Such natives viewed the Umayyad dynasty administration as corrupt because it ignored Islamic law for matters of economic gain (Kennedy 57). The two dynasties could have easily remained within the Arab land due to the influence of Islam. The creation of new and well established trade patens made Umayyad stand out as an economic giant (Kennedy 59). The cultural tolerations and cultural blending within the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties also contributed to the powerful regions. Compare and contrast the Umayyad Caliphate to the Abbasid. Another similarity is where the empires ruled from. The Abbasids would encourage conversion of the Dhimmis (people of the book) far more than the Umayyads and many Persians and others would convert to avoid the extra taxes forced on non-Muslims. The fall of each caliphate and factors which contributed to the fall. This was the reason why Syria, Israel, Lebanon, and Egypt were important in the time of Umayyad Dynasty; the focus shifted to Iran and Iraq during Abbasid Dynasty. The Umayyad dynasty enjoyed dominance and political power up to 750 CE. How did each of the tow dynasties deal with the party of Ali, give examples? The Abbasid dynasty embraced Islamic teachings with ultimate enthusiasm. Abbasid was actually the direct party that took power from Umayyad dynasty. This absolute authority is symbolized by the ever present Royal Executioner at the side of each caliph. While during the Abbasid period, it was moved to Baghdad, also in Persia. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. Both Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates were made up of Sunni affiliated Muslims. Explain why. Any use of internet website will result in an E letter grade. The above is a Sample Essay. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Start studying Umayyad Abbasid Compare & Contrast. The Abbasids had depended heavily on the support of Persians in their overthrow of the Umayyads, and the geographic power shift appeased the Persian mawali support base. Ruling position were exchanged between the right and highly qualified family members. They are defeated at Mecca by Muhammad’s forces but are embraced by Muhammad and become a powerful Muslim clan that will lead the faith after Muhammad. The rise of Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates. existed within the realm of Islam. Comparing and Contrasting the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties The Umayyads The Umayyad Dynasty 661-750 A.D. Some similarities between the Umayyads and the Abbasids are their government, where they rule from, and how they treat the people they conquer. The Umayyad also used the silk roads for overland trade. With the collapse of the Roman, Gupta and Han empires, the world was left in a period of chaos with little structure in most areas. The most significant of these was the adoption of Byzantine administrative and financial systems. In both caliphates, administration obligations were not distributed all over the governing territories. Umayyad practiced a fair degree of religious tolerance and they hired Christians and Jews that belonged to the Levant to high ranks, but they weren’t as open minded when it came to race, and their leaders and officials of the Empire were Arabs. During the entire existence of both caliphates, their administration remained within the respect families. The Abbasids moved the empire’s capital from Damascus, in modern-day Syria, to Baghdad, in modern-day Iraq, in 762 CE. Compare and contrast the Umayyad Caliphate to the Abbasid. As in many cultures, poor women were the only ones allowed to go to the city or market unaccompanied by an adult male relative. The dynasty which promoted the Umayyad caliphate culture had its headquarters in Damascus (Kennedy 12). Similarities between Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates. Umayyads will not aggressively seek to convert “people of the book” known as Dhimmis because these Jews, Christians, and later Zoroastrians and Hindus will pay a higher tax, making their status as non-Muslims very profitable for the Umayyads. No internet websites will be accepted. The creation of new and well established trade patens made Umayyad stand out as an economic giant (Kennedy 59). Missionaries did not really encounter much opposition as it became quite easy to convert the Persians into Islam alluding to the fact that there were already many similarities and that transforming, or converting, was really not such a hard task. The Abbasid caliphate came into power later on after Umayyad. The Abbasid caliphate came into power later on after Umayyad. While the Umayyad’s political center of community shifted to Damascus in Syria, the succession of Umayyad caliphs strove to build a bureaucracy that would bind together the vast domains they claimed to rule also. Umayyad and the Abbasid dynasties Although the Umayyads and the Abbasids had the same religion they had their difficulties. Umayyads will set up a theocracy where religious and political law is one and the same. For more information: Readmore. Finally, in your opinion which of the two contributed more to the Islamic civilization? Differences between Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Umayyad caliphate was promoted by the Umayyad dynasty in Syria. Finally, in your opinion which of the two contributed more to the Islamic civilization? Muslim leaders would also win conversions by attending public Muslim prayers, promising money and allowing for the Qur’an to be recited in Persian and not Arabic, so that all, implement his vision of an ideal Islamic society. In both caliphates, administration obligations were not distributed all over the governing territories. However, Islam by name is a message of peace. our expert writers, Hi, my name is Jenn However while the officers of the guard ruled in Baghdad, the empire’s economy weakened, and across the empire respect for the Abbasid caliph fell to new lows generating more rebellions because of the misuse of power. No professional clergy mediating between God and humankind Use at least one book (A Concise History of the Middle East or and The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphate, Author, Hugh Kennedy. While the Umayyad created saddles to ride camels through the brutal heat and carry heavy loads. Advances were made in irrigation and farming, using new technology such as the windmill to create more crops in dry times in the Abbasid dynasty. The two caliphates managed their administration duties from their capital points. It is grounded on philosophies of geometry, symbolism and a reflection of the doctrine between the physical and spiritual world.
How did each of the tow dynasties deal with the party of Ali, give examples? For one, Umayyad’s has much greater interest in the Mediterranean coast while Abbasids focused on the plains of Iran and Iraq. The Abbasid caliphate happened to be the third strong Islamic caliphate to come into existence after prophet Muhammad passed on. The low number of Shiite Muslims was due to the popularity of Sunni during those times. Although there are similarities in the rise of power in the Caliphates and the Aztec Empire, there is a difference in the speed of expansion given that the Caliphates were located in a central trading region while the Aztec Empire was not. Such natives viewed the Umayyad dynasty administration as corrupt because it ignored Islamic law for matters of economic gain (Kennedy 57). The low number of Shiite Muslims was due to the popularity of Sunni during those times. The Umayyad’s plans were to create a stable administration for the empire following the main ideas of the Byzantine Empire which had ruled the same region previously, and had three main governmental branches: political and military affairs; tax collection; and religious administration. Compare and contrast the Umayyad Caliphate to the Abbasid. Finally, in your opinion which of the two contributed more to the Islamic civilization? Umayyad caliphate is technically the second Islamic caliphate that came into existence after the passing on of Muhammad. These political leaders stole the money from hard working people to increase their treasuries and abused their power over their regions creating rebellions and disaster over the dynasty. For example both religions teach that “there is One true and only God, the righteous and transcendent Creator of all things in heaven and earth” (34). The creation of new and well established trade patens made Umayyad stand out as an economic giant (Kennedy 59). Trade exploded with a continuing We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The Umayyad caliphate came into existence first since it was established in 661. Comparing and Contrasting the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties The Umayyads The Umayyad Dynasty 661-750 A.D. The Umayyad dynasty played a key role in ensuring that the Umayyad caliphate was highly appreciated within the Muslim community at that time. Muslim engineers also developed pumps, employed gears in mills and water-raising machines, and used dams to provide additional power to watermills and water-raising machines. The Abbasid caliphate came into strong existence in 750 CE ( Kennedy 24). From within, Persian Bureaucrats became more and more influential in the first century of the Abbasid caliphate until they declare their independence as the Buyid Dynasty in 934CE. The dynasty’s capital was at Baghdad. The policy of some of the caliphates in each of the two: The Abbasid caliphate came into strong existence in 750 CE ( Kennedy 24). your own paper. The rise of each caliphate: similarities and differences between the two
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