful reminders and tips to help students polish their skills. Sorry, er is een probleem opgetreden bij het opslaan van je cookievoorkeuren. Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock is Professor of English at Central Michigan University and an Associate Editor for The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. It gives advice for going over peers’ papers, reading your own work aloud to make sure everything makes sense, and how not to anger your instructor. Overall, I love this book because of its accessibility, its ability to joke (and resonate with) both student and instructor, and because it focuses on the things I want to teach ... this is also the first textbook that I have read from cover to cover out of pure enjoyment, while also annotating everything Weinstock wrote. He follows this up with a chapter on brainstorming, formulating an argument, and outlining in a chapter titled “Readying the Lab” (which surely must appeal to STEM students who resent the very thought of writing). Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published He also focuses on retroactive outlining, or what I’ve always called “reverse outlining,” which is something I encourage my students to do; I’m glad to be able to point to an example of what this looks like. The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition book. Je luistert naar een voorbeeld van de Audible-audio-editie, The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition: A Somewhat Cheeky But Exceedingly Useful Introduction to Academic Writing. When was the last time you read an academic textbook and laughed out loud? The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination Chapters Time uploaded. The Mad Scientist’s Guide to Composition: A Somewhat Cheeky but Exceedingly Useful Introduction to Academic Writing. Unless otherwise noted, all materials on this site, One Hundred Ten by Composition Program, University of Delaware, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Als je productpagina’s hebt bekeken, kijk dan hier om eenvoudig terug te gaan naar de pagina's waarin je geïnteresseerd bent. The first, “Nuts and Bolts (Mechanics)” focuses broadly on grammar—what nouns, verbs, and adjectives are; when and how to use a comma. © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. en dochterondernemingen, Klantenservice voor mensen met een handicap, Pakketten traceren of bestellingen bekijken. Weinstock is in no way dry or formal. This chapter is followed by “The Monster Lives! The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition: A Somewhat Cheeky but … Argol Satosu download pdf. Using a series of relevant examples, like Slender Man, as well as more classic examples, like Igor, Weinstock explains in the second chapter, “Graverobbing (Finding, Evaluating, and Incorporating Sources),” everything from the differences between primary and secondary sources to peer reviewed sources. Writing an essay is a task that can strike fear into a student's heart, but performing an experiment licenses creativity and doesn't presume that one knows the outcome from the start. Hope you enjoy it. This chapter is much shorter than the first two, but the information in it is good, and it gives the instructor a chance to let the book do some lesson planning for them, as they can steal Weinstock’s list of topics as the basis for a classroom activity. The Mad Scientist’s Guide is divided into seven different chapters of varying lengths. Director of Composition, Bryan Washington, the acclaimed author of 2019’s short story collection Lot, has returned with his debut novel, Memorial. The Mad Scientist's Guide to Composition: A Somewhat Cheeky But Exceedingly Useful Introduction to Academic Writing: Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew: Amazon.nl We gebruiken cookies en vergelijkbare tools om uw winkelervaring te verbeteren, onze services aan te bieden, te begrijpen hoe klanten onze services gebruiken zodat we verbeteringen kunnen aanbrengen, en om advertenties weer te geven. For me, it is the middle four chapters that make this book a really valuable classroom aid. Ontdek het beste van shopping en entertainment, Gratis en snelle bezorging van miljoenen producten, onbeperkt streamen van exclusieve series, films en meer, Je onlangs bekeken items en aanbevelingen, Selecteer de afdeling waarin je wilt zoeken. Babylon 5: Other … Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew. “The Mad Scientist’s Guide to Composition (A Somewhat Cheeky but Exceedingly Useful Introduction to Academic Writing) is probably the most high-spirited book we are ever likely to review in these pages. He includes his own handwritten diagrams of how to brainstorm topic ideas and then offers a list of topics for students to try to formulate their own thesis statements (one of which includes Jordan Peele’s recent movie Get Out).
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