This means that audiences will be seeing more of her this season. realtimrozon: Thank you Mr. Lee. 1080P Vampire Diaries Saison 3 (2011) Vues: 23,710. Luckily, Dolls (Shamier Anderson) and Wynonna aren't affected by the vampires' seductive gazes and break up the bash with some good, 'ol fashioned staking. Le jour de ses 27 ans elle revient dans sa ville natale, Purgatory, une ville qu’elle a fui pendant des années pour échapper aux démons de son passé. "This whole set-up seems awfully personal. Hear me out. Me: Wait… bullet proof vest? 22/22. Then, as many of you know, right after they reconciled, Tara was killed, leading Willow to go full-on Dark Willow. J’avais un peu peur qu’on se retrouve avec une resucée de Supernatural, à cause de l’histoire du colt qui tue les démons, mais en fait pas du tout (surtout que le comics date de 1993 donc il ne peut pas avoir été copié sur Supernatural). Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Poussey Washington (Orange is the New Black), Updated list:, The Best Shows I Can Think of Off the Top of My Head, Queer Fictional Ladies Who Could Totally Get It Any Time: ️, An UPDATED list of fictional canonically queer ladies who I’m totally freaking in love with and who I would gladly die for. However, Doc isn't fooled. Wynonna Earp est une série télé canadienne, un western fantastique, adaptée du comics éponyme créé par Beau Smith. Dom and Elise dancing an singing in Carmilla Movie set , melanie.scrofano.officiel: Truth told in t-shirts @joshvh1 #fanexpo. J’espère qu’il y aura une deuxième saison car évidemment on termine sur un cliffhanger ! It was such a surprise. Just a list of a few canonically queer fictional ladies who I would gladly die for and would marry in a freaking heartbeat. HOT. Wynonna Earp/Nicole Haught (162) Waverly Earp/Wynonna Earp (124) Jeremy Chetri/Robin Jett (123) Waverly Earp/Champ Hardy (119) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (1192) Angst (594) Alternate Universe (512) Smut (474) Slow Burn (317) One Shot (302) Hurt/Comfort (254) Wynonna Earp & Nicole Haught Friendship (209) Fluff and Angst (180) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (163) Other tags to … That parallels Buffy’s “death” in BtVS 1x12 for a few seconds before being resuscitated, leading to the activation of the next slayer. "You're gonna find out a little bit more about what this whole 'me coming back for Doc' situation is about," she told Hypable in an interview at SDCC, also saying that audiences would learn more about Kate's backstory. Wynonna est la descendante de Wyatt Earp, connu pour avoir participé à la fusillade de O.K. So when he says her name, "Contessa," she panics and knocks him out. We’ve already seen one big nod to Buffy in WE 2x08 where Wynonna “dies” for a few seconds and is resuscitated, leading to Bobo’s return from hell. "I will not get et while tied to a stripper pole!". J’ai beaucoup aimé cette première saison. So what could possibly incense fans even more after 2x09 than Nicole’s death? Tag yourself, I’m the whole depressed column. Does this mean that Contessa is from the same time period as Doc? Once Contessa has Doc secured â to a stripper pole, naturally â she informs the gunslinger they want to recruit him. Tag: Wynonna Earp Saison 2 streaming, Wynonna Earp Saison 2 streaming vf, Wynonna Earp Saison 2 streaming vostfr, ... Vampire Diaries Saison 1 (2009) Vues: 39,128. Les sorties qui font envie en... septembre 2020! watching a show with my parents and a gay scene comes on. Contessa is played by Chantel Riley; however, Syfy announced back in March that Riley would be joining the Wynonna Earp cast as a character named Kate. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. @forevercharmed320 @the-fifth-marauder101 @lol-phan-af @jay-day-97 I choose you :). 