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RZRisk includes a database loaded with a century’s worth of wildfire perimeters. RZRisk Site Hazard Score evaluates several key drivers of localized fire hazard – Fuel, Slope and Aspect, Expected fire frequency and Potential fire behavior. While the Site Hazard is important, it does not represent a full snapshot of the entire hazard at any given location. Fire intensity is a robust fire characteristic that integrates two important fire characteristics—fuel consumption and spread rate. Wildfires have increased dramatically during the past decade. RedZone‘s RZRisk service identifies wildfire hazard by evaluating a number of factors that correlate to structure loss, such as immediate hazards near a property and the proximity to areas capable of producing significant ember showers. “We consider scores up to 50 to be low risk, 51 to 60 moderate, 60 to 80 high and 81 to 100 extreme wildfire risk,” said Tom Jeffery, senior hazard scientist with CoreLogic. This enables each RZRisk hazard report to include all known fires that have ever burned near the target location. We also analyze historical wildfire records so underwriters can see both the frequency and the extent of previous wildfire damage in the area. Wildfire property risk layers from CoreLogic can be delivered according to your business needs – and most recently include an easy and affordable desktop option which gives even smaller companies the ability to manage their book of business’ wildfire risk and more accurately price individual policies. RZRisk classifications include zones of direct wildfire hazard, ember fall zones, and areas at risk for evacuation or smoke damage. // ]]>, Privacy Notices | Conditions of Use | Cookie Preferences © 2008, 2020 Verisk Analytics, Inc. All rights reserved.USA: 1-800-888-4476 Global: + 800 48977489, ISO Electronic Numerical Listings of Classification Codes, California, Colorado wildfires show extreme behavior amid heatwaves, Verisk 2020 wildfire risk analysis keeps pace with growing threat, Fast-spreading Apple Fire spurs evacuations in California. The area directly around a structure is an important indicator of its susceptibility to loss from an approaching wildfire. There are three critical factors that affect the risk of wildfire loss: 1. } With deeper understanding of these effects, you can underwrite and manage your wildfire exposure with greater insight. Post-event aerial data is transformed into precise property details that you can use to compare and contrast structural details following a catastrophic event. Real time updates for wildfires in Nevada and general fire prevention information. All Rights Reserved. Rugged terrain is a compounding factor because it accelerates fire behavior and inhibits suppression efforts. “Set a Premium That Will Deliver a Profit”. Depending upon the HVRA and fire intensity level in question, fire effects could be negative or positive. Information is the lifeblood of risk and capital management, especially for catastrophes and weather events. fax: (866) 266-2734. Wildfire Frequency While the Site Hazard is important, it does not represent a full snapshot of the entire hazard at any given location. Of equal concern is the proximity to large areas of contiguous fuel that could sustain a major wildfire. Our role is to guide you to recognize the risk, understand why it exists and to drive profitable growth. Our FireLine® Risk Reports contain complete state or provincial-level risk analyses. Read our FAQs. Fill out the form to receive a copy of the report. Wildfire Explore maps of current fire locations and perimeters in the conterminous 48 States and Alaska as well as view and download land-fire data sets, receive alerts and notifications. Further questions about RZRisk? if (!key.length) continue; Here's How It Works . PCS® provides immediate access to the severe weather data you need to manage your business effectively and efficiently. Filter Total Items: 2 Where there is sufficient fuel for long flame lengths and intense heat, live embers will be lifted into the prevailing wind. This is RedZone’s Zone Hazard. Loss exposure will continue to increase as the wildland-urban interface (WUI) is further developed and building occurs in areas of high hazard. var keyValPairs = []; Between 2000 and 2013, almost 70% of the buildings destroyed by wildfire were in this wildland–urban interface, or WUI, which has been mapped in detail across the lower 48 states by researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. *AB, AZ, BC, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OK, OR, TX, UT, WA, and WY, Learn more about the Verisk wildfire risk analysis, Have a Sales Rep Contact Me | Have Customer Support Contact Me, // .
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