Many people don’t really know how lucrative is snail farming in Nigeria . ... Now, assume that the snail farm business cost N 250, 000 and is . The following factors should be considered when choosing a site for snail farming. cost analysis of snail farming in nigeria Very importantly, a suitable breeding place has to be provided for the snail, depending on the population size you want. It will also protect the snails from the scorching sun or torrential rain. Some expenses are isolated payments such as the fee for incorporating your company or the charges involved in preparing the building. Diabetes Permanent Solution! Snails are cold-blooded, they thrive best in areas with moderate temperatures and high humidity also when the temperature rises snails go into dormancy during the dry season this is one of the problem of snail farming. For the first year, if 200 matured Achatina Achatina snails breed 600 snails each, at the end of a year 60,000 snails can be matured and available for distributions and retail. So if you are breeding for commercial purposes, you have to ensure that the kind you rear is the kind adaptable to your area, and the kind that sells in the market. So the relative air humidity of your snail farm should not be near saturation, because it would encourage the development of harmful bacteria and fungi. Snails have very fast reproduction rate and have a tendency of turning out to be pests if their breeding is not controlled. This article, Snail Farming Business Plan In Nigeria gives you a complete cost analysis of snail farming in Nigeria. HURRY!!! The different kinds of snails grow at different rate. Snail farming may not be the first thing that jumps to mind when thinking of profitable businesses to start in Nigeria. The truth is that snail farming is not as difficult as people think. Likewise there are the much smaller ones such as the ants and termites you should also be aware of. In this article, we have made available all you need to know about starting a Snail Farming in Nigeria. Snail Farming Business Plan Free Download PDF in Nigeria, how to write a business proposal on snail farming pdf, snail farming business plan free download pdf, cost of starting a snail farm, free manual on snail farming pdf, snail meat processing business plan, where to buy snails for farming. You can even set up your snail farm at the backyard of your house to save cost … Snail farming is an act of rearing snails for commercial purposes in Nigeria. Also you need to know if you would like to start form hatchlings or from pre-adults snails. NIGERIA SNAIL FARMING BUSINESS PLAN/FEASIBILITY STUDY A cloth that is regularly wet can be used to regulate the temperature. Irrespective of this international market size, the demand for snail farming products in Nigeria is also extremely large. For a small scale production a covered box can be used for breeding while for a large scale production, a trench can be dug or a concrete pen made and covered with screen or wire all around to ensure the snails do not escape. It contains low fat & cholesterol levels. 2.2 Technology Snail farming is a large agribusiness in the United States and the United Kingdom. The farm should not be exposed to excessive wind hence the location would dry out and dehydrate your snails. The market opportunity for snail farming in Nigeria and in Africa is => FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK & TWITTER FOR LATEST UPDATES, => CHAT WITH OUR REPRESENTATIVE RIGHT NOW, Tags: cost analysis of snail farming in nigeria, cost of snail farming in nigeria, how lucrative is snail farming in nigeria, problems of snail farming in nigeria, snail farming for beginners, snail farming house, snail farming in nigeria 2020, snail farming pdf. Snails lay their eggs by the digging the soil and to rest during the dry season. They can be fed on leaves, fruits, or even formula from the feed store. This can be determined by checking the soil if it is a good growth of coco-yam, tomatoes and leafy vegetables. Snail farming is among the most productive, lucrative business in Nigeria. However, the magnitude of temperature and humidity fluctuations is reduced in areas of relatively undisturbed forest or fairly dense vegetation cover. 4.3 Personnel Plan One of the factors you have to consider before embarking on snail farming is Soil,Soil plays a major role in snail’s housing. Irrespective of this international market size, the demand for snail farming products in Nigeria is also extremely large. There are not many diseases identified in snail but fungus and bacterial diseases which are spread by contact have been noticed in overcrowded pens. What are the requirements needed to set up a snail farming Business in Nigeria? You can even set up your snail farm at the backyard of your house to save cost on the purchase of farmland. Requirements And Cost Of Starting A Snail Farming In Nigeria. Apart from the food to grow tissues, snails need calcium to grow shells as well. You should also note that prices of snails multiply during scarcity between March and December, which is the dry season. To place an order pay N7,000 to The Variable Costs include stock purchases, postage and packaging charges, sales commission and other expenses associated with the direct sale of goods and services. Financial plan for a small scale snail farm using a cage or free range system for 200 snail … 4.0 Snail Farm Management Summary The stocking density of the area you have has to be put into consideration for it affects the size of the snails you are growing. So you make money from both the eggs when they hatch and the appreciation of the size of the snail. You can site your farm in downhill sites, preferably those with good tree cover to reduce wind impact. In addition, the screen and wire is necessary for keeping away snakes, rats and other predators from feeding on the snails. 1.1 Snail Farm Objectives So if your plan has always been to start snail farming we have just what you need. The most desirable soil for snail farming is a soil with high organic matter it can support the growth and development of the snails. 3.0 Snail Farm Market Analysis Summary 2.1 Products and Service Description There are different snails bred in different areas of the world. The second factor to consider is how wind accelerates because it affects the moisture content of the soil. For a small scale production a covered box can be used for breeding while for a large scale production, a trench can be dug or a concrete pen made and covered with screen or wire all around to ensure the snails do not escape. The forest techniques could be really tricky, snails can be gotten from the forest with a base techniques, clear a small portion of land during rainy season and drop fruits like pineapple, pawpaw, plantain, and banana within 4/5pm in the evening. Snail Farming in Nigeria, Factors to Consider and Cost. So much recognition that many who are into snail farming in Nigeria are not exactly willing to let the others know about the farming methodology. If you Plant trees around snail pens will also help to reduce the wind speed and improve the micro-climate. Others mature in two years, but once they start growing, the big ones has to be separated from the small ones. To prevent snails from drying out, snail farm should be situated in sites that are protected from the wind. 3.2 Target Market Segment Strategy Because of all these factors, it is crucial that the soil is loose and that its calcium and water content is high. Have you ever wonder what it is like starting your own snail farm? Depending on the scale of snail farming you want to go into, your snails can be reared in a large covered box if you are considering small scale snail farming, or in a concrete pen with soil flooring, if you want to rear snails on a large scale. Starting Up Cost for Snail Farming. Many people don’t really know how lucrative is snail farming in Nigeria. Enter your BEST email address to receive notifications of your school Admission news, exam questions & answers, Job Alerts, and Money Making Tips by email. Projected Profit and Loss for 1,000 point of laying snails 1.3 Proposed Capacity 2.3 Sourcing and Fulfilment It is best to have trees like banana or plantain planted around your snail farm. 4.4 Raw Material Requirement You can start the business with N 40,000 – N 50,000 depending on the land space you have. Account Name – Ibeh Chinonso Emmanuel Moreover, it provides a substantial source of protein, to complement Nigerian carbohydrate meals. How much does not cost to start a snail farm? The SWOT analysis . This is because unlike other live stocks, they don’t mess up the environment, they are very quiet and easy to handle. This post will open your eyes to the amount of hidden-wealth that can be realized by starting a snail farming business in Nigeria. Only 15 Packs Left. You don’t even spend much in creating a place for the breeding and they reproduce at a fast rate. 2019 NIGERIA SNAIL FARM ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING/ DESIGN, INVEST IN THIS BUSINESS AND MAKE HUGE PROFIT.
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