23/23. At the same time, the Nosferatu-wannabes are hosting a party for all of their spell-bound Purgatorians. One such blood-sucker is a woman named Contessa, who captures Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon); however, it soon becomes clear that the two have met before. If Nicole does die (maybe Mercedes bites her? Wynonna est la descendante de Wyatt Earp, connu pour avoir participé à la fusillade de O.K. Wynonna Earp (/ w aɪ ˈ n oʊ n ə ˈ ɜːr p / wy-NOH-nə URP) is a supernatural Western horror television series. When your favourite tv shows are all on hiatus and you can’t wait any longer: BTVS “The Wish” & “Tabula Rasa” // Wynonna Earp “Gone as a Girl Can Get”, Originally posted by yourtickettoparadise, Originally posted by justafangirlthatshipseverything, Originally posted by thelaziestmotherfucker, Originally posted by piecesofstarsbeingperson, Tag someone to do this, as many or as few people as you want. Layered on top of that is a sequined blazer, and if that weren't enough, she also sports a chain-link mask, similar to what belly dancers wear. Les sorties qui font envien en... juillet et août 2020! HOT. However, Contessa's get-up is nothing to sneeze at, either, in a light blue ball gown with a slit up to high heaven. After Doc frees himself, Contessa returns to the bus, and he sees some cuts on her face, revealing that the vampires are likely mistreating her. It's where your interests connect you with your people. After all, they've already got a lizard-man, a gunslinger from the 1800s, and a woman with supernatural aim. Après plusieurs années loin de sa ville natale, Wynonna Earp retourne à Purgatory le jour de ses 27 ans et accepte son rôle d'héritière maudite de Wyatt Earp. So when Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) meets a blood-sucker named Petra (Clare McConnell), she can't help but compliment her appearance. The vamps plan to feed all of the original Purgatory families to the demon when he wakes up, and eat the rest of the townspeople themselves. 23/23. Les sorties qui font envie en... juin 2020! 2020 Bustle Digital Group. Developed by Emily Andras, the Canadian-American production is based on the comic book series by Beau Smith. And if so, does she know Wyatt Earp? I watched Buffy live during its run, and one storyline that wrecked me when I was younger was Willow and Tara’s split in S6 over, interestingly enough, trust, control, and betrayal issues. HOT. I am starting to wonder if we are not friends." The big twist, of course, would be that Nicole doesn’t stay dead for long and is resurrected, either by Baron Samedi (thank you Purgatory Case Files), Mattie the Blacksmith (aka the “white witch healer whore” lol), or some other unknown force. The vampire quickly captures Doc and traps him in their bus. Les Chats des neiges ne sont plus blancs en hiver. What's more, she attended San Diego Comic-Con with the rest of the Wynonna cast, per TV Insider. Corral en 1881. So while Contessa's identity isn't revealed in this episode, fans will likely be seeing her again this season. La chaîne américaine Syfy l'a dévoilé en postant cette nouvelle bande-annonce (ci-dessous) de la saison 4. HOT. These baddies enter town at the invitation of a stupefied Sheriff Nedley (Greg Lawson), wafting sexy fog wherever they go. Did you have any idea when you cast these actors that they could deliver your one-liners so well? You don't have it in you anymore. Kate, will even be teaming up with Wynonna's gang to defeat Bulshar for good. Me: *excessively talking over the scene so my parents think I’m completely fine and not enjoying it at all*, Kelly & Yorkie - Black Mirror (San Junipero), Originally posted by ballet-flats-and-kitten-heels. EDIT: I’m adding two recent show obsessions. *Watches Wynonna Earp* Wynonna Earp is full of quips. he mutters while doing so. "John Henry Holliday, the greatest gunslinger that ever lived!" Côté effets spéciaux, il est clair que Syfy n’a pas mis beaucoup d’argent car ils sont parfois médiocres, mais ça ne m’a pas gênée outre mesure. Les aventures de Wynonna Earp et ses amis reprendront le dimanche 26 juillet. Spoilers for Wynonna Earp Season 3, Episode 1, "Blood Red and Going Down" The Canadian Syfy show about modern gunslinging is back, and so are the bad guys in Purgatory.
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