You were talking directly to people where I felt like Paul had messages to the group. You said when you turned your key, this is a promise that I made. So, it’ll be interesting.”, Rob said, “So, was there something that happened in the jury house that you ultimately ended up saying, ‘I can’t vote for Paul? We had each other’s backs and Kevin went back on it. I was thinking the whole time, he’s playing the best game. Jessie came through.”. Does he go out that door on that Thursday?”, Cody said, “Who knows? I think that was that moment where I was like, ‘I was the underdog and I was underestimated and he’s a vet.’ So, that’s what I was thinking the whole time.”, Rob said, “The other name we were talking about was Steve Moses except he cut Vanessa and you kept Paul.”, Josh said, “The funny thing is that my mom saw that season with me and she loved Vanessa but she knew the game that she played. I mean just the other day, Paul and Josh had a hour and half conversation about bashing just Cody and I. Can you share with us what that promise was?”, Cody said, “I had a little influence in the jury house. I swear I have no idea. During the interview, Cody revealed exactly why his deciding vote went against houseguest Paul Abrahamian thus giving houseguest Josh Martinez the win. You’re America’s Favorite Player. This was in your arsenal. Ironically, they both became the runners-up of their seasons. But, if I see something that I don’t like, I say it and I speak on it. But, at the end of the day, I love those two and they’re friends for life and they’re stuck with me.”, Rob said, “Do you compare how this all went down at all to Ian and Dan five years ago?”, Josh said, “Yes, completely compared to it and that’s what I was thinking the whole time. So, people who say we didn’t have a social game. I literally said it how it is. They then fo… New ‘Once Upon A Time’ Season 7 Premiere Episode 1 Teaser Description Revealed By ABC, Big Brother 19 Mark And Elena Revealed Why They Voted Against Paul In The Finale, New The Bachelorette Spoilers For October 27, 2020 Episode 3 Revealed, New General Hospital Spoilers For October 26, 2020 Episode Revealed, New Days Of Our Lives Spoilers For October 26, 2020 Episode Revealed, New Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers For October 26, 2020 Episode Revealed, Big Brother 22 Spoilers: October 23, 2020 First Round HOH Winner Revealed, Big Brother 19 Cody Nickson Revealed Why He Voted Against Paul In The Finale, Big Brother Host Julie Chen Gave Harsh Criticism On Why Paul Lost The Season 19 Finale, Big Brother 20 Tyler Crispen Is Getting Negative Backlash From Upset Fans Over Something He Did, Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian Revealed His Thoughts About Losing A Second Season, Celebrity Big Brother Experienced Possible Major Change In Plans Last Night February 8, New Celebrity Big Brother HOH Winner Revealed For February 13, 2018, Big Brother Season 20 Houseguests Are Making Bad Plans For Kaitlyn Now. It turns out that Cody respected Josh’s game more since he got up in his face instead of doing things behind closed doors like Paul. And I did.”, Rob said, “So, in terms of going head to head with Paul, why did you want to go with Paul instead of Christmas? In Big Brother 18, Paul was initially very vocal about getting the returning players out, forming an alliance to go against them. It’s part of the game, and I played all along. If Paul had voted to evict Nicole instead of James, they would've received votes from every jury member except, If the Jury would have been the original seven person Jury in either of their seasons (thus removing Da'Vonne, Zakiyah, Cody and Elena from their respective Juries) and the same votes took place, Paul would have won both, Paul is the first HouseGuest to participate in a. Ironically, their biggest ally won the Battle Back on their first season, while their biggest enemy won it on their second. I know Jessica played a huge hand in it. I take all of that. I stuck loyal to them. Ha! So, I’m not gonna try and pretend like somebody’s bullying me.”. I was very straight forward the whole game and I wasn’t going to change that. Cody surprised me. Occupation: Clothing designer Paul managed to survive eviction while Victor was evicted. I’m a fan of the show and everything. I’m sure that the future is going to hold a lot of exciting things for you.” Josh said, “Thank you so much man. He played a great game so respect to his game. I’m gonna super glue myself to his body and that’s going to be the end of it. Coincidentally, they are the second HouseGuest (and the first male), after Alison, to have the Veto used on them three times and make the Final Two. Kevin was talking to Cody. And you end up being America’s favorite player. Paul's pronouns are now "they/them/theirs", but these bios were taken when they still used "he/him/his" pronouns, so they will remain unchanged. Your email address will not be published. Paul said it was a coward move and all that. Age: 23 100 percent.”, Rob said, “Do you feel like that you and Paul will continue a relationship outside the game?”. Then I realized I guess season 19 is a season where people don’t compete. You guys can’t watch. There was no promise. So, that was interesting. I love going to shows and concerts for the crowd surfing, mosh pits, stage diving, [and] all the fun stuff. So, as soon as her vote dropped, I said, ‘Paul, I lost.’ And then boom! Jess, you said that if you had a vote, you would’ve voted for Paul. I was thinking Ian beat Dan, and Dan played the whole house. Once you returned to the house, what did you plan to change about your game?”, Cody said, “Following Jess’ game.” Rob said, “You seemed like once Jess was gone you were rising. We would’ve both been happy how we came to terms with that.”. I gave them my word and I’m going to final three with them because that’s what I said I was gonna do, and I never went back on my word.”, Rob said, “Let’s talk about the goodbye messages because you said you’re a super fan. So, what are we supposed to do? Not only do I take away that I won and I lived out a dream but the maturity and growth that I gained and the friends. Paul has won the most competitions in Big Brother history with 14 wins over their two seasons. Due to this and making final 2 twice, Paul has been seen as one of the greatest players in recent years, comparing them to Big Brother legends Derrick Levasseur and Vanessa Rousso. The way he was having conversations with them. This week when either Matt or Raven head to jury, there will be seven houseguests left in the Big Brother 19 house. Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know how much but a little.” Rob said, “So, who did you make a promise to?” Cody said,”No,no,no. I was honest. Paul was considered a very aggressive player, being unafraid to make big moves, willing to confront others, and having a hand in numerous evictions. I knew she was thinking, ‘Take a shot at Paul.’ But, I knew that if I stuck to him in jury that I would probably have it and I did. I was truthful the whole time. And that Paul would be arrogant enough to think that by bringing Josh with him he would be guaranteed a win.”, Rob said, “I think that you were a transformative figure in the history of reality TV Cody. I can’t process that I won. The interview started off with Rob saying, “We talked about this for pretty much the last month. Paul made sure that if anyone spoke to us they were targeted. And that’s just who I am. The true friendships that I gained with Paul and Christmas. Instead of focusing on competitions, Paul had turned their attention to being more skilled at being manipulative. I was honest. Paul is one of ten HouseGuests that have played in back-to-back seasons (the others being. Ask Robin Cass.” Jess said, “It was a Julie interview that came out where she said that it was a debate. Obviously, Paul did not know that happened. A resistance.”, Cody said, “Me and Jessica were beat down the whole time we were in the house together. Paul is the first person to win the Final POV twice. I got some questions for you from the listeners. The other eight are, Paul is the first male to lose to a female in the Final Two in the American version. Because I watched this hear at CBS in a room of about 40 people. Even so if he would’ve went out, me and Jess probably would’ve ran things. You were the one person that was like, ‘I don’t want to be here.’ You don’t wanna be talking to me. Maybe not.”, Rob said, “In that parallel universe where Paul is not in the house do you feel like you two would have been able to dominate the action, or would you have been a target like a Rachel and Brendan?”, Cody said, “It’s hard to say. He got way more out of him than Dr. Will Kirby did for CBS. Alright guys. I’m sure he would’ve sold some snake oil to these people. An hour and a half. Recently, Rob Cesternino from “Rob Has A Podcast” caught up to houseguests Cody Nickson (above right) and Jessica Graf (above left) after the Big Brother season 19 finale show this past Wednesday night, September 20,2017. I actually pretty much figured it would be Paul and Josh in the end. You can say this and that, but it was all the truth. He seemed upset. You couldn’t bring yourself to do it? Talking to Mark and talking to all these people. On my goodbye messages, I said listen I stuck loyal to them. I was honest and it worked.”, Rob said, “So, in terms of your Big Brother future, do you wanna play Big Brother again ,or do you feel like you’re done with Big Brother?”, Josh said, “Honestly, I need some time to decompress. Ironically, they were wearing the exact same outfit at both of their finales. I played it from speech. I wasn’t just going to lay there that last week.”. They then beat that record their second time around, as they won 8 competitions on, Likewise, every time Paul was HoH, they always nominated at least one female when possible. Paul returned to cameo in a musical number in the premiere HOH competition of.
